If you say black people are "fooled" into voting dem you are a racist.

If you say black people are "fooled" into voting dem you are a racist.

how is it 97% of black people are so easy to fool like this statement claims?
it's imperative that we have entities like the NAACP to remind folks that injustice here is injustice everywhere.

What fucking “injustice” is being done to blacks in America today Goober? All you’re doing is beating the fucking dead ”victim” horse. When will y’all tire of that shit and face reality? The NAACP is a fucking separatist, racist institution. If it weren’t, it would be the National Association For The Advancement Of All People. i. e. the NAAAP.

Republicans and conservatives, who would sell their own mothers "down the river" for a white trophy wife and country club privileges (Hello, Clarence Thomas, Larry Elder, Herman Cain, Allen West, et al.)

So they don’t fit your racist separatist ideology because they have white wives and associate with white people, right racist separatist Goober? So they actually practice “integration?” So you talk about integration out of your crooked racist, separatist mouth with forked tongue, right Goober? You promote SEPERATION & RACISM and keeping with ”YOUR OWN KIND” right rascist? Your ever post makes my case Goober!

And give it a rest. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are no longer the "race-baiters d' jour". Sharpton has a political news program on MSNBC, PoliticsNation,

MSNBC, is a fucking left-wing racist, separatist race-baiting, slave owning promotion program .

And quit telling black liberals and me, in particular, to move and go somewhere else. You don't like being called out, and called the last bitch, you leave and find some other place to be, bitch. I was born here...and likely will die here...and as long as I'm here, I have just as much right, if not more, to be here, than you...you un-American lowlife scum bucket, fascist, racist mf'er.

You’re no liberal. A liberal supports, promotes, protects and defends the Constitution and the very, very liberal Bill Of Rights of the United States. You’re a fucking leftist that has nothing to do with liberalism. You’re a fucking racist separatist bitch promoting socialism, phony victimhood slavery of the poor to reliance on BIG socialist government.
Gal is the female equivalent of guy.

If people want to get offended by that, there are probably loads of things that they can spend their time getting offended about.

sweetheart is a term of endearment.

I have had it used on me like an epitath.

Do you deny this is possible?
You're still missing the point. Aren't you saying the same thing about the 3%...that they were "fooled" as well?

Why does the % matter? Read the title of your OP.

Yes I think they are fools and or greedy.

do you realize that 4 in 100 people are sociopaths?

How many in 100 are below average intelligence?

that is not racism

its facts
sweetheart is a term of endearment.

I have had it used on me like an epitath.

Do you deny this is possible?

Oh yeah, I hate that. Your guy can say it to you and it's a caress...some prick in the office can say it to you, or some guy on the street, and it's an expression of contempt, or can even feel threatening.