If you say black people are "fooled" into voting dem you are a racist.

I share her opinion, and I will tell you who the fuck I am. I am someone who has every right to express my opinion of their actions. IMO their actions make them dumb fucks.

How is that tough guy?

LMAO... you are also a buffoon. Desh claims that people are racist for saying that black people are 'stupid/ignorant/etc...' if they vote for Dems. Then she turns around and says they are 'stupid/ignorant/etc...' if they vote for Reps. She is doing the EXACT same fucking thing she is saying makes others racist.
The irony here of course is Desh likes to say how Republicans walk in lock step and Democrats have a big tent with many different ideas. Of course the minute you state one different idea she labels you a con. Annata states one different idea Desh labels her a con. She tried to state leaning right was a con as well.

I don't know Annata, but they don't strike me as a conservative. However leaning right I do know. He's a very conservative person, who is only saved from being a typical righty by his bad habit of giving a shit about workers. If it weren't for that he could be Superfreak. Well, that and the fact that he has a decent personality, so he also has that working against him.
What black people you buffoon, 99 percent of the poor who vote for Republicans are white morons. You and Onceler are so full of horseshit with this disingenuous line of attack.

The OP is what is full of it. If you had any brain left whatsoever, or didn't feel some sort of reactive maternal instinct to protect desh at all costs, you'd get that.
LMAO... you are also a buffoon. Desh claims that people are racist for saying that black people are 'stupid/ignorant/etc...' if they vote for Dems. Then she turns around and says they are 'stupid/ignorant/etc...' if they vote for Reps. She is doing the EXACT same fucking thing she is saying makes others racist.

I honestly have no idea what you are talking about, but you should have your blood pressure checked.
What black people you buffoon, 99 percent of the poor who vote for Republicans are white morons. You and Onceler are so full of horseshit with this disingenuous line of attack.

The '3%' Desh keeps calling ignorant/stupid/voting against their best interests because they are voting for Reps. Are you too ignorant to keep up with the conversation?
The irony here of course is Desh likes to say how Republicans walk in lock step and Democrats have a big tent with many different ideas. Of course the minute you state one different idea she labels you a con. Annata states one different idea Desh labels her a con. She tried to state leaning right was a con as well.

Look idiot you on the right are very deceptive people.

ANYONE who was watching what was going on would know that the current republican party will DO NOTHING Obama wants.

They have been voting against their own ideas and OWN BILLS when Obama says he will sign them into law.

There is NO working with this current crop of republicans.

They are not even "my way or the highway" stupid.

They are Kill the government stupid
Well with the near complete corporate takeover of the two party system, it's hard to say if your best interests lie anywhere, but definitely not with the Republican party. Also, the reasons people who aren't wealthy vote Republican are just stupid. I read this great study once, in "death by a thousand tax cuts" which showed that like 38% of Americans believed they would one day be in the top 2 percent, and here is where it's really stunning - almost the same number believed they already were in the top 2%! LOL

Man, that tells you everything right there. Or should. I bet we have a few like that here, but I don't want to mention any names.

It's the belief that one can make it into the top 2% that has made America what it is. If everyone just took it easy and paced themselves, like me, we'd have gotten nowhere.
I honestly have no idea what you are talking about, but you should have your blood pressure checked.

Then perhaps you should STFU and read the thread, then perhaps you would understand. You are truly comical, every time you realize you are wrong, you revert to the 'u be angry' nonsense.
The '3%' Desh keeps calling ignorant/stupid/voting against their best interests because they are voting for Reps. Are you too ignorant to keep up with the conversation?

So, are you saying that 100% of black people are smart? Far more than 3% of whiteys are dumb fucks, as we see on these boards daily (no offense). What's your premise? All black people are wise? Is this the magical negro thing? Cause that's racist.

Cawacko where is your "that's racist" gif? I have need of it.
The '3%' Desh keeps calling ignorant/stupid/voting against their best interests because they are voting for Reps. Are you too ignorant to keep up with the conversation?

Yes you see all people no matter what color have stupid a sociopathic people like all other groups of people.

Its mankind you fucking idiot sociopath
Then perhaps you should STFU and read the thread, then perhaps you would understand. You are truly comical, every time you realize you are wrong, you revert to the 'u be angry' nonsense.

I'm not wrong at all, as usual you Cawacko, and Onceler are on Desh like a pack of wild hyenas. Get a mirror.
You forget assmunch I have been proven right over and over again and your famous for being unable to admit when your oeoven wrong.

Dude you mean less than nothing to me.

Your a sociopath

Ive known you on the internets for years and your a terrible person who backs lies and when the lies fuck us all you continue to cling to them like a true fucking idiot party whore

I have to agree with her there. Anyone who is anti-Ohio and anti-USC is a terrible person. I can't find the clip from office space but "you are a very bad person Peter".
Then perhaps you should STFU and read the thread, then perhaps you would understand. You are truly comical, every time you realize you are wrong, you revert to the 'u be angry' nonsense.

Who are you to keep telling me to shut the fuck up btw? If anyone ever needed a swift kick in the balls, it's you. Too bad you aren't standing here, I'd like to see you tell me that to my face. You'd be needing an ice pack two second later.
So, are you saying that 100% of black people are smart? Far more than 3% of whiteys are dumb fucks, as we see on these boards daily (no offense). What's your premise? All black people are wise? Is this the magical negro thing? Cause that's racist.

Cawacko where is your "that's racist" gif? I have need of it.

No moron... again, I am pointing out the hypocrisy in Desh's comments. Are you too fucking ignorant to realize that?
Who are you to keep telling me to shut the fuck up btw? If anyone ever needed a swift kick in the balls, it's you. Too bad you aren't standing here, I'd like to see you tell me that to my face. You'd be needing an ice pack two second later.

LMAO... fucking irony.