If you say black people are "fooled" into voting dem you are a racist.

It's a word, like "guy," which indicates gender. It is not derogatory or insulting in any way.

You just have a fierce double-standard when it comes to that stuff. Incredible hypocrisy, actually.

YOU don't state what's sexist. You're a white guy. You have no standing.

I am pretty certain I just wrote this.

I really never had any idea you were such a prick. You're Superfreak, except that to be honest, he's funnier and I like him better. Talk about jumping the shark.
YOU don't state what's sexist. You're a white guy. You have no standing.

I am pretty certain I just wrote this.

I really never had any idea you were such a prick. You're Superfreak, except that to be honest, he's funnier and I like him better. Talk about jumping the shark.


And how can desh then state what is racist, as a white gal?
Is Jay Z racisssttttttttt? He says the n word! But whitey can't say it! It's not faaaaaaaaaaaaair.

Jesus. Onceler. Can you imagine? Really not looking good for men when Onceler gets a little scratch and starts gushing sexism.
Is Jay Z racisssttttttttt? He says the n word! But whitey can't say it! It's not faaaaaaaaaaaaair.

Jesus. Onceler. Can you imagine? Really not looking good for men when Onceler gets a little scratch and starts gushing sexism.

Silly, sort of laughable comparison.

You're really a loon, you know.
YOU don't state what's sexist. You're a white guy. You have no standing.

I am pretty certain I just wrote this.

I really never had any idea you were such a prick. You're Superfreak, except that to be honest, he's funnier and I like him better. Talk about jumping the shark.

YOU don't state what's sexist. You're a white woman. You have no standing.

ROFLMAO... seriously... you actually think someone else on the board is more arrogant than you?
the above is also true then...

Nope its not you idiot.

because one is a tiny fraction of the black populace and the other is the VAST majority of blacks.

now you gonna deny math along with science and history?

Oh wait your an Austrian school guy right so you already deny math
Nope its not you idiot.

because one is a tiny fraction of the black populace and the other is the VAST majority of blacks.

It doesn't matter if it is 1 black person vs. every other black person on the planet. You are saying the person is too stupid to know better simply because they are black. That is racist no matter how many people you say it to.
But stating that 3% of black voters are too stupid to know what is in their best interests is not?

think about this you fucking anisbrain.

here are two quotes.

"I hate 97 percent of the black people Ive known"

"I hate 3% of the black people Ive known".

which person would you consider to be racist?
Yeah, I know. Darla can call me dogshit, an asshole & clueless, and it's all in a day's work. But gal? Oooh, boy - that's steppin' over the line.

um bill gates has billions of dollars. how many women have billions of dollars? Only oprah. .00001% of the population that have yachts are all men. so like, fuck off. you can't use gal.
Nope its not you idiot.

because one is a tiny fraction of the black populace and the other is the VAST majority of blacks.

now you gonna deny math along with science and history?

Oh wait your an Austrian school guy right so you already deny math

Read the title of your OP. Really study it, and think about it.

It's not about the #. It's about the generalization.

Once again - you have exposed yourself, on your own thread.