Is Florida in play for Biden?

Do you know what a 6% lead is, Walter?

Time to panic, time to scream about abortion…it’s not illegal, Walter. It’s left to the state legislators who are elected by its citizens.

It is not legal to to follow the laws about ballot initiatives? Republicans pushed ballot initiatives thinking it would help them, and now realize it will help Democrats and are against them. Even the Republican Florida Supreme Court admits it is legal.

Your desperation is showing. Why are you so scared? Could it be that Florida is in play?

The best part is that Biden does not need to win Florida to be reelected. trump desperately needs to win Florida.
trump supporters are one of the few demographics on Earth with a falling life expectancy. This is because of crazy bad personal decisions.
I guess I'll have to stop sky diving. :(

Correct me if I'm wrong but the majority of black males voter are Democrats and the majority of Trump supporters are White Males. White males have a much longer life expectancy than Black males do.
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No, it existed, Anchovies.

There was a time when Americans did not lock their doors, their cars and could walk the streets safely, and did not have squatters occupying their homes.

There was a time when our borders were secure, minimum crime and inflation.

This changed when Biden took office. You know it and Americans know it. Check the polls on the border, crime and inflation, Anchovies.

Right, so in 2018 Americans didn’t have to lock their doors etc., but they do not now, and all because Biden was elected, okie dokie

“earl” just confirmed my point, “ Insecurities - they don’t understand the America around them, they are trying to recreate the image they think is America, the America of their salad days, even though that America never really did exist.

And by the way, crime has gone done since Biden was elected (, you got to turn the channel ever now and then “earl”
Does anyone under age 70 watch FoxNews? I know younger people are quitting cable TV in droves, leaving behind FoxNews viewers who are close to death.

It is not legal to to follow the laws about ballot initiatives? Republicans pushed ballot initiatives thinking it would help them, and now realize it will help Democrats and are against them. Even the Republican Florida Supreme Court admits it is legal.

Your desperation is showing. Why are you so scared? Could it be that Florida is in play?

The best part is that Biden does not need to win Florida to be reelected. trump desperately needs to win Florida.

Scared, Walter? Desperation, Walter?

Trump Leads Biden in Six of Seven Swing States, WSJ Poll ...

Biden needs desperately to win Florida…Walter.
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FOX News Channel Crushes CNN and MSNBC Combined in Total Day and Primetime Viewers for First Quarter of 2024

There are 12 retards who watch MSNBC, all are JPP posters.
That’s nice, Earl, just so darn pleasant to talk to, you have a nice day. And remember what Jesus said,
Matthew 5:44: “But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.”

Does anyone under age 70 watch FoxNews? I know younger people are quitting cable TV in droves, leaving behind FoxNews viewers who are close to death.

Well, no, Walter,

FOX News Channel Crushes CNN and MSNBC Combined in Total Day and Primetime Viewers for First Quarter of 2024
Think about this, the majority of people in Florida strongly do not want trump to be president. That has not translated into the majority of people supporting Biden, but it could. That means by definition Florida is in play.

In play does not mean Biden will win, but that there is some conceivable universe in which he can win, and therefore he should compete in Florida.

And they also do not want Biden as a candidate even more so than Trump, but you didn't seem to want to recognize that...

Your dementia patient is as popular as a festering scab on the tip of a man's lower head, while their presumptive nominee is about as popular as a festering scab on someone's elbow... They are both unpopular... It's come to a contest of who they want least.

Since both are nearly as unpopular as the other, it will come down to the same thing as before, which jersey are they wearing. And we saw that there are far more MAGA shirts than there are Che Guevara shirts down in Florida. I don't think it is any more in play than California is in "play" for Trump, even though we all know most Californians do not want Biden to be their nominee that doesn't make them magically vote Trump...
That’s nice, Earl, just so darn pleasant to talk to, you have a nice day. And remember what Jesus said,
[FONT=&]Matthew 5:44[/FONT][FONT=&]: “But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.”


Glad you liked it, it was fairly benign.

Be ye moderate in all things.

Philippians 4:5-8 KJV › bible › PHP.4.5-8.KJV
Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let ...
Correct me if I'm wrong but the majority of black males voter are Democrats and the majority of Trump supporters are White Males. White males have a much longer life expectancy than Black males do.

Black males have a rising life expectancy, and trump supporters have a collapsing life expectancy. That is just a fact. It is such a bad collapse that it was bringing down average life expectancies in America as a whole, even before the pandemic. The falling life expectancy is so bad that it can be said to have killed more Americans than AIDS.

Or put another way, Blacks had things bad, but they are getting better. trump supporters used to have things good, but it is getting worse.

They are sure someone is trying to kill them, and they are right. Sadly, that person is themselves.
Glad you liked it, it was fairly benign.

Be ye moderate in all things.

Philippians 4:5-8 KJV › bible › PHP.4.5-8.KJV
Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let ...
Black males have a rising life expectancy, and trump supporters have a collapsing life expectancy. That is just a fact. It is such a bad collapse that it was bringing down average life expectancies in America as a whole, even before the pandemic. The falling life expectancy is so bad that it can be said to have killed more Americans than AIDS.

Or put another way, Blacks had things bad, but they are getting better. trump supporters used to have things good, but it is getting worse.

They are sure someone is trying to kill them, and they are right. Sadly, that person is themselves.
