Interesting about God and Democrats...

Who has passed a law forcing you to worship or believe in God? Pagans are CONSTANTLY trying to force their beliefs on us, it's the crux of all our problems from a social perspective. What you want, is to be able to push your pagan beliefs on me by influencing politics, while muzzling me and denying me the right to advocate for my beliefs. Religious people have just as much right to stand for what they believe in, and it doesn't matter that what they believe in is contradictory to what you believe.

Dixie, firstly I don't think you understand what a Pagan is. It's not an atheist. Secondly, saying that I want legislation with an absence of religious presence, is not forcing beliefs into anything. It's REMOVING beliefs from a process they have no business being in.
Honey, from your hate filled posts here, you ain't spiritual,either, sorry!

But wait - this is very spiritual:

Dixie said:
I don't know what the fuck a "Creater" is, you illiterate hick! The Declaration doesn't say anything about "Natures Creater" says "Natures God" which is pretty much the same as "their Creator" in the context we are discussing. Again, attempting to be an obtuse asshole is not your strong suit, better stick with being a blithering moron.

God was mentioned 7 times in the 2004 Democrat party platform.

God was mentioned only 1 time in the 2008 platform.

...and 0 in 2012.

they just amended their platform.

if someone doesn't believe in god, should they not be allowed to run for office?
They put it back


How embarrassing for you
Dixie, firstly I don't think you understand what a Pagan is. It's not an atheist. Secondly, saying that I want legislation with an absence of religious presence, is not forcing beliefs into anything. It's REMOVING beliefs from a process they have no business being in.

But religious beliefs most certainly DO have business being in the process, as much business as anti-religious beliefs. What exactly do you mean by "religious presence?" You mean we can't have any laws which are based on things taught in a religion? Wow... we're going to have a really fucked up society then! I'm not sure I want to live here! Virtually every law we have dealing with morals and ethics, is rooted to some degree in someone's religious teachings. "Thou shall not steal." Whoa, we can't have a "religious presence" so we have to strike down laws that make theft a crime! Who are you to impose your "religious beliefs" on me? I might think it's perfectly fine to steal or kill.. or whatever!

You can't remove religious beliefs from the process. Not when the very founding principles of our liberty and freedom are based on the concept that we are endowed with our rights from a Creator. You can't say you have "religious freedom" and then deny people to exercise those beliefs by advocating policies which respect those beliefs. Again, what you are trying to say is; We are free to exercise religion, just not practice it. We can be free to believe in God, we just can't allow God to influence our actions. It's a silly and untenable position to have in a society where religious freedom is an inalienable right we all have.
they just amended their platform.

if someone doesn't believe in god, should they not be allowed to run for office?

Oh well... I am sure God forgives them! Right?

Yeah, we see what happened... the polling data showed this was a boneheaded move, and they quickly ran to change it before they got clobbered. As I said, when 85% of us believe in God, it's kinda stupid to go out there denouncing God. But then, we're dealing with Liberals!

I believe that people who don't believe in God should be able to run for office, I have no problem with that. Just because our founding principles rely on the existence of a Creator who endowed us, doesn't mean that everyone has to believe in that. They are still endowed with the same inalienable rights as everyone else, even if they don't believe in the concept at all.
JPP righties sure are wonderful Ambassadors for Christ.

I wonder how many lost souls have been won to redemption through their loving messages?
Honey, from your hate filled posts here, you ain't spiritual,either, sorry!

Well as usual, you are inaccurate on multiple points. First, I have never EVER claimed to HATE anyone. You draw this inference because you disagree with me, or I disagree with you politically. I have not articulated anything truly hateful toward anyone, here or ever.

Second.. Why would it matter to a spiritualist? I don't believe in a supreme entity who judges me or demands I not hate. I am free to hate whoever I please, and my "God" doesn't give a shit, because my "God" doesn't have human emotions and attributes.

I don't hate, because it's bad karma when you do. It disrupts positive energy flow from "God." This results in negative things happening to me, so I have learned it's best to love your fellow man, and not display hate. Still... I am perfectly free to do it if I want to.
JPP righties sure are wonderful Ambassadors for Christ.

I wonder how many lost souls have been won to redemption through their loving messages?

LMAO... Okay... so you want to run around claiming righties are a bunch of religious fanatics who want to impose their religious views on you... but when there is absolutely NO evidence to support that meme, you want to complain that we aren't very good "Ambassadors for Christ?" How many drugs do you actually have to do in order to reach this level of mental instability?

I don't care about lost souls... if you do, perhaps you should join the monastery and become a monk?

I don't need to be an Ambassador for Christ... if you think that is important work, you should join a church.
Oh well... I am sure God forgives them! Right?

Yeah, we see what happened... the polling data showed this was a boneheaded move, and they quickly ran to change it before they got clobbered. As I said, when 85% of us believe in God, it's kinda stupid to go out there denouncing God. But then, we're dealing with Liberals!

I believe that people who don't believe in God should be able to run for office, I have no problem with that. Just because our founding principles rely on the existence of a Creator who endowed us, doesn't mean that everyone has to believe in that. They are still endowed with the same inalienable rights as everyone else, even if they don't believe in the concept at all.

i agree with your last paragraph. i don't believe the dems, as a platform, were denouncing god before reversing their decision to not talk about him.
Well as usual, you are inaccurate on multiple points. First, I have never EVER claimed to HATE anyone. You draw this inference because you disagree with me, or I disagree with you politically. I have not articulated anything truly hateful toward anyone, here or ever.

Second.. Why would it matter to a spiritualist? I don't believe in a supreme entity who judges me or demands I not hate. I am free to hate whoever I please, and my "God" doesn't give a shit, because my "God" doesn't have human emotions and attributes.

I don't hate, because it's bad karma when you do. It disrupts positive energy flow from "God." This results in negative things happening to me, so I have learned it's best to love your fellow man, and not display hate. Still... I am perfectly free to do it if I want to.

You really are in self denial. You profanity laced posts are not loving. Seek help, you are not what you think you are by a long shot. Positive energy, where? Bawhahahaha, at least you are entertaining in a crazy sort of way!
You really are in self denial. You profanity laced posts are not loving. Seek help, you are not what you think you are by a long shot. Positive energy, where? Bawhahahaha, at least you are entertaining in a crazy sort of way!

I'm not in self denial and I don't need help. Profanity is often used to convey passion and evoke drama... it is difficult to find a movie these days without some profanity. I sincerely doubt you surround yourself with people that never are profane, or refuse to tolerate profanity in your entertainment. This makes you a moral hypocrite to call me out for it. You are in self-denial of that.
Interesting. You think they have been reading the Bible and following its commands?

I am not voting for any fundamentalist Democrats anyway.
I'm not in self denial and I don't need help. Profanity is often used to convey passion and evoke drama... it is difficult to find a movie these days without some profanity. I sincerely doubt you surround yourself with people that never are profane, or refuse to tolerate profanity in your entertainment. This makes you a moral hypocrite to call me out for it. You are in self-denial of that.

Well, she does stay in a relationship with a racist and make excuses for him.
Well as usual, you are inaccurate on multiple points. First, I have never EVER claimed to HATE anyone. You draw this inference because you disagree with me, or I disagree with you politically. I have not articulated anything truly hateful toward anyone, here or ever.

Second.. Why would it matter to a spiritualist? I don't believe in a supreme entity who judges me or demands I not hate. I am free to hate whoever I please, and my "God" doesn't give a shit, because my "God" doesn't have human emotions and attributes.

I don't hate, because it's bad karma when you do. It disrupts positive energy flow from "God." This results in negative things happening to me, so I have learned it's best to love your fellow man, and not display hate. Still... I am perfectly free to do it if I want to.

I have never seen you say that you hate anyone. I have seen you say some crazy things.
But remember, my poor misguided friend: he who lies down with dogs will get up with fleas.