If you say black people are "fooled" into voting dem you are a racist.

So then you’re saying what? Are you insinuating that blacks are violent criminals that will attack folks simply for exercising their 1st amendment rights and telling truths you and they cannot refute? So you have no rational argument opposed to the truths I presented, so all you have left is insults and threats, right Goober?

why does the right insist that black people are stupid and or greedy all the time?

the real problem is all that chicken they eat ...(eye roll) Don't people think before they speak?
In a meeting of the state’s Economic Opportunity Poverty Reduction Task Force Wednesday, Colorado State Sen. Vicki Marble (R) delivered a long monologue suggesting that the reason for poverty among certain minority groups was that they eat too much chicken and barbecue.

Discussing statistics about racial disparities in the poverty rate, KVDR Denver reports, Marble claimed that the studies ignored drug addiction and poor diets common among Latino- and African-American families.

MARBLE: When you look at life expectancy, there are problems in the black race: sickle-cell anemia is something that comes up, diabetes is something that’s prevalent in the genetic makeup and you just can’t help it… Although I’ve got to say, I’ve never had better barbecue and better chicken and ate better in my life than when you go down south and you — I mean love it and everybody loves it. The Mexican diet in Mexico with all of the fresh vegetables. And you go down there and they’re much thinner than when they come up here… they change their diet.

Listen to the hearing here.

A July study by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization found that obesity rates are actually higher in Mexico than in the United States.

Another task force member, Rep. Rhonda Fields (D) responded, saying, “The title for this committee is Economic Opportunity Poverty Reduction; and one of the things I will not tolerate is racist and insensitive comments about African Americans, the color of their skin. What you mentioned that we eat — I was highly offended by your remarks.” She added that she would not “engage in a dialogue where I’m in the company, where you are using these stereotyped references about African American and chicken and food… this is not what this committee is all about… it’s not about chicken.”
they pander to the way too stupid and stubborn base of the republican party.

Its a base that ronny rayguns courted with "welfare queens in caddys".

Its fortunately a dying base
why does the right insist that black people are stupid and or greedy all the time?

In my political observations many/most partisan individuals tend to think those that don't vote the same way they do are stupid. The thought process usually being something along the lines of "i'm a thinking individual and because I rationally and logically determined who I was going to vote for someone who doesn't come to the same conclusion as me must not be a thinking individual ergo stupid." Now you are breaking down the group as a whole (who are being called stupid) into subsets and asking why those subsets are being singled out when in reality it's really the group being referenced.

I thought Romney talking about the 47% the way he did in that video was just stupid (not even talking here about the political implications of it, just about what he actually meant) but it has given on whole knew meaning to the "takers". But there does seem to be a blurring of the line between 'voting in your own best interests' i.e. support the group that promises you more and being 'greedy'.
was the Iraq war gone to on a pile of lies?

did your GREAT LEADER Bush produce the shit you claimed he would when you elected him?

did robmoney win by five points?

Can you repeal Obama care?

were there death panels in Obama care?

Is Obama a Muslim?

Is Obama a Kenyan?

dude the right lies non stop.

why back the fucking lairs?
why the fuck do you people back a party that does nothing but lie and cheat people out of their votes?

Has Obama done what's he promised Desh or has it been a bunch of lies as well? Seems you make a pretty good argument for why people should vote third party.
Has Obama done what's he promised Desh or has it been a bunch of lies as well? Seems you make a pretty good argument for why people should vote third party.

Then you should be loving what Obama has done huh?

If hes done nothing he campaigned on then you should be praising him.

Why are you NOT praising him?
You're poor? I always got the impression you were a spoiled little rich kid, ;).

Haha, my old man was a college professor. How many rich college professors do you know? (if you know any they are the exception not the rule)