If you say black people are "fooled" into voting dem you are a racist.

apparently Darla has accepted her crushing defeat...

For some reason this post brought to mind a Jezebel story I read a few months ago. In the comments section women were exchanging oral sex stories. And I remember this one woman relayed the story an old boyfriend doing this and after about 80 seconds, she made the mistake of letting out some small sound, upon which he immediately ceased, and said "I'm glad I was able to give you such pleasure". She broke up with him the next morning.

Perspective and ego are interesting.
For some reason this post brought to mind a Jezebel story I read a few months ago. In the comments section women were exchanging oral sex stories. And I remember this one woman relayed the story an old boyfriend doing this and after about 80 seconds, she made the mistake of letting out some small sound, upon which he immediately ceased, and said "I'm glad I was able to give you such pleasure". She broke up with him the next morning.

Perspective and ego are interesting.

Yes, they are interesting. You side with a complete lunatic, fail to learn the error you both are making and then you pretend you have made a valid point. Your perspective is quite delusional, yet you believe you have shown intelligence on the topic.
For some reason this post brought to mind a Jezebel story I read a few months ago. In the comments section women were exchanging oral sex stories. And I remember this one woman relayed the story an old boyfriend doing this and after about 80 seconds, she made the mistake of letting out some small sound, upon which he immediately ceased, and said "I'm glad I was able to give you such pleasure". She broke up with him the next morning.

Perspective and ego are interesting.

apparently Darla has accepted her crushing defeat...

When will you "guys" learn - because it's mostly guys - someone walking away doesn't mean they lost. But if it makes you feel better, go ahead and think it. Just like a pig in the mud thinks they've won when someone refuses to wrestle with them....
I'd say dickbag is a gendered insult. I'd also say that it's like comparing the n word with "cracker".

Only whiny white dudes do it and to normal people it makes no sense.

LOL - like when you compared "gal" to the n-word...ON THIS THREAD?

Love the irony out of you. Wish you were reading this, which you probably are.
According to the black racist, separatist leftist Democrats blacks that marry white women and associate with whites and actually practice the Integration that they themselves say they support are Uncle Tom white ass kissing suckers. All the while those black racist, separatist leftist bastard Democrats are practicing separation and anti-integration by belonging to and supporting the NAACP, the National Negro College Fund, and the Congressional Black Caucus. They're not just racist bastards, they're fucking hypocrites and liars too.

Sit your fat ass down in a seat....and speak only when spoken to, cretin.
What fucking “injustice” is being done to blacks in America today Goober? All you’re doing is beating the fucking dead ”victim” horse. When will y’all tire of that shit and face reality? The NAACP is a fucking separatist, racist institution. If it weren’t, it would be the National Association For The Advancement Of All People. i. e. the NAAAP.

So they don’t fit your racist separatist ideology because they have white wives and associate with white people, right racist separatist Goober? So they actually practice “integration?” So you talk about integration out of your crooked racist, separatist mouth with forked tongue, right Goober? You promote SEPERATION & RACISM and keeping with ”YOUR OWN KIND” right rascist? Your ever post makes my case Goober!

MSNBC, is a fucking left-wing racist, separatist race-baiting, slave owning promotion program .

You’re no liberal. A liberal supports, promotes, protects and defends the Constitution and the very, very liberal Bill Of Rights of the United States. You’re a fucking leftist that has nothing to do with liberalism. You’re a fucking racist separatist bitch promoting socialism, phony victimhood slavery of the poor to reliance on BIG socialist government.
to listen to you tell it. You don't know your ass from your elbow. Stfu, until I send for you.
To say 97% of black people ARE FOOLED into voting Democratic is saying 97% of black people are fools and is racist.

to say that 3% of black people are so dishonest they will vote for the party that hates 97% of black people is not racist.

Baby being called a racist by a dumb fuck like you means nothing