Is FoxNews biased?

Nah. Socialism utopia aka communism is mine. You could have the free speech and drugs though. :)

:) It is my wet dream. It may sound scary at first, but ultimately it is for the good of society.

Think about a government that isn't threatened by free speech, by assembly, by drugs, by anything. You would be granted the same rights we have now, plus a few, and in exchange you would lose something that the majority of Americans do not value in the first place--- the vote. Even that right could be regained through party membership, in this fantasy future.
Uh Huh...

Oh and the name you are calling me is very demaning. It means feces. How lovely. The name I'm calling you is Japanese for "idiot." All you can do is degrade women who you don't like. You're pathetic.

It's okay for a little twit to degrade men but heaven forbid if it is returned! get a clue bimbo...I am a guy and guys are not like Cippie who gets in touch with his feminine side...if you dish it out you will get it in return...and my girls are real girls not phoney bimbos who cry when they are called out for their hypocrisy...kay!
The government should be weak and pitiful. We should have no reason to fear it, not the other way around. I only really believe in democracy because it's one more way of weakening the power of the government. Deliberation was the innovation of democracy. Not the vote.

Suffrage was an unique and fascinating tool that has been vital in the shaping of modern Society and of achieving civil one can deny the importance of the vote in a historical context. However, as one reaches harder, more difficult soil, it is sometimes necessary to discard the favoured tools of yesteryear to renew your struggle with something stronger and more durable, something that will allow you to build upon what you have already accomplished rather than stagnate.

The only reason people want the government to be weak and pitiful is because people do not want government interference in their lives--- what if you lived in a world where the government did not interfere in your life, but was basically authoritarian in its power....obviously some system of balance would still need to be fleshed out (I'm thinking Party membership or something of the sort), but no government abuse whatsoever.
Hun in case you haven't noticed I'm in this "we" you are talking about so I believe myself since I have my grades. I'm not going to show you them of course since it has my private info on the transcript. I don't give a damn baka what you think. You're pathetic and a loser. All you do is just degrade women who have the nerve to stand up to your abuse. Loser.

We believe you...NOT!...and by the way I finished college along time ago...BS(Criminal Justice-Minor in History) was all I cared it carried me thru till the end...try again pappas darling daughter...daddy helping you again?
We're getting kind of off topic here though Gonzo.

Wanna make a thread about it, and we can debate it there instead?

You make the thread, and I will post there tonight. I have to go out now, but I'll be back. Maybe you can get Damo to set up a debate if you don't want anyone else joining in.
No, I have merely blended Italio-Fascism with a civil liberty-loving mindset.

The State is ultimate entity, etc. etc., except that the State is so powerful that it eventually achieves benevolence, and serves as a structure for Society to operate within.

The American government was designed to be for ,by and of the people.

The Current republican party has stolen it with vote fraud and shit like signing statements, refusal to follow the established laws and saying shit like the constitution does not guarntee certain rights that it does guarntee. They have no right to be holding office. I long for the day America realises their government has been stolen from them.
Hun calling you an idiot is not degrading men. It's degrading YOU. There's a huge difference dumbass. And hun I'm not crying. I'm showing how you're a pathetic and abusive loser. The only thing you know how to do to women you ldon't ike is degrade them by calling them name's like bimbo and feces. All I do is call you an idiot which is more about your lack of intelligence and not who you are. Dumbass. You prove every day more and more what a dumbass loser you are. Why would I cry over your pathetic shit? Loser.

It's okay for a little twit to degrade men but heaven forbid if it is returned! get a clue bimbo...I am a guy and guys are not like Cippie who gets in touch with his feminine side...if you dish it out you will get it in return...and my girls are real girls not phoney bimbos who cry when they are called out for their hypocrisy...kay!
Really...a "A"

Hun in case you haven't noticed I'm in this "we" you are talking about so I believe myself since I have my grades. I'm not going to show you them of course since it has my private info on the transcript. I don't give a damn baka what you think. You're pathetic and a loser. All you do is just degrade women who have the nerve to stand up to your abuse. Loser.

and did your professor tell you you are great?...If you were in my class I would have failed you for nonsense arguments and self back patting...not to mention a few other nonsense arguments and cry baby responses!:pke:
Jack Welsh, former CEO of General Electric, was a major Bush supporter and campaign contributor. I'm pretty sure if you look up total campaign contributions, the majority of GE's contributions traditionally go to republicans.

You said that journalists have to tow the company line. That would suggest that NBC and CBS journalists have to promote GE and Viacom's republican-leaning tendencies.

That's not how it operates and you know it. If Jack Welch wanted to promote a right-wing perspective he would not have Tom Brokaw, Brian Williams, Katie Couric, Dan Rather or Peter Jennings.

These corporation aren't communist run. There is autonomy and power below people like Jack Welch.
Suffrage was an unique and fascinating tool that has been vital in the shaping of modern Society and of achieving civil one can deny the importance of the vote in a historical context. However, as one reaches harder, more difficult soil, it is sometimes necessary to discard the favoured tools of yesteryear to renew your struggle with something stronger and more durable, something that will allow you to build upon what you have already accomplished rather than stagnate.

The only reason people want the government to be weak and pitiful is because people do not want government interference in their lives--- what if you lived in a world where the government did not interfere in your life, but was basically authoritarian in its power....obviously some system of balance would still need to be fleshed out (I'm thinking Party membership or something of the sort), but no government abuse whatsoever.

I don't know what you mean by authoritarian if you purport that the government won't interfere with peoples lives.
Yes in fact my professor and I talked and he said I will do very well in the field with my work ethic etc. We had to do a mock trial of which my grade on that was a 100. I did pretty well on tests too. We also had to do essay type question's on different sceniros and the first one I did alright on but the second one I did really well on. Again dumbass I'm not crying over your pathetic shit. Pointing it out and "crying" are two different things. And yes when I do really well on something I do pat myself on the back because I worked hard and deserve it.

and did your professor tell you you are great?...If you were in my class I would have failed you for nonsense arguments and self back patting...not to mention a few other nonsense arguments and cry baby responses!:pke:

Hun calling you an idiot is not degrading men. It's degrading YOU. There's a huge difference dumbass. And hun I'm not crying. I'm showing how you're a pathetic and abusive loser. The only thing you know how to do to women you ldon't ike is degrade them by calling them name's like bimbo and feces. All I do is call you an idiot which is more about your lack of intelligence and not who you are. Dumbass. You prove every day more and more what a dumbass loser you are. Why would I cry over your pathetic shit? Loser.

You 'HUN' are a textbook 'Narcist' from the get are so 'Pretty in Pink' and all...all of us guys should just swoon to your beauty and intelligence...or not!:cof1:
Dumbass. Wanting respect and to be treated like a human being instead of your abuse is not wanting you to swoon over me. I don't want you to swoon over me because like I said I don't date losers.

You 'HUN' are a textbook 'Narcist' from the get are so 'Pretty in Pink' and all...all of us guys should just swoon to your beauty and intelligence...or not!:cof1:
Only two of those people still work in network "news."

That's not how it operates and you know it. If Jack Welch wanted to promote a right-wing perspective he would not have Tom Brokaw, Brian Williams, Katie Couric, Dan Rather or Peter Jennings.

These corporation aren't communist run. There is autonomy and power below people like Jack Welch.
Not hardly...........

Its BB way fo flirting with you.

He likes to degrade before he puts on his smooth moves.

That is why the mouse is the only action he can get.

I don't play with mice or females who think because a guy is a guy he is so very bad...desh ya need a real outlet...go out and have some fun rather than fantasize about why guys do what they do...get some real experience..rather than sip the old coors lite...kay!