In my mailbox this morning…

I don't watch FOX and never heard of OAN. I would eliminate the part of the 14th Amendment allowing illegals to foster a child who automatically becomes an American citizen. Send them ALL home where they came from.

the point was you need to expand beyond whatever right derp news you watch that never shows you negative news about Trump, like him calling for the "termination" of the Constitution which was all over regular news.

And what you propose would send back generations and generations of Americans who are here due to birth right citizenship and who have had kids here based on that.
Why, Rev?
What are your criteria for that?

The world is overrun with democracies, most far more modern than ours.

Standard of Living?
We're not rated in the top ten.

Health Care?
Again, not in the top ten.

No luck there, either.

By what standard are we the best nation in the world?
Arrogant nationalist chauvinism?

I'll give you those,
but I don't include them in my major criteria

I'm sorry that I can't buy into it, Rev,
but by the same token,
I guess I am happy that you're so satisfied.

Different eyes look at the same thing
but see different things, obviously.:dunno:

Nobody had a comment for this post.
the point was you need to expand beyond whatever right derp news you watch that never shows you negative news about Trump, like him calling for the "termination" of the Constitution which was all over regular news.

And what you propose would send back generations and generations of Americans who are here due to birth right citizenship and who have had kids here based on that.

Derp news? What do you call the lies and propaganda shit you listen to?

Yes, as they should be. Get rid of them.
Derp news? What do you call the lies and propaganda shit you listen to?

Yes, as they should be. Get rid of them.

I listen to enough news sources that i do not miss any of the news.

Unlike you, i there are not major news stories that i never saw or read due to living in a right derp silo.
I have no idea what you're ranting about. Wrong person?

You do seem rather stupid. I responded directly to your moronic post.

I know you want easy seats in congress for your filthy fascist party, but the Constitutions that you are waging civil war to end prohibits Washington DC from becoming a state,
You do seem rather stupid. I responded directly to your moronic post.

I know you want easy seats in congress for your filthy fascist party, but the Constitutions that you are waging civil war to end prohibits Washington DC from becoming a state,

I never mentioned anything about DC statehood. Wrong person, dumbass.
The United States has the world's largest economy,
most powerful military
and has impacted history just as importantly as the Roman and British Empires.

That's what you care about, Oom.

Not in the top ten for standard of living.
Not in the top ten for healthcare.
Not in the top ten for education.

Se we don't care about the same things.
Is this a sudden revelation?
I don't think so.
That's what you care about, Oom.

Not in the top ten for standard of living.
Not in the top ten for healthcare.
Not in the top ten for education.

Se we don't care about the same things.
Is this a sudden revelation?
I don't think so.
It's fact, neef, not desire. What I want is world peace....but am realistic enough to understand that won't happen for a few centuries, if ever, unless we annihilate ourselves before then.

You have no idea what I care about. You just assume, neef.
As I thought, you're just a intellectually impotent MAGA/Alt-Right troll who just vomits forth all types of nonsense that you can neither document or logically substantiate.

That you ignore that which challenges the fascist dogma you follow hardly makes it nonesense.

Notice how you are perennially incapable of addressing substance? Not just from my post, but from any post.

Let me dumb it down for you, toodles; you previously tried to conflate two wholly different ideological and political terms in an accusation towards me. Obviously, you are ignorant of the separate definitions and how you're just putting forth a neologism.


The big lie collapsed.

Fascism is just a sect of socialism. It is the closest to the type of brutal dictatorship the democrat party is imposing.

Secondly, you were challenged to provide documented proof as how and when the list of Constitutional amendments you listed were dissolved, much less what they were replaced with.

And once provided, vis a vie the 1st Amendment attacks, you ignored it with the typical "LALALA I can't hear you routine."

Clearly, you can't. So you just ramble on inanely, much like your hero Cheeto Jeezus.

Can't do what?

Dude, you currently have the last legitimate president under indictment because he spoke against your Reich.

Have you ever READ the 1st Amendment that your party ended?

When your Reich attacked Trump to illegally get his tax returns as part of the witch hunt you have conducted for 7 years, you crushed the 4th Amendment. I think ending the 4th was the objective of your fascist party. You failed to "get Trump."

No point in my wasting further time and effort on your trollish tribe. Back on the ignore list with you. Feel free to dog my posts and threads like the little attention seeking bitch that you are. Hope you're at least getting paid scale for your efforts.

You have nothing to offer. You are a lowbrow drone who vomits out party dogma.

You have no ability to discuss anything.
I listen to enough news sources that i do not miss any of the news.

Unlike you, i there are not major news stories that i never saw or read due to living in a right derp silo.

MSNBCCP, CNN, DailyKOS, Alternet, The Guardian, Atlantic

Did I miss any?
I never mentioned anything about DC statehood. Wrong person, dumbass.

Are you claiming that someone hacked your account?


I mean, that IS you, right?
MSNBCCP, CNN, DailyKOS, Alternet, The Guardian, Atlantic

Did I miss any?
You forgot to pull your head out of your nether regions, Down Under.

Your buddy Dachshund thinks "white" women are the most beautiful in the world. Do you bogans all have your heads up your asses or is it just the wannabe Americans who have that problem?