If you say black people are "fooled" into voting dem you are a racist.

if she had said "practically all" would that have been reasonable to you?

Not really, she made an assumption that "all" people of a particular skin pigmentation do something. It really doesn't matter that she thinks that it is a "good" thing, it is quite literally doing exactly what she accused another of doing.
Not really, she made an assumption that "all" people of a particular skin pigmentation do something. It really doesn't matter that she thinks that it is a "good" thing, it is quite literally doing exactly what she accused another of doing.

the fact of the matter is, however, that nearly 90% of blacks in America routinely vote democrat. It is not racist to acknowledge that fact. It IS racist to suggest that they do so because they are too stupid to understand that the democratic party is fooling them.
the fact of the matter is, however, that nearly 90% of blacks in America routinely vote democrat. It is not racist to acknowledge that fact. It IS racist to suggest that they do so because they are too stupid to understand that the democratic party is fooling them.

No, the fact of the matter is, she said "all" of them did. There is a difference maineman. While I know it is your usual custom to come to the defense of any leftist because of their similar jersey, the reality of what she said does not match what you said.
No, the fact of the matter is, she said "all" of them did. There is a difference maineman. While I know it is your usual custom to come to the defense of any leftist because of their similar jersey, the reality of what she said does not match what you said.

but if she had said "nearly all" it would have, which you said earlier would not matter.
They all belong to the "Congressional Black Caucus" no other race caucuses in Congress on the basis of "RACE". They all promote "racial" quotas. They all promote the NAACP, no other race institutes an advancement program based on "RACE." They all promote the UNCF, no other race collects funds expressly to finance college education based on RACE. Blacks are the most "RACIST" people in America, bar-none!!!

You're so stupid. Take a good look at the Republican Senate. It's the CWC. Congressional "White" Caucus, for all practical purposes. No one is simply calling it for what it is. And when do they ever vote anything in favor of black constituents? No, rather they are only concerned with cutting funding for education, infrastructure, and building more prisons.
And the reason we have entities like the NAACP, UNCF, and any outreach toward the black community is that we'd die of neglect if we sat around waiting on you and your ilk to do anything benefitting us. Racist? Because we're trying to survive, in a racist white world? Amazing. Baffling. Disgusting. You even lie about your ideology.
Hey, when your wife calls out to you, do you make her wait 19 minutes? This forum is more important than that! Keep up, man!

Generally we don't say white people vote against their interests - we say poor people do.

And yes, the conservatives who say black people only vote for dems because they've been "bought out" are racist; they're saying black people can't think thru their interests.

Conservatives who say black people and other minorities are voting in their own economic interest by voting dems are probably not racist, because they are saying black people make up their own minds.

I realize this is subtle, but it is a distinction.

So when someone says black people who vote for Reps are voting against their interest? Or that they are Uncle Tom's etc... are those people racist too?
Hey, when your wife calls out to you, do you make her wait 19 minutes? This forum is more important than that! Keep up, man!

Generally we don't say white people vote against their interests - we say poor people do.

And yes, the conservatives who say black people only vote for dems because they've been "bought out" are racist; they're saying black people can't think thru their interests.

Conservatives who say black people and other minorities are voting in their own economic interest by voting dems are probably not racist, because they are saying black people make up their own minds.

I realize this is subtle, but it is a distinction.

I think certain ethnic classes have been thrown into a cycle of government sponsored dependency and have lost the will and ability to use self determination to succeed in life.
You're so stupid. Take a good look at the Republican Senate. It's the CWC. Congressional "White" Caucus, for all practical purposes. No one is simply calling it for what it is. And when do they ever vote anything in favor of black constituents? No, rather they are only concerned with cutting funding for education, infrastructure, and building more prisons.
And the reason we have entities like the NAACP, UNCF, and any outreach toward the black community is that we'd die of neglect if we sat around waiting on you and your ilk to do anything benefitting us. Racist? Because we're trying to survive, in a racist white world? Amazing. Baffling. Disgusting. You even lie about your ideology.

But it's not called that so you fail. And they have a black Senator. Lets not also forget that the democrat party spent millions trying to defeat Allen West. Where was the NAACP to help him? Do they now only help "certain blacks" who are down "for the struggle"?

Wouldn't it be racist to vote for anything that favored a racial group?

You may not agree with cutting funding for education but doesnt that impact black folk too?

Why would you wait around for any group whether it be NAACP or UNCF or even white folk. It seems you are implying that there is something deficient in black folk that causes them to have to rely on others. Seems sort of paternalistic if you ask me and actually refutes Desh's OP.
but if you talk about all those stupid white guys being fooled to "voting against their own interests" by voting republican, such as in books like "what's the matter with kansas" you are not bigoted at all. So sayeth the truth arbiters.
You're so stupid. Take a good look at the Republican Senate. It's the CWC. Congressional "White" Caucus, for all practical purposes. No one is simply calling it for what it is. And when do they ever vote anything in favor of black constituents? No, rather they are only concerned with cutting funding for education, infrastructure, and building more prisons.

But Republicans in the Senate and the House don’t ever and have never officially instituted a CWC and blatantly advertised themselves as such like the blacks in Congress do and if blacks weren’t so fucking devoted to their Democrat slave masters and elected some black Republicans to the Senate and the House, there’s absolutely no doubt in my mind the black Republicans would see no need to institute and advertise themselves separate from by the color of their skin. They would caucus with their fellow Americans in the Congress without regard of skin color. Black Democrats are the MOST racist bastards in America. They even call themselves “African”-Americans and few if any have ever even been to Africa. They’re not patriotic enough to even identify themselves as “American” blacks or just plain Americans.

And the reason we have entities like the NAACP, UNCF, and any outreach toward the black community is that we'd die of neglect if we sat around waiting on you and your ilk to do anything benefitting us.

Neglect? First you bitch about being profiled, now it’s neglect? Now that’s fucking funny, I don’t care who ya are.

Why the hell should you be sitting around waiting for whites to do something for you? If you weren’t enslaved to your fucking Democrat slave masters and their socialist disincentive purchases of your votes, maybe you’d get the fuck off of your ass and do for yourselves like every other race is doing. Thousands of blacks have done that and proven they don’t need Whitey or the fucking government to succeed. But the majority still follow the fucking Democrats around like they’re fucking Gods. They listen to the fucking race-baiters like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton who keep them convinced they’re some kind of fucking victims and their plight in life is somebody else’s fault, namely white Republicans. Jackson and Sharpton have made their fortunes off of that fucking scam.

Racist? Because we're trying to survive, in a racist white world? Amazing. Baffling. Disgusting. You even lie about your ideology.

“Survive?” Name one place in this world where your “survival” is guaranteed and protected more than it is in America. If you know where that place is at then you should move there and leave America to the black Republicans and black libertarians who don’t see themselves as fucking victims and have seen through the fucking Democrat scam and aren’t fucking racist like black Democrats.
Hey Desh, maybe you could start a stand up skit titled "You might be a racist.....". You know a spinoff of Jeff Foxworthy's "You might be a redneck". Take it on the road. I am sure you can get on Bill Maher and Bill Moyers and Chris Hayes and Al Sharpton. Maybe Letterman?

Let me help you out.

If you think the justice system was served in acquitting Jorge Zimmerman, you might be a racist

If you think welfare spending is too high, you might be a racist

If you think Obama is damaging this country, you might be a racist

If you don't think everything wrong in the world is George Bush's fault, you might be a racist

If you think Blackasshole is a race hustler/pimp, you might be a racist

If you don't agree with affirmative action, you might be a racist

If you don't tow the litbardiot line on all issues, you might be a racist

Desh, when are you going to get it through your thick skull that I don't give two shits if some unintelligent malcontent like you calls me a racist? When are you going to learn that you aren't going to bully me into changing my views because you throw out a racially charged epithet?

How long did it take you to dream up your strawman thread?

I know your too stupid to have any senses to come too dude.

I just want you properly labeled as the racist you are.

If you say black people only vote dem becuasse they are FOOLED into it or they JUST WANT GOODIES you are a racist

Boris, Susie Chutzpah, tinfoil and USFREEDOM911 are all racists if you can not see that those are racist statements.

when you lump all 97% of black people as FOOLED instead of involved in their own party then your a racist.

If you think the answer is to lump 97% into "just want goodies" line then you are a fucking racist.

those would be facts
Oh Howet, you still pushing that meme that the parties switched? How precious.

So lets get this straight. Civil Rights legislation passed because of the GOP. So what you are claiming is that the democrats who supported Jim Crow were so pissed off that Civil Rights legislation passed that they up and switched to the Republican Party, because the Republican Party said "Hey, now that we pushed through Civil Rights legislation lets get those angry democrats on our side?"

Yeah, that makes a whole boatload of sense if you think about it logically.

Now here is where you bring up the already discredited story of Nixon's "Southern Strategy"

It is really sad that so many white folk died and blacks don't show more appreciation. Oh well.

denying sceince is not enough he has to deny history too.

remember asshole bad info in means bad decisions out.

You will never get ANYTHING correct by living in a bed of lies