If you say black people are "fooled" into voting dem you are a racist.

If you say that 97% of black people who vote dem are "fooled into doing so" you are clearly saying 97% of black people cant figure out their getting fooled in your world view.

that means you think 97% of blacks are stupid
You on the right pretend that racism is a lot of things.

Your not right very often

Most people know racism when they see it, without baiters (no hint here...really!) telling them what "racism" is, or what they think it is.

You know, a lot of folks would call your "my people" and "their people" characterizations racist.
no because they only see a small subset of blacks as being fooled into voting against their own interests.
maybe you don't know what racism is?

You truly are ignorant. You seem to think it is ok for you to say a black person was fooled because of how he/she voted. But if someone else does the same, they are racist.

Who the fuck are you to tell them what is or is not in their best interest?
97% of black people vote Democratic.

In your view why do is this a fact?

because they choose to. Now who the fuck are you to call those who don't vote how you want them to 'ignorant/stupid/voting against their best interests'???

What gives you the right to tell them what is right for them?
Most people know racism when they see it, without baiters (no hint here...really!) telling them what "racism" is, or what they think it is.

You know, a lot of folks would call your "my people" and "their people" characterizations racist.

dude the right denies every claim of racism anymore
because they choose to. Now who the fuck are you to call those who don't vote how you want them to 'ignorant/stupid/voting against their best interests'???

What gives you the right to tell them what is right for them?

because the republican party is for the wealthy interests only.

If you not wealthy and vote republican you are voting against your own interests.
Don't many on the left say that middle class voters who vote Republican are "voting against their best interests?"

I have felt in the past that certain groups voted against their own interests. But I never saw that as saying they're "stupid." I think people are way too busy w/ their lives to pay the kind of close attention to politics that a functioning democracy really needs. And I think most politicians are duplicitous, which compounds the problem.
because they choose to. Now who the fuck are you to call those who don't vote how you want them to 'ignorant/stupid/voting against their best interests'???

What gives you the right to tell them what is right for them?

thank you for admitting its wise for people to vote for the democratic party
Don't many on the left say that middle class voters who vote Republican are "voting against their best interests?"

I have felt in the past that certain groups voted against their own interests. But I never saw that as saying they're "stupid." I think people are way too busy w/ their lives to pay the kind of close attention to politics that a functioning democracy really needs. And I think most politicians are duplicitous, which compounds the problem.

then tell you fellow cons to stop saying these racist things
You realize that there are some black people in there, right?

Why do you think they're stupid?

because there are stupid people in the world.

some are even black or brown or white or yellow or mixed.

BTW some are also sociopaths.

More sociopaths are republicans I bet.

I wish someone would do a study on that one