If you say black people are "fooled" into voting dem you are a racist.

Anyone presently voting Dem is presently being told that they can simultaneously have retribution over those more fortunate than them, power over those less fortunate, and freedom from God's/moral judgment. That's quite an offer.


dude when you have a successful business in the US you do not do that in a vacume.

You just keep pretending that people who make it big OR get left the money from someone else making it big didn't do it on the moon.

they did it on the roads, schools, police, fire department, sanitation, healthsystem, bridges and all the people in the government that we pay to keep this country the best it can be.

I just dont understand why some of you idiots think this stuff is free?
Blacks have been helping Dems win elections since 1800, so this is nothing new...

which means they have been helping themselves and others huh.

why is you youe people always talk about black people as if they cant be PART of something?
This would only make sense, Desh, if every single black person voted Democrat. They don't. Therefore the idea that you are racist because you think "all" of them are something because you think some are tricked into something, is a bit disingenuous. Although it is a bit racist to assume that all black people vote Democrat...


"your one of the good ones" is how the republican party sees their black voters
Not really, she made an assumption that "all" people of a particular skin pigmentation do something. It really doesn't matter that she thinks that it is a "good" thing, it is quite literally doing exactly what she accused another of doing.

So you claim that people who see 3% of black as Ok because they agree with them but say 97% of black people are stupid and greedy as not racists?>

"I have one black friend but I hate all other black people"

that is racism

get it
No, the fact of the matter is, she said "all" of them did. There is a difference maineman. While I know it is your usual custom to come to the defense of any leftist because of their similar jersey, the reality of what she said does not match what you said.

there is NO way around this.

If you think or say black people only vote dem because they "got tricked", "were fooled", "vote for goodies" you are a racist plain and simple.

It means you see all black people as stupid or evil.

say it loud and say it proud you racists.

there is no hiding and denying it don't cut it

that is what I said in the OP damo.

Your making shit up because you KNOW that statement is dead on
So when someone says black people who vote for Reps are voting against their interest? Or that they are Uncle Tom's etc... are those people racist too?

no because they only see a small subset of blacks as being fooled into voting against their own interests.

maybe you don't know what racism is?
I think certain ethnic classes have been thrown into a cycle of government sponsored dependency and have lost the will and ability to use self determination to succeed in life.

are you aware not ALL or even MOST who vote dem and are black are on assistance?

see the prejudice in this post
But it's not called that so you fail. And they have a black Senator. Lets not also forget that the democrat party spent millions trying to defeat Allen West. Where was the NAACP to help him? Do they now only help "certain blacks" who are down "for the struggle"?

Wouldn't it be racist to vote for anything that favored a racial group?

You may not agree with cutting funding for education but doesnt that impact black folk too?

Why would you wait around for any group whether it be NAACP or UNCF or even white folk. It seems you are implying that there is something deficient in black folk that causes them to have to rely on others. Seems sort of paternalistic if you ask me and actually refutes Desh's OP.

why help the ones trying to hurt the rest of black people and all the nation?
But Republicans in the Senate and the House don’t ever and have never officially instituted a CWC and blatantly advertised themselves as such like the blacks in Congress do and if blacks weren’t so fucking devoted to their Democrat slave masters and elected some black Republicans to the Senate and the House, there’s absolutely no doubt in my mind the black Republicans would see no need to institute and advertise themselves separate from by the color of their skin. They would caucus with their fellow Americans in the Congress without regard of skin color. Black Democrats are the MOST racist bastards in America. They even call themselves “African”-Americans and few if any have ever even been to Africa. They’re not patriotic enough to even identify themselves as “American” blacks or just plain Americans.

Neglect? First you bitch about being profiled, now it’s neglect? Now that’s fucking funny, I don’t care who ya are.

Why the hell should you be sitting around waiting for whites to do something for you? If you weren’t enslaved to your fucking Democrat slave masters and their socialist disincentive purchases of your votes, maybe you’d get the fuck off of your ass and do for yourselves like every other race is doing. Thousands of blacks have done that and proven they don’t need Whitey or the fucking government to succeed. But the majority still follow the fucking Democrats around like they’re fucking Gods. They listen to the fucking race-baiters like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton who keep them convinced they’re some kind of fucking victims and their plight in life is somebody else’s fault, namely white Republicans. Jackson and Sharpton have made their fortunes off of that fucking scam.

“Survive?” Name one place in this world where your “survival” is guaranteed and protected more than it is in America. If you know where that place is at then you should move there and leave America to the black Republicans and black libertarians who don’t see themselves as fucking victims and have seen through the fucking Democrat scam and aren’t fucking racist like black Democrats.

You are stupid. The Republican Congress is the de facto CWC. They don't have to state the obvious, for it to be reality. The CBC is the antithesis to it. If it were up to the Repubs, there wouldn't even be any black representation at all. The Repubs don't have the black community's interests at heart, and so you want to criticize blacks for aligning themselves to the party where they actually have a voice, and are paid attention to??????????????????? There is no Democratic slave master narrative, except the one made up by the jealous Republican Party, behind the fact that they have no message which would draw any "thinking blacks" to them.
You pretend that there isn't a divide, made by and promoted, actively, by racist whites, who benefit from the divide. Of course there is a need to institute and advertise a group, based on skin color, separate from their white counterparts. The whites set it up that way, and now you want to complain about what you set in motion, and somebody picked up the football and ran for a touchdown, and you're pissed?????????????????? Fuck off.
You have no idea what you're talking about. Again. We call ourselves African-Americans, because that is mostly where we hailed from, historically. You are loathe to call us Americans, and treat us like second class citizens, so we embraced the categorization and now you want to point fingers. Who is psycho here? It wouldn't be us.

You obviously have a mental disorder because you keep ranting about the particulars of reality. You don't give a shit about blacks, and so we have taken the "football", and ran with it, and here you are complaining that we did it for ourselves as it relates to education and the funding of it, and promoting civil rights and protecting them. With debacles like the Trayvon Martin murder, it's imperative that we have entities like the NAACP to remind folks that injustice here is injustice everywhere. What we have done, precisely, is get up off of our asses...not like you, the group who receives the most welfare, and who are tied to the Bush tax cuts, won't raise the minimum wage, and decline to insure employees with comprehensive healthcare, because it eats into your profits, and you might have to sell that yacht, and take only 1 vacation instead of 3....and the thousands of blacks who have done that are more than likely "liberals", rather than power and perk-seeking black Republicans and conservatives, who would sell their own mothers "down the river" for a white trophy wife and country club privileges (Hello, Clarence Thomas, Larry Elder, Herman Cain, Allen West, et al.)
And give it a rest. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are no longer the "race-baiters d' jour". Sharpton has a political news program on MSNBC, PoliticsNation, which wins its' time slot, and has top echelon guests, clamoring to appear. But of course you have nothing other than your opinion to back your claims about Jackson and Sharpton's fortunes. Have "several seats".
And quit telling black liberals and me, in particular, to move and go somewhere else. You don't like being called out, and called the last bitch, you leave and find some other place to be, bitch. I was born here...and likely will die here...and as long as I'm here, I have just as much right, if not more, to be here, than you...you un-American lowlife scum bucket, fascist, racist mf'er.
but if you talk about all those stupid white guys being fooled to "voting against their own interests" by voting republican, such as in books like "what's the matter with kansas" you are not bigoted at all. So sayeth the truth arbiters.

You people really and truly don't understand what racism means do you?
no because they only see a small subset of blacks as being fooled into voting against their own interests.

maybe you don't know what racism is?

So if you only see a small number of a group as idiots it's ok but if you see a large number of a group as idiots it's racist. Gotcha.
LOL, your spate of diarrhea posting isn't working, Desh. You can't run from your claim.

Nope there was a recent study done and republicans are far more racist than black people

Where is this study? Quit dodging, and either produce a link to a study that actually says that or admit you lied.
there is NO way around this.

If you think or say black people only vote dem because they "got tricked", "were fooled", "vote for goodies" you are a racist plain and simple.

It means you see all black people as stupid or evil.

say it loud and say it proud you racists.

there is no hiding and denying it don't cut it

that is what I said in the OP damo.

Your making shit up because you KNOW that statement is dead on
BlacKKKs are the most racist group in the country.

The KKK ain't nothin on this group of haters.
I personally love it when the republicans whine that the democrats are fooling the blacks into voting for them. If one says that an entire ethnic groups is capable of being fooled, it does suggest that that ethnic group is incapable of intelligent thought. Keep saying it. I am white, but if I were black, and someone told me that the reason I voted for democrats was that I was an idiot, I would certainly not be inclined to take that person very seriously. It is clear that the shifting demographics of America is causing groups who traditionally vote democratic to increase while the angry white demographic that has traditionally been in the GOP's pocket continues to shrink. Until the GOP figures out how to recast and rebrand themselves, those trends will continue to push them further and further towards the margins.

Yeah those democrats are geniuses. They've managed to secure the votes of blacks, women, gays, Hispanics, and now the elderly by forcing the republicans to support an agenda disenfranchising them brilliant!
To say 97% of black people ARE FOOLED into voting Democratic is saying 97% of black people are fools and is racist.

to say that 3% of black people are so dishonest they will vote for the party that hates 97% of black people is not racist.
that is the cold hard reality you people live in.

EVERYTIME you say that you are saying "Im a racist".

every time
To say 97% of black people ARE FOOLED into voting Democratic is saying 97% of black people are fools and is racist.

to say that 3% of black people are so dishonest they will vote for the party that hates 97% of black people is not racist.

What about those who say those who vote and support our imperialist form of government are fools. Racist?