Is Florida in play for Biden?

If the Revolution decides that they need FL to declare their candidate the winner than sure....otherwise they wont go to the work of rigging FL.
With an abortion and legal weed referendum on the ballot is Florida now a swing state?

Will these referendums draw out a new group of liberals in droves?

I doubt it, but it would certainly be nice to have Florida back in civilization.
It's North Korea Lite right now.
Nah, ain’t enough educated young people in Florida, State is full of old scared white people from the MidWest who ran there to live mediocrity in gated communities


The majority of the population increase in Florida since Xi's Man Joe was installed has come from New York City.

But whatever lies you need to tell yourself to keep goosestepping in unison with your party...
Why would they be?

Because you're losing, badly.

Oh, you were never going to win a free and fair election, everyone knows that - but your avenues for fraud - the democrat way of winning elections - are drying up fast.

I'm sure this is making the National Socialist democrats really popular in Florida;

{In January 2023, the Biden Administration announced an expansion to its parole process for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Colombians after the October 2022 parole expansion for Venezuelans and Ukrainians. The program allows illegal immigrants to receive work permits and a two-year authorization to live in the U.S.

Since then, at least 386,000 illegal aliens have been flown into airports across the country, with 326,000 of them being shipped to Florida. }

Go Quid Pro!

Don’t even get me started on the gated communities. Those people generally want small government, then they Intentionally add an extra layer of government to protect them.

You are Communist - and as such you have little to no grasp of how Americans think. A private board elected by residents to provide security is entirely consistent with conservative ideals.

Traditionally, conservatives favor bottom up governance, where the people have the greatest political power. Electing representatives to govern in cities and towns who are directly responsible to the people. Towns and cities cede a small portion of the authority granted by the people to counties and shires. Counties cede a small portion of their authority to states. States then cede a small portion of authority to the federation, the federal government for the purpose of national courts and national defense.

democrats have a far different view, where there is a ruler, or group of rulers in Washington DC who hold absolute power. The Ruler will appoint barons, earls, ministers, secretaries, et al. to execute the will of the ruling caste on the many states. Governors are the rulers of the individual state, deriving their power from the central government and submit to rule by the central government. Counties must submit to the rule of the state, cities must submit to the rule of the counties, and the people must submit to the rule of every level of government.

Think about this, the majority of people in Florida strongly do not want trump to be president.

Imagine if that were actually true.

It isn't, but imagine if it were.

That has not translated into the majority of people supporting Biden, but it could. That means by definition Florida is in play.

In play does not mean Biden will win, but that there is some conceivable universe in which he can win, and therefore he should compete in Florida.

336,000 illegals dumped into Miami last month by Quid Pro (another felony) - yeah, Bought and Paid for is REAL popular with Florida.....
Because, it’s clear you are all spinning around in circles telling yourselves lies.

This from the liar who is caught lying daily.

Spin us some lies about how "Americans are now paying the highest federal income taxes in history."

Or how "25 states are NOT helping Texas."
This from the liar who is caught lying daily.

Spin us some lies about how "Americans are paying the highest federal income taxes in history.

Or how "25 states are NOT helping Texas."

You seem panicked.