I'm female, should I run?

A quote from long ago that still makes me laugh is when someone told Watermark they hate him and he said 'you and my dad have something in common'. It was so WM and I still laugh about it.

This new one of yours though is pretty damn good.


Zap, I hope you die in a fire. I hope your family hears your screams of agony, as your flesh melts and your eyes burst. I want everyone you've ever know to watch as you die, unable to do a damned thing to save you. And when that day comes, oh god will I laugh. I will laugh till tears stream down my face. I will laugh so hard my lung hurt. That is my greatest wish in life, to see you in the most horirble pain imaginable.

Because wishing for the horrible, painful death of another poster and hoping he dies screaming in front of his wife and young daughter is just the kind of humor everyone can get behind!

Just yuck it up at the thought of my 6 year old watching daddy die...

What the hell happened to you, man?

I remember when you used to be fairly moderate.
Bobbin's been on one thread, zero political discussions and already has an ignore list. That's pretty impressive I must say. Now what are the odds she leaves this thread and posts in the politics threads? Seeing as we've had others introduce themselves here then never actually post I'll go with 25%.

Edit: with that low percentage prediction I still hope she chooses to stay and post
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Sparknotes on the Trinity for our new member.

Founded in 1701 in rural Ukraine, the Trinity was a violent, subversive organization used by a charismatic Russian arsonist against the Zaporizhian Sich. When the dealer proudly showed his "handiwork" to a man who turned out to be the building's owner, he was brutally murdered on site. The Trinity stole the body from local police, using it to photobomb as many weddings as possible. But with their great leader dead, the quickly Trinity scattered, many becoming involved in early efforts to privatize and profit from the use of language. Others rallied noblemen to stone women for learning arithmetic, and to create deaths squads of Al Pacino sound-alikes.

Centuries later, descendants of the Trinity discovered each other at a Limp Bizkit concert, and decided to create this forum.
Bobbin's been on one thread, zero political discussions and already has an ignore list. That's pretty impressive I must say. Now what are the odds she leaves this thread and posts in the politics threads? Seeing as we've had others introduce themselves here then actually post I'll go with 25%.

Edit: with that low percentage prediction I still hope she chooses to stay and post


Cawacko can be a super sweet heart and if you compliment him enough will send you a picture of his PX900 abs.

He is grumpy today most likely due to a hangover. His drunk postings are epic and he is generally a feminist collaborator.

He has a paranoid streak thinking new posters are trolls. Deadly fear of trolls after seeing "Willow"

I actually made that last part up.

Anyway, he will try to act like he is a badass, but I just pull out my mother figure and he generally simmers down.

He is mostly a good guy. He will follow Superfreak around trying to get buddy points, but it is cute and pretty harmless.

More board commentary to follow.
Bobbin's been on one thread, zero political discussions and already has an ignore list. That's pretty impressive I must say. Now what are the odds she leaves this thread and posts in the politics threads? Seeing as we've had others introduce themselves here then never actually post I'll go with 25%.

Edit: with that low percentage prediction I still hope she chooses to stay and post

Come on man, it's a glove puppet.

Cawacko can be a super sweet heart and if you compliment him enough will send you a picture of his PX900 abs.

He is grumpy today most likely due to a hangover. His drunk postings are epic and he is generally a feminist collaborator.

He has a paranoid streak thinking new posters are trolls. Deadly fear of trolls after seeing "Willow"

I actually made that last part up.

Anyway, he will try to act like he is a badass, but I just pull out my mother figure and he generally simmers down.

He is mostly a good guy. He will follow Superfreak around trying to get buddy points, but it is cute and pretty harmless.

More board commentary to follow.

You are in a good mood and you are always hilarious when you're in a good mood.
You are in a good mood and you are always hilarious when you're in a good mood.

It was the concert last night! Complimented by good Lemon Drops and Seafood Louie that followed. The sun is shining longer, too!

I am cancer free, no lumps on me!

So life is good!
Sparknotes on the Trinity for our new member.

Founded in 1701 in rural Ukraine, the Trinity was a violent, subversive organization used by a charismatic Russian arsonist against the Zaporizhian Sich. When the dealer proudly showed his "handiwork" to a man who turned out to be the building's owner, he was brutally murdered on site. The Trinity stole the body from local police, using it to photobomb as many weddings as possible. But with their great leader dead, the quickly Trinity scattered, many becoming involved in early efforts to privatize and profit from the use of language. Others rallied noblemen to stone women for learning arithmetic, and to create deaths squads of Al Pacino sound-alikes.

Centuries later, descendants of the Trinity discovered each other at a Limp Bizkit concert, and decided to create this forum.

Pretty humorous!
You are a lot smarter than many round here, it is one of the Darlaks playing silly buggers.

You're such an old gossip. Just three days ago you told the whole board digital dave was legion. Others probably thought you would learn something from that. I wasn't one of them.

Cawacko can be a super sweet heart and if you compliment him enough will send you a picture of his PX900 abs.

He is grumpy today most likely due to a hangover. His drunk postings are epic and he is generally a feminist collaborator.

He has a paranoid streak thinking new posters are trolls. Deadly fear of trolls after seeing "Willow"

I actually made that last part up.

Anyway, he will try to act like he is a badass, but I just pull out my mother figure and he generally simmers down.

He is mostly a good guy. He will follow Superfreak around trying to get buddy points, but it is cute and pretty harmless.

More board commentary to follow.

Cawacko is so scared of trolls that he put me on his ignore list during my introduction thread, and I am still there 3 years later.
Just as well, since I can call him the moron that he is without rebuttal. It used to bother me though.