I'm female, should I run?

Big Money and his unconscionable stupidity:

the "new poster" arrived with a loaded shotgun and an obvious agenda......

Indeed, how dare she be so obtuse as to have a political ideology that conflicts with yours right out of the shoot as it were. Shame on her.

Hi Bobbin. If you are conservative, don't bother staying.

I guess you can't see the difference in what I said and what the two others said here can you? I am not anyone else and so showing me what others have said here is simply silly since I have read what most people have said here and haven't thought too much about most of it. But of course you are ready to compare anything to anything as if it matters. The most accurate depiction would have been to compare what Rune and the Prophet said, but that would have been too straight forward for you so you threw me in the mix as if I would be somehow a part of or patty to what two partisans had to say. In fact all three statements are different. One accuses her of being something, another asks her to leave if she is something and mine chastises the person who makes the accusation. But I wouldn't expect you to even realize how these three statements differ because in spite of what some here think, I know you are a stupid loser whose brain only works about 10% of the time and then only at a very low level. Now run along and drag that stupid laughing toy doll across the screen one more time. It's really your most used statement, and you use it because you can't actually come up with anything intelligible. I am so glad that except for these occasional glitches you are on forced ignore. You really are that fucking stupid, inarticulate and illiterate.
isn't it funny how rose, being one of the younger members, understands how the internet works? I honestly think all of us under 30 should have a workshop for the older members here

Indeed, no one over 30 understands how the internet words. None of us! It's that simple. I don't even know where I am at or how I got here or why I am possessed by some mythic demon to type this. It's so mysterious and mythological. I stepped into another world! Set me free, set me free! Let my people go!
Oh, the usual. Just like every other messed up board out there, only the user names are different. Characters easily recognizable. "She's from so-n-so's board" - Oh yeah. Never heard THAT one before.

Criminy river.

it's a small board so people are always wondering if someone new has actually been around before.
Desh, he has no special powers. I have been shutting all modifications on and off to do upgrades and fixes, occasionally, if you are on when they are shut off, you would be able to see what he says. Also, one of the Admin team shut off the ignore temporarily to see what would happen, and you simply began the same BS.

If you can't handle acting like an adult, then the ignore will never be removed. As it stands, this stuff goes in the complaint department, not up here.

Well at least this explains why I keep seeing Big Money occasionally. I wondered what was going on with that! Thanks for clarifying why that is occurring.
they are tiny dicked chicken shits is what they are.

I kicke their mother loving fucking asses with facts so they insult me and then I kick their mother loving fucking asses with better insults so they ban me from seeing the insults they heap on me.

they have no interests in freedom of speech.

they are right leaning fucking idiots who think they are smart because they don't like other humans.

they are brain damaged and think that makes them more rational.

they in fact are brain damaged and cant have normal relationships with other humans

I will say this for you evince, I hardly ever read one of your posts without cracking up! You are certainly always on and always on the money at least somewhere in your posts. Seriously thought, you do make me laugh several times a day and that is worth something. Probably more than you know. So don't ever change!
Welcome Bobbins, enjoying your contributions.

I am one if the referenced femanazi, also a Darlak, and a Sob Sister.

My first title was Goddess, as you would guess, it is my favorite.
Welcome Bobbins, enjoying your contributions.

I am one if the referenced femanazi, also a Darlak, and a Sob Sister.

My first title was Goddess, as you would guess, it is my favorite.

can someone please tell me what a darlak is? Is it just a random name?
I do have such a way with words. And at the rate he's going, I'll be correct.

Apparently it's part of his sig even. But not the posts where I talk about wanting him to die.

A quote from long ago that still makes me laugh is when someone told Watermark they hate him and he said 'you and my dad have something in common'. It was so WM and I still laugh about it.

This new one of yours though is pretty damn good.
Welcome Bobbins, enjoying your contributions.

I am one if the referenced femanazi, also a Darlak, and a Sob Sister.

My first title was Goddess, as you would guess, it is my favorite.

Pleased to make your acquaintance!

Are they all dittoheads, with the 'feminazi' Limbo reference?