If you say black people are "fooled" into voting dem you are a racist.

You are stupid. The Republican Congress is the de facto CWC. They don't have to state the obvious, for it to be reality. The CBC is the antithesis to it.

Even if that were true, and you can’t prove it is, the whites at least aren’t “advertising” a ”separatist” ideology and caucusing within such an institution. Thereby blacks that claim supporting ”integration are fucking liars because they’re advertising and actual practicing SEPARATION.
how many people of color believe the stupid montra your trying to sell?

oh about 3%

So you think you get to tell them what is in their best interests? Because you know what is best for them? Good thing they have a white woman looking out for them that will tell them how to vote to avoid being stupid.
So you think you get to tell them what is in their best interests? Because you know what is best for them? Good thing they have a white woman looking out for them that will tell them how to vote to avoid being stupid.

why do you hate white women?

I have as much right as any black or other colored man to say what I believe you fucking cocknuzzlker
It's so interesting that you see a distinction here. Saying that ALL of one group of people are stupid, based on nothing more than a vote, is certainly racist, if you buy into the premise of the OP. It shouldn't matter whether we're talking about 97% or 3%. That you don't understand the distinction speaks to the rather limited capacity of your brain.

And you think MOST are stupid, anyway. Which is also wonderfully ironic.

Yes, I think that. I also have stated that anyone who isn't rich and votes republican is stupid, or better stated; they have stupid reasons for doing so. I haven't heard a good one yet.

But as you can see, I did not say that just black people who vote republican are stupid. I said that all people who aren't wealthy who vote republican are stupid. Fact is, most of em are white. Your racism claim is just you acting out. I thought it was very encouraging that you seemed to realize this and even gave yourself a "timeout" and went to drink some sort of special tea you have for when you get like this. Very encouraging!
No moron, you have lost... badly...

It has nothing to do with how many people. It doesn't change regardless of whether you tell one person or 100 million people. The arrogance is there if you tell them that YOU know THEY are voting against their best interests or that they are stupid because of their vote. IF as Desh says it is racist to say that to the 97%, then it is also racist to say it to the 3%. WHO the fuck is she to decide for them what is in their best interest?

Can't help but notice that you ignore that final question... just as Desh ran away from answering it.

Well you don't really have to be anyone special to look at policy and discern which party most often puts forward policies that favor solely or almost solely, the wealthy.

I did answer that question already btw, very early on. You don't like the answer, and you have a habit of stamping your feet until you get the answer you want. That's too bad. For you.
why do you hate white women?

I have as much right as any black or other colored man to say what I believe you fucking cocknuzzlker

Actually that is sort of interesting because Darla has stated that in certain areas when it comes to feminism and minorities that white man don't have a right to speak about it. In her defense Darla has also stated she hates white men so she is consistent.
Actually that is sort of interesting because Darla has stated that in certain areas when it comes to feminism and minorities that white man don't have a right to speak about it. In her defense Darla has also stated she hates white men so she is consistent.

I have stated that I hate white men? If I weren't too much of a lady I would tell you what I was doing with one this weekend...be pretty hard to make a case for hate. But even I can't blurt this out.
why do you hate white women?
I have as much right as any black or other colored man to say what I believe you fucking cocknuzzlker

The irony is so fucking thick it is getting ridiculous.

Everyone has a right to their own opinion and everyone has a right to voice it. I have never said they don't you fucking moron.

You are saying that black people who don't vote the way you want them to are idiots. You have the right to say that. Just as some idiot on the right has the right to say that black people who vote for Dems are idiots. You both have that right. You think the right winger saying it is racist, but that when you say the same fucking thing that it is not racist. That is why we are mocking you.
Actually that is sort of interesting because Darla has stated that in certain areas when it comes to feminism and minorities that white man don't have a right to speak about it. In her defense Darla has also stated she hates white men so she is consistent.

And actually what I have said is not that white men have "no right" to speak...no one can give or take that right, that's just silly. I have said they have no standing on certain things. For instance, what I have said many times is that Supefreak doesn't get to say what is and isn't sexist. He has no standing. HE has every right to shoot his mouth off and make an ass of himself though.
I have stated that I hate white men? If I weren't too much of a lady I would tell you what I was doing with one this weekend...be pretty hard to make a case for hate. But even I can't blurt this out.

You have but I think it was partially tongue-in cheek.
If it were up to the Repubs, there wouldn't even be any black representation at all. The Repubs don't have the black community's interests at heart, and so you want to criticize blacks for aligning themselves to the party where they actually have a voice, and are paid attention to???????????????????

Black Republicans Herman Cain, Frederick Douglass, Alan Keyes, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Michael Steele,, Clarence Thomas, Allen West.

Black libertarians, http://www.ranker.com/list/notable-black-libertarians/mrporcupine
You have but I think it was partially tongue-in cheek.

The only time I've ever said that it was because someone like bravo or ila or dy said darla hates white men. And I have laughed and mocked it by saying, well don't forget how I hate white men. I certainly never said it seriously, that's just stupid. And there is nothing "partial" about it.