I'm female, should I run?

What fun!

And you can't do that yourself?

What does my reminiscing about someone from the past, have to do with your statement; unless you're either projecting your own inadequacies or just borrowing someone else's big ole wooden spoon and using it try and stir the pot?

I have NO IDEA what I was thinking!
Do you suffer from this often or do you just use it as a defense when someone points out how fruitless your comment(s) were/are?

As always, can't have mods on ignore. Pity, really.
Is this an admission that you've had "problems" with mods, elsewhere?

I don't like what groans do. I removed it.
So were you unsure before and if so, why did you do it in the first place?

So you believe that speaking Spanish is a neurological disorder or do you just find it amusing to make fun of people who do suffer from it?

Thanks! If I were to stay...
So you're basically involved in a case of "drive by posting"?
Not sure who you're addressing this to, seeing as how you don't seem to have mastered the quote feature; but you might want to explain how you arrived at such a conclusion.

She seems very comfortable right here in this thread. No reason to overtax herself. You know how women are ;)
Interesting - but I have a quick question. Are they coming out of the gate being nasty, or are they returning fire. I get pissy when I'm accused of being 'just as bad' when all I did was essentially yodel "Oh FUCK if I have NOT had ENOUGH!!!" And the gloves are off.

In answer to your quick question, both.

This is based on my first experiences on the forum.
Bobbin - this thread seems to have grown miles long before I even noticed it, and I haven't the time to follow it all, but Croeso/Welcome. There are passably civilized blokes on here, honest!
Bobbin - this thread seems to have grown miles long before I even noticed it, and I haven't the time to follow it all, but Croeso/Welcome. There are passably civilized blokes on here, honest!

Well thank you! It's my day off, so I think I'll venture out of my intro thread.

No, no! Don't try to stop me. It's time.