Is Florida in play for Biden?

Black males have a rising life expectancy, and trump supporters have a collapsing life expectancy. That is just a fact. It is such a bad collapse that it was bringing down average life expectancies in America as a whole, even before the pandemic. The falling life expectancy is so bad that it can be said to have killed more Americans than AIDS.

Or put another way, Blacks had things bad, but they are getting better. trump supporters used to have things good, but it is getting worse.

They are sure someone is trying to kill them, and they are right. Sadly, that person is themselves.

Wrong, Walter.

The life expectancy of black males in the United States is approximately five years shorter than for white males
And they also do not want Biden as a candidate even more so than Trump, but you didn't seem to want to recognize that.

Your problem is the polls do not show that. People are worried about Biden, and terrified about trump. If Biden can convince people that he is fine, then he will win in a landslide. Or if Biden (or trump) can convince people that trump is really bad, then Biden will win in a landslide.

Honestly, if you do not think Florida is in play, or that Biden has a good chance of winning, you are lying to yourself. trump also has a good chance of winning. It is anyone's game right now.

Your dementia patient is as popular as a festering scab on the tip of a man's lower head, while their presumptive nominee is about as popular as a festering scab on someone's elbow... They are both unpopular... It's come to a contest of who they want least.

Now you are just showing yourself to be delusional. trump is stuck ranting about locks, and saying he is going to deport his supporters. he has threatened potential supporters who supported Hailey before. It is a disaster.

Or put another way, if Biden was really a "dementia patient", why is trump running away from debates?

I don't think it is any more in play than California is in "play" for Trump, even though we all know most Californians do not want Biden to be their nominee that doesn't make them magically vote Trump...

If trump got every single undecided vote, he would still lose California by 20%. If Biden got every single undecided vote, he would win Florida by 5% to 10%. Can you see the difference?

Or put another way, over 50% of Californians will never vote for trump. Under 40% of Floridians will never vote for Biden. That is a clear path to victory for Biden in Florida, but no chance for trump in California.

That being said, if trump wants to waste time and money on California, I think he should. trump has a real chance of winning this election, and I would love to see him waste resources on California.
Biden needs desperately to win Florida…Walter.

Biden won in 2020 without Florida. There are plenty of paths to victory for Biden that do not include Florida. There are vanishing few paths to victory for trump that do not include Florida.

So trump desperately needs Florida, and it would be nice for Biden if he could deny trump that desperate need.

And the good news for Biden is Florida is in play. Biden is not in the lead, but it is close enough, with enough undecided, that it is very possible for Biden.
Does anyone under age 70 watch FoxNews? I know younger people are quitting cable TV in droves, leaving behind FoxNews viewers who are close to death.

FOX News Channel Crushes CNN and MSNBC Combined in Total Day and Primetime Viewers for First Quarter of 2024

And I am sure that FoxNews has the most landline users also. They may well have the most viewers that ride a horse to work.

Cable is dying. Being first among the dying is nothing to crow about. FoxNews has a terrible website, because its viewers have trouble using the internet.
Your problem is the polls do not show that. People are worried about Biden, and terrified about trump. If Biden can convince people that he is fine, then he will win in a landslide. Or if Biden (or trump) can convince people that trump is really bad, then Biden will win in a landslide.

Honestly, if you do not think Florida is in play, or that Biden has a good chance of winning, you are lying to yourself. trump also has a good chance of winning. It is anyone's game right now.

Now you are just showing yourself to be delusional. trump is stuck ranting about locks, and saying he is going to deport his supporters. he has threatened potential supporters who supported Hailey before. It is a disaster.

Or put another way, if Biden was really a "dementia patient", why is trump running away from debates?

If trump got every single undecided vote, he would still lose California by 20%. If Biden got every single undecided vote, he would win Florida by 5% to 10%. Can you see the difference?

Or put another way, over 50% of Californians will never vote for trump. Under 40% of Floridians will never vote for Biden. That is a clear path to victory for Biden in Florida, but no chance for trump in California.

That being said, if trump wants to waste time and money on California, I think he should. trump has a real chance of winning this election, and I would love to see him waste resources on California.

The reality:

Florida is as "at play" as California is "at play"... Even with your pretend "every single undecided" measure. DeSantis won by huge margins, you have to overcome that, not the magical, "boy folks really hate Trump as much as I do" thing.

I get why you want it to be, but the reality just isn't on your side on this one.

I used California because of the margins that democrats win by there, they are about the same as the margin that DeSantis won by in Florida. Disliking the republican doesn't make folks that vote like they did in those places suddenly vote for the other team. This idea that it is "in play" because we have "abortion" just doesn't fly.

But hey, spend your money there. It just makes for less money in the places it would be effective, like in Minnesota where the state is actually in play for either candidate.
Biden won in 2020 without Florida. There are plenty of paths to victory for Biden that do not include Florida. There are vanishing few paths to victory for trump that do not include Florida.

So trump desperately needs Florida, and it would be nice for Biden if he could deny trump that desperate need.

And the good news for Biden is Florida is in play. Biden is not in the lead, but it is close enough, with enough undecided, that it is very possible for Biden.

In case you missed it, Walter…Trump Leads Biden in Six of Seven Swing States, WSJ Poll ...

Biden needs desperately to win Florida…Walter.
And I am sure that FoxNews has the most landline users also. They may well have the most viewers that ride a horse to work.

Cable is dying. Being first among the dying is nothing to crow about. FoxNews has a terrible website, because its viewers have trouble using the internet.

Link, Walter, or you are lying.
Wrong, Walter.

The life expectancy of black males in the United States is approximately five years shorter than for white males

Are you illiterate? Do you know that you are not denying what I am saying?

Let's say that the life expectancy of Black males is 70, and rising by one month every year. And that life expectancy of trump voters is 73, and dropping by 3 months every year. What we are both saying would be accurate.
Are you illiterate? Do you know that you are not denying what I am saying?

Let's say that the life expectancy of Black males is 70, and rising by one month every year. And that life expectancy of trump voters is 73, and dropping by 3 months every year. What we are both saying would be accurate.
According to a 2022 CDC report, Black Americans' life expectancy is six years lower than white people's, and has been declining since 2019. In 2021, Black people's life expectancy was 70.8 years, compared to 76.4 years for white people, 77.7 years for Hispanic people, and 83.5 years for Asian people.,people and 77.7 years for Hispanic people.

Poor Walter, he hasn’t been right this century…or most of last century.