If you say black people are "fooled" into voting dem you are a racist.

Sorry, gals. If you look at the OP and (particularly) the OP title, you're either kind of dumb, or hypocrites.

"If you say black people are 'fooled' into voting dem, you are a racist."

For the 3% (who aren't wealthy)...aren't you saying that they are being 'fooled' into voting Republican?
There is no Democratic slave master narrative, except the one made up by the jealous Republican Party, behind the fact that they have no message which would draw any "thinking blacks" to them.

Democrats are Slave Masters who have instituted the socialist welfare vote buying scam that keeps idiot blacks and idiots of other skin colors in a state of poverty and government reliance. Democrats convince their idiot slaves that they are incapable of self-worth, self-reliance and incapable of being successful and thereby need be wards of the BIG socialist government state. The Democrats have their black “task masters” that convince idiot blacks that their life’s position is the fault of whites, especially white Republicans and libertarians. They convince idiot blacks that they are owed a living simply by way of being black. The two most famous black task masters are of course the racist, separatist race-baiting bastards Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.
You pretend that there isn't a divide, made by and promoted, actively, by racist whites, who benefit from the divide.

I pretend no such thing I expose the ”DIVIDE.” I simply expose the ”FACT” that the divide is instituted by SEPERATIST blacks. It’s the blacks that avoid integration and establish their own separatist institutions and even identify themselves by color and foreign nationality. They’re not Americans, they’re ”African” Americans with African American institutions. The NAACP, the NNCF and the CBC.
Of course there is a need to institute and advertise a group, based on skin color, separate from their white counterparts. The whites set it up that way, and now you want to complain about what you set in motion, and somebody picked up the football and ran for a touchdown, and you're pissed?????????????????? Fuck off.

But whites for the better part have set aside their separatist views and institutions that rejected people of color. They fought and died to end black slavery, passed constitutional amendments to guarantee equality under thye law for people of every skin color. It’s only the racist separatist blacks that still insist on separation, separate institutions, the NAACP, the CBC, the NNCF and skin color identification and hyphenated foreign nationalism.
I pretend no such thing I expose the ”DIVIDE.” I simply expose the ”FACT” that the divide is instituted by SEPERATIST blacks. It’s the blacks that avoid integration and establish their own separatist institutions and even identify themselves by color and foreign nationality. They’re not Americans, they’re ”African” Americans with African American institutions. The NAACP, the NNCF and the CBC.

Are you saying whites don't belong to any of them? Be right back.
Really, CL? How many CEOs are not white? How many politicians? How many golf clubs have large numbers of minorities in them?

Most institutions of power are still white institutions with maybe some token black people.
But whites for the better part have set aside their separatist views and institutions that rejected people of color. They fought and died to end black slavery, passed constitutional amendments to guarantee equality under thye law for people of every skin color. It’s only the racist separatist blacks that still insist on separation, separate institutions, the NAACP, the CBC, the NNCF and skin color identification and hyphenated foreign nationalism.

and are NOW trying to keep black people from voting so they can gain power illegally
Sorry, gals. If you look at the OP and (particularly) the OP title, you're either kind of dumb, or hypocrites.

"If you say black people are 'fooled' into voting dem, you are a racist."

For the 3% (who aren't wealthy)...aren't you saying that they are being 'fooled' into voting Republican?

Really kind of simple...