If you say black people are "fooled" into voting dem you are a racist.

Yep, sure is. If you believe that 97% of any race are dumbfucks, you're a racist, who only likes a "few of them because hey, Michael Jordan is totally cool, he's not like the rest". If you believe 3% of any race are dumb fucks, you are just guilty of bad math. Because the number is far higher no matter the race. Most people are dumb.

No, it is not. To say the 'idiots' are the 3% is no less racist than to say the 97% are simply because of how they vote. It is the same fucking thing. Desh thinks she gets to decide for them what is in their best interests. Are you suggesting they all have the same interests because of their skin pigmentation levels? That is pretty fucking racist.
Well, I have to get some work done boys. Unfortunately I work for a living and can't spend all day applying relaxing lotions to myself and sipping exotic teas waiting for my blood pressure to go down. Though, luckily, my blood pressure is 110/70, so I don't have to.

I'll be back to kicks your asses some more later!
No, it is not. To say the 'idiots' are the 3% is no less racist than to say the 97% are simply because of how they vote. It is the same fucking thing. Desh thinks she gets to decide for them what is in their best interests. Are you suggesting they all have the same interests because of their skin pigmentation levels? That is pretty fucking racist.

WHY you are saying 97% are stupid, is irrelevant. Anyone who claims 97% of any one particular race is dumb, is racist. You know it. I know it. Stomping your feet and saying the same thing over and over won't change that. I already won this point.
WHY you are saying 97% are stupid, is irrelevant. Anyone who claims 97% of any one particular race is dumb, is racist. You know it. I know it. Stomping your feet and saying the same thing over and over won't change that. I already won this point.

It's so interesting that you see a distinction here. Saying that ALL of one group of people are stupid, based on nothing more than a vote, is certainly racist, if you buy into the premise of the OP. It shouldn't matter whether we're talking about 97% or 3%. That you don't understand the distinction speaks to the rather limited capacity of your brain.

And you think MOST are stupid, anyway. Which is also wonderfully ironic.
So, you would then say that most black people ARE stupid.

Desh? Thoughts?

its not racist if she includes all people you idiot.

I don't Think most people are stupid.

that doesn't even make sense.

Sorry Darla but I beg to disagree on this issue.

Smart or dumb when it come to humans is all relative.

you take all humans and grade them by smarts (or anything pretty much) and the smartest ones are a small group and the dumbest ones will be a larger group.

The largest group will be the inbetweeners.

Most people are relatively intelligent.

most people are average

Some are brillent

and some are complete fucking idiots
WHY you are saying 97% are stupid, is irrelevant. Anyone who claims 97% of any one particular race is dumb, is racist. You know it. I know it. Stomping your feet and saying the same thing over and over won't change that. I already won this point.

No moron, you have lost... badly...

It has nothing to do with how many people. It doesn't change regardless of whether you tell one person or 100 million people. The arrogance is there if you tell them that YOU know THEY are voting against their best interests or that they are stupid because of their vote. IF as Desh says it is racist to say that to the 97%, then it is also racist to say it to the 3%. WHO the fuck is she to decide for them what is in their best interest?

Can't help but notice that you ignore that final question... just as Desh ran away from answering it.
its not racist if she includes all people you idiot.

I don't Think most people are stupid.

that doesn't even make sense.

Sorry Darla but I beg to disagree on this issue.

Smart or dumb when it come to humans is all relative.

you take all humans and grade them by smarts (or anything pretty much) and the smartest ones are a small group and the dumbest ones will be a larger group.

The largest group will be the inbetweeners.

Most people are relatively intelligent.

most people are average

Some are brillent

and some are complete fucking idiots

you have proven that last one time and again.

[rey-siz-uhm] Show IPA

a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.

hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
to say 97% of black people are stupid and or greedy is racism.

to say 3% are stupid and or greedy is not racism
you people can pretend your party is not racist all you want.

Only racists who are ashamed of their own racism are the ones who will back you.

That is why demographics are killing your party
to say 97% of black people are stupid and or greedy is racism.

to say 3% are stupid and or greedy is not racism

You're saying that every single black American who has ever voted Republican, and who is not wealthy, is stupid.

According to your own logic from the OP: that is a racist sentiment.