Interesting about God and Democrats...

Dixie, we have all shown hate. Love, hate and apathy are one. One is always becoming the other. Find your center and err towards love, but remember to stay in the center. Love and hate will blind you.

Learn to laugh at Colbert's jokes.
Dixie, we have all shown hate. Love, hate and apathy are one. One is always becoming the other. Find your center and err towards love, but remember to stay in the center. Love and hate will blind you.

Learn to laugh at Colbert's jokes.

Awww Howie... did you make a new identity just so I would talk to you again?

Too bad you're going on ignore again. Ta-Ta!
Interesting about God and many of the Founders.

They didn't believe in the mystical bullshit of the bible and found Christianity seriously flawed.
Interesting about God and many of the Founders.

They didn't believe in the mystical bullshit of the bible and found Christianity seriously flawed.

Well I don't know about Christianity specifically, but they certainly did believe in God. I can run around and find all the various quotes from Washington and Madison, if you like, but that's been done before. The clearest indicator is in the Declaration of Independence, which is the foundation and principle we built the country upon. It speaks of Nature and Nature's God, and says we are endowed inalienable rights from a Creator.... odd that they would use these words if they didn't believe in God.

An intelligent person has to remember, these men were attempting an experiment. They wanted to form a nation which allowed religious freedom... unfettered religious freedom, unencumbered by government (as it was in England). There were numerous religious denominations already here, and they had established churches and practices their various doctrines, but the Founders had to bring all these people together under a single framework. In that respect, it was impossible to do this while wearing a particular religious view on your sleeve...Quakers weren't going to ratify a Constitution penned by a Methodist, a Baptist would balk at a Constitution written by a Episcopalian. Therefore, it was pertinent the Founding Fathers keep their personal religious beliefs private and not talk about them. Anti-religious scumbuckets like you, have interpreted this to mean they weren't religious people, didn't believe in God, were Deists, etc. The fact is, they were very religious people, they did believe in God, and they realized the importance of what they were doing and how it needed to be done.
Well I don't know about Christianity specifically, but they certainly did believe in God. I can run around and find all the various quotes from Washington and Madison, if you like, but that's been done before. The clearest indicator is in the Declaration of Independence, which is the foundation and principle we built the country upon. It speaks of Nature and Nature's God, and says we are endowed inalienable rights from a Creator.... odd that they would use these words if they didn't believe in God.

An intelligent person has to remember, these men were attempting an experiment. They wanted to form a nation which allowed religious freedom... unfettered religious freedom, unencumbered by government (as it was in England). There were numerous religious denominations already here, and they had established churches and practices their various doctrines, but the Founders had to bring all these people together under a single framework. In that respect, it was impossible to do this while wearing a particular religious view on your sleeve...Quakers weren't going to ratify a Constitution penned by a Methodist, a Baptist would balk at a Constitution written by a Episcopalian. Therefore, it was pertinent the Founding Fathers keep their personal religious beliefs private and not talk about them. Anti-religious scumbuckets like you, have interpreted this to mean they weren't religious people, didn't believe in God, were Deists, etc. The fact is, they were very religious people, they did believe in God, and they realized the importance of what they were doing and how it needed to be done.

I believe in Nature .. I don't believe in God. The Founders never mentioned God. In fact, the words "Jesus Christ, Christianity, Bible, Creator, Divine, and God" are never mentioned in the Constitution .. not even once.

Really fake-ass religious, fake-ass "spiritual" people like you don't have a clue who the Founders were or what they stood for. You don't have a clue what the Age of Enlightenment was about.

Unlearned comes to mind.

Jefferson wrote his own bible .. absent the mystical bullshit of the christian one.

The 1796 Treaty with Tripoli states that the United States was "not in any sense founded on the Christian religion." It was written under the presidency of George Washington and signed under the presidency of John Adams and it was ratified .


The language of the Declaration of Independence IS the language of Deism.

So you go dance your way out of here with that bullshit.

Fuck you and your made-up "god." :0)
I believe in Nature .. I don't believe in God. The Founders never mentioned God. In fact, the words "Jesus Christ, Christianity, Bible, Creator, Divine, and God" are never mentioned in the Constitution .. not even once.

Really fake-ass religious, fake-ass "spiritual" people like you don't have a clue who the Founders were or what they stood for. You don't have a clue what the Age of Enlightenment was about.

Unlearned comes to mind.

Jefferson wrote his own bible .. absent the mystical bullshit of the christian one.

The 1796 Treaty with Tripoli states that the United States was "not in any sense founded on the Christian religion." It was written under the presidency of George Washington and signed under the presidency of John Adams and it was ratified .


The language of the Declaration of Independence IS the language of Deism.

So you go dance your way out of here with that bullshit.

Fuck you and your made-up "god." :0)

Damn straight.

Our GODLESS Constitution
I'm not in self denial and I don't need help. Profanity is often used to convey passion and evoke drama... it is difficult to find a movie these days without some profanity. I sincerely doubt you surround yourself with people that never are profane, or refuse to tolerate profanity in your entertainment. This makes you a moral hypocrite to call me out for it. You are in self-denial of that.


Profanity is the last resort of the weak minded.

When you resort to profanity you display your mental limitations for all to see.
The Constitution is not supposed to mention God or Jesus, it is a compilation of our rights, which include the right to believe in whatever you want to believe. There would be no reasonable purpose for mentioning God or Jesus there. However, the Declaration of Independence, the foundational document on which the Constitution is made possible, does indeed mention "Nature and Nature's God" as well as "Creator" with a capital C. Not only does it mention them, it bases our entire philosophy of government on them. You may argue that the DoI has no "legal bearing" but again, it's not intended to. We're not a theocracy, and it's impossible for us to be, the way the Constitution is written.
I believe in Nature .. I don't believe in God.

What about "Nature's God" or "Creator" who endowed us with inalienable rights? Do you believe in those? The Founders did.

The Founders never mentioned God. In fact, the words "Jesus Christ, Christianity, Bible, Creator, Divine, and God" are never mentioned in the Constitution .. not even once.

The Founders weren't preachers spreading the words of their religion, were they? Nope.. they were men trying to create a government that embraced ALL religious beliefs, not just their personal ones. Again.. the Constitution is a compilation of our rights, there is no purpose for mentioning a specific deity or religious philosophy there, they weren't establishing a theocratic government, they were establishing freedom of religion.

Really fake-ass religious, fake-ass "spiritual" people like you don't have a clue who the Founders were or what they stood for. You don't have a clue what the Age of Enlightenment was about.

I bet I know more about history than you do. Mainly because I am open minded, and not a bigot like you.

Unlearned comes to mind.

Fucktarded comes to mind.

Jefferson wrote his own bible .. absent the mystical bullshit of the christian one.

Good for Jefferson, he obviously had spirituality and believed in something greater than self, and wasn't an Atheist.

The 1796 Treaty with Tripoli states that the United States was "not in any sense founded on the Christian religion." It was written under the presidency of George Washington and signed under the presidency of John Adams and it was ratified .

Where did I claim we were founded on a specific religion? Again, we are not a theocracy.

The language of the Declaration of Independence IS the language of Deism.

And Deism is widely misinterpreted and misunderstood by morons like you.
What about "Nature's God" or "Creator" who endowed us with inalienable rights? Do you believe in those? The Founders did.

:rofl2: That is the language of Deism dummy. Don't you know anything?

And, yes dummy .. like many of the Founders, I beleve in Nature's God, and I see no difference between "Creator" and Nature.

The Founders weren't preachers spreading the words of their religion, were they? Nope.. they were men trying to create a government that embraced ALL religious beliefs, not just their personal ones. Again.. the Constitution is a compilation of our rights, there is no purpose for mentioning a specific deity or religious philosophy there, they weren't establishing a theocratic government, they were establishing freedom of religion.

False argument. Who claimed the Founders were preachers? You claimed they put in language that affirmed their christianity. Obviously they did not.

I bet I know more about history than you do. Mainly because I am open minded, and not a bigot like you.

:rofl2: "open-minded" You're a fucking racist .. and I'm demonstrating what you don't know about history right now. :0)

Fucktarded comes to mind.

:0) The fucktard is the one who believes in fairy-tales. No knowledge of real history.

Good for Jefferson, he obviously had spirituality and believed in something greater than self, and wasn't an Atheist.

He wasn't a christan either .. else why write his own bible?

Jefferson was a Deist dummy. :0)

Where did I claim we were founded on a specific religion? Again, we are not a theocracy.

We're not a christian nation either .. which of course was the point.

And Deism is widely misinterpreted and misunderstood by morons like you.


Yet the dummy claims the Founders weren't Deists.

Deism .. misunderstood?

From the Deists themselves ..

Protect Children From the Bible

You can run away now mr. racist .. I'll call you again when I need another dummy. :0)
:rofl2: That is the language of Deism dummy. Don't you know anything?

And, yes dummy .. like many of the Founders, I beleve in Nature's God, and I see no difference between "Creator" and Nature.

False argument. Who claimed the Founders were preachers? You claimed they put in language that affirmed their christianity. Obviously they did not.

:rofl2: "open-minded" You're a fucking racist .. and I'm demonstrating what you don't know about history right now. :0)

:0) The fucktard is the one who believes in fairy-tales. No knowledge of real history.

He wasn't a christan either .. else why write his own bible?

Jefferson was a Deist dummy. :0)

We're not a christian nation either .. which of course was the point.


Yet the dummy claims the Founders weren't Deists.

Deism .. misunderstood?

From the Deists themselves ..

Protect Children From the Bible

You can run away now mr. racist .. I'll call you again when I need another dummy. :0)


But religious beliefs most certainly DO have business being in the process, as much business as anti-religious beliefs.
No they do not.
What exactly do you mean by "religious presence?" You mean we can't have any laws which are based on things taught in a religion? Wow... we're going to have a really fucked up society then! I'm not sure I want to live here! Virtually every law we have dealing with morals and ethics, is rooted to some degree in someone's religious teachings.
No, it doesn't. Laws against stealing, murder, damage to property, Ect. were in existence long before structured religions decried them as well. Further, it's basic common sense that laws are in place to codify what we as a society do not believe to be proper. However, that does not mean that because religious ideals are coincidentally coincided with secular ones in some instances, that they are religious in nature.
"Thou shall not steal." Whoa, we can't have a "religious presence" so we have to strike down laws that make theft a crime! Who are you to impose your "religious beliefs" on me? I might think it's perfectly fine to steal or kill.. or whatever!
See above. Retard.

You can't remove religious beliefs from the process. Not when the very founding principles of our liberty and freedom are based on the concept that we are endowed with our rights from a Creator.
Actually the idea of our rights being inherent comes from the Enlightenment era, which is characterized by massive rise in secularism, and to be rather specific, goes back to Hobbes and Locke, both of whom were heavy critics of religious institutions such as the Catholic church in specific, and religion in government in general. So it's essentially the polar opposite of what you stated.
You can't say you have "religious freedom" and then deny people to exercise those beliefs by advocating policies which respect those beliefs.
Actually, you can. I can't sacrifice children to my god, or animals, for example. However, that's not what I am saying. I'm saying you cannot use religion as the basis for laws, codes of ethics, or any other business of government. You'd be up in arms about Sharia law here (and I'm rather certain you've rallied against it on this very board), but at the same time feel Judeo-Christian laws have a place in our government. They don't.
Again, what you are trying to say is; We are free to exercise religion, just not practice it. We can be free to believe in God, we just can't allow God to influence our actions. It's a silly and untenable position to have in a society where religious freedom is an inalienable right we all have.
No, for the 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000th time, I'm saying you leave it at the doorstep when you enter government. Practice it at home, at work (except in government), on the beach, in your car, underwater, over a mountain, Ect. But if you are a government official/agency, you leave it outside.
They wanted to form a nation which allowed religious freedom... unfettered religious freedom, unencumbered by government (as it was in England).

Funny, that's not to be found anywhere in the DoI. Perhaps you mean the puritans? No, you can't mean them, because they left England because the English government would NOT allow them to instill Puritanical rules/laws (I.E. religious laws), which where wholly stricter than the secular English ones.
:rofl2: That is the language of Deism dummy. Don't you know anything?

And, yes dummy .. like many of the Founders, I beleve in Nature's God, and I see no difference between "Creator" and Nature.

Wow, so we basically all (you, me, and the FF) believe in the same God! I am a spiritualist who doesn't believe God has human attributes of love, hate, jealousy, anger, desire or need. I don't believe God requires anything from us, we are entirely free to do as we please, but we reap what we sow. Call it Karma maybe? That's my basis for spiritual belief, and it appears to coincide with yours, and the Deists. Let's be emphatically clear here, this is NOT ATHEISM.

False argument. Who claimed the Founders were preachers? You claimed they put in language that affirmed their christianity. Obviously they did not.

See, here is where we're having a problem, BAC.... Nowhere did I say that they "affirmed their Christianity." Those words are not there. I distinctly pointed out, they couldn't publicly flaunt their religious philosophy and be reasonably expected to form a non-theocratic government that embraced ALL religions and religious freedom. Such a thing would not have been accepted... Would you allow Pat Robertson to write your freaking Constitution? Would you accept anything he wrote and ratify it? I sincerely doubt it, and that is the point. The FFs couldn't very well run around spouting their personal religious beliefs and be expected to remain impartial while creating the Constitution. It's ludicrous and terribly ignorant to think they would have done so, even if they wanted to.

:rofl2: "open-minded" You're a fucking racist .. and I'm demonstrating what you don't know about history right now. :0)

You can call me a racist all you like, BAC, it doesn't bother me. I have never uttered a racist word to anyone, and I don't plan to do so. As for history, I probably know more than you do, because you have closed your mind to all other viewpoints and have stubbornly refused to even honestly evaluate what others say. You demonstrated this already, by completely misquoting me and what I've articulated. This would be bad enough if we were having a verbal conversation, but the text is there for you to read and confirm what was said. This now becomes deliberate ignorance on your part. As I said once before, you are like the black Archie Bunker!

:0) The fucktard is the one who believes in fairy-tales. No knowledge of real history.

I've told you what I believe, and it's the same thing you believe. This isn't about what we personally believe, or what the FFs personally believed. It's about the basis and foundation of the country and government, which relies on the existence of something greater than man, which endowed us with our freedoms, rights and liberties. It doesn't matter what version you think it is, or if you even believe there is anything, that was the foundation and principle of our nation.

He wasn't a christan either .. else why write his own bible? Jefferson was a Deist dummy. :0)

Where did I ever post that Jefferson was a Christian? Do you not realize you keep posting shit that I have not ever said? Are you translating my posts through some kind of Dog Whistle Code program before reading or something? Because, if that's the case, we've lost communication, we aren't speaking the same language, and there's no telling what I am saying to you.

We're not a christian nation either .. which of course was the point.

I've never said we were a "Christian Nation." That would clearly be a Theocracy. We are not a theocracy! I've heard people say this before, and its' a misnomer. It's a very poor choice of words, but the intent is to say we are a nation based on the belief that 'God' endows us with our rights and not man. That's a fairly universal concept we can all agree on, regardless of our personal view of what is "God."

Me pointing this out, does not mean I am a Christian or supporting the "Christian Nation" claims. I've never made such a statement, and it is frankly ignorant of the principle itself. We can't both be a "Christian Nation" and also religiously free.

Yet the dummy claims the Founders weren't Deists.

I don't think the founders were all the same thing. I think they all had individual beliefs. Some might have been "Deist" but Deism was not devoid of belief in God. In fact, it is very spiritual in nature, and oddly enough, pretty much the same belief you and I have.

Profanity is the last resort of the weak minded.

When you resort to profanity you display your mental limitations for all to see.

This is good news...we've gotten Yurt to admit he isn't really interested in civil discourse and he's basically out to flamebait other posters by being a douchebag.

That's right...ridicule the press for merely trying to do it's job...but cut the douchebag Romney aide all the slack he wants for his embarrassing outburst in public.

Listen to yourself..."the press needs to shut the fuck up..." what country you think we live in anyway? Endless whining about Amendment #2 but nary a word from all these supposed constitutional "experts" on Republicans violating the 1st amendment.

No problemo, chickenshit.

I knew you couldn't back up your nonsense...and that reply just confirmed it.
