Is Anyone Surprised that a Man Won the Gold Medal in Women's Boxing?

I do not support men in women's sports.
Liar. You support it whenever the man claims that he identifies as a woman. You LOOOOOOVE yourself some good woman beating!!!
I've never said I support men in women's sports.
... of course you haven't SAID it, because you KNOW full well that it is a morally SHITTY thing to support.
Men are bigger, stronger and faster than women.
Precisely why men shouldn't be playing in woman's sports, beating the ever loving SHIT out of them.
Those two things can be true and what I said about Imane, Christina as it relates to DSD can also still be true. Again, you aren't able to see past your Conservative tunnel vision.
Again, you continue to delude yourself into believing that men are somehow women so that you can internally justify your woman-beating fetish.
You sure do, actually! All it takes is for the man to say "Derrrr, I INDENTIFY as a woman... derrrrrrrrp derpy derp" and then you instantly SUPPORT, without any question, men beating the ever loving SHIT out of women.
Again, you're only proving your lack of intellectual curiosity and honesty. This isn't about identifying as anything. This is a condition where things don't line up correctly. Where you're kind of a girl, but kind of not a girl. Imane, as an amateur boxer, was 9-5. A true male, even minimally experienced in boxing, would NEVER get to that point. In fact, most young, healthy men without boxing training, would beat the crap out of a female.

Christina Mboma's all time best 200m time wasn't even as good as the US boys HS record.... yet another thing I guarantee you didn't know.
Correct, because doing so would pop the delusion bubble that's inside of the vacant space in which your mind is supposed to be.

Your delusions aren't my problem.
Keep those blinders on.
Evasion. Answer the question.

Nobody asked about Simone Biles. Answer the question.
I've never checked, but I'd bet that, since they are all active Olympic athletes, NONE of them do. You clearly have no idea what goes into being an Olympic athlete if you think being pregnant, having children and being an olympic athlete is likely to happen simultaneously. Sure, maybe archery. Shooting and other non-highly physically demanding sports, but very, very, very few Olympic athletes are having children while they are still training. Out of all the Olympic athletes, you're surprised that three don't have kids? Weird.
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Liar. You support it whenever the man claims that he identifies as a woman. You LOOOOOOVE yourself some good woman beating!!!

... of course you haven't SAID it, because you KNOW full well that it is a morally SHITTY thing to support.

Precisely why men shouldn't be playing in woman's sports, beating the ever loving SHIT out of them.

Again, you continue to delude yourself into believing that men are somehow women so that you can internally justify your woman-beating fetish.
You are too blinded by your politics to have a reasonable discussion. Go jerk off with someone else.
Again, you're only proving your lack of intellectual curiosity and honesty.
Your issue, not mine.
This isn't about identifying as anything.
Right, but that's what you're trying to make it into. I'm only interested in the chromosomes... in the biology.
This is a condition where things don't line up correctly.
What "things" don't "line up" where? Nevermind... this is merely a distraction.
Where you're kind of a girl, but kind of not a girl.
Nope. There is no "kind of a girl" about it. He is a MALE. XY chromosomes.
I've never checked, but I'd bet that, since they are all active Olympic athletes, NONE of them do. You clearly have no idea what goes into being an Olympic athlete if you think being pregnant, having children and being an olympic athlete is likely to happen simultaneously. Sure, maybe archery. Shooting and other non-highly physically demanding sports, but very, very, very few Olympic athletes are having children while they are still training. Out of all the Olympic athletes, you're surprised that three don't have kids? Weird.
:blah: :blah: :blah:

So your final answer is 'zero'?
Your issue, not mine.

Right, but that's what you're trying to make it into. I'm only interested in the chromosomes... in the biology.

What "things" don't "line up" where? Nevermind... this is merely a distraction.

Nope. There is no "kind of a girl" about it. He is a MALE. XY chromosomes.
"Right, but that's what you're trying to make it into. I'm only interested in the chromosomes... in the biology."

So, you're not interested all biology, just chromosomes. Got it.
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Your issue, not mine.

Right, but that's what you're trying to make it into. I'm only interested in the chromosomes... in the biology.

What "things" don't "line up" where? Nevermind... this is merely a distraction.

Nope. There is no "kind of a girl" about it. He is a MALE. XY chromosomes.
It's very entertaining to see how pro-science you and IBDaMann are when you think it aligns with your politics and then suddenly dismiss it when it doesn't.

What are Differences of Sex Development (DSD)?

Differences of sex development (DSD) describes a group of conditions that occur early in pregnancy in which sex development is not typical. Some people may use different words to describe this, such as intersex, or use the name of the actual condition.

There are two main factors that decide whether a baby develops as male or female: genetic factors and sex hormones. The reproductive body parts may develop differently if there is a change in any of the factors needed for sex development. This results in DSD.

Both “sex” and “gender” are related to being a boy or a girl. “Sex” is about a person’s body parts and how their body grows and develops. A person’s sex is due to a mix of genetic factors and sex hormones. A person’s gender is about their sense of self.

Genetic Factors
Chromosomes are large groups of genes. You can think about genes as instruction codes that are packaged in a person’s chromosomes. There are some genes that are involved in sex development.

Most people have 46 chromosomes. Two of the chromosomes, the X and the Y, are called sex chromosomes. Most boys have one X and one Y chromosome. Most girls have two X chromosomes. However, some boys and girls may have different chromosome patterns. For example, some girls have one X and one Y chromosome.

Changes in some genes or chromosome patterns may explain why some people’s bodies develop differently.

Sex Hormones
Hormones are chemical messages that a person’s body makes. They tell the body how to grow and develop. Sex hormones make a person’s body parts develop in a male or female way, before birth and at puberty.

Sex hormones are made by glands inside the body called gonads. There are two types of gonads: testes and ovaries. Most boys have testes and most girls have ovaries. Genetic factors (for example, if a Y chromosome is present or not) are important for sex glands to develop into testes or ovaries.

Testes make hormones called androgens. Testosterone is one type of androgen. Ovaries make estrogen, and some testosterone. In addition, testes make sperm and ovaries make eggs.

Reproductive Body Parts
People have reproductive parts inside and outside their bodies. Gonads are one of the parts inside the body. Also inside the body, most girls have a vagina, a cervix and a uterus. The parts outside the body are called genitals. Most boys have a penis and a scrotum. Most girls have a clitoris, labia and a hole for the vagina.

Some people with DSD may have a mix of male and female reproductive parts or genitals that are not clearly male or female.

What causes differences of sex development?
There are many types of DSD. The reasons for people to be born with one of these conditions may be a change that involves any of the following:

Sex chromosomes or genes
Sex glands (such as testes or ovaries)
Sex hormones
When are differences of sex development suspected?

DSD affects people throughout the lifespan. While some conditions are discovered at birth, others may be found later, during childhood, puberty or even adulthood. DSD can affect both the genitals on the outside and the reproductive body parts on the inside of the body.

Some people with DSD have other health issues, while many people with DSD are healthy.

Some examples of when DSD may be suspected:

The way a newborn baby’s genitals look can make it hard to tell if the baby is a boy or a girl

Genitals do not look typical such as:
-May be hard to tell if the baby is a boy or a girl
-Enlarged clitoris
-Very small penis
-Hypospadias (hole for urination at the base, instead of the tip, of the penis in a boy)
-Absent testes in a boy
-Sex chromosomes do not match how the genitals look (can find this out before birth or later in life)
-Child does not go through puberty or menstruation does not start
Infertility in adulthood

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That it is. Too bad you don't understand it.

Nope. This issue belongs to YOU.

It is a meaningless term. There is no 'third gender' or 'both genders' or whatever else. There is only male and female. Yes, a very small amount of males and females do experience some sort of physical developmental abnormality, but such abnormalities do not change one's gender.
Wh are not discussing gender.