Is It Time To Take Up Arms?

If you take property from people who owe it to you, that's stealing?

If you don't go through the right avenues, absolutely. I don't get to go to your house and take your stuff at gunpoint simply because I believe you owe me money, that is theft plain and simple, direct robbery. Especially so for something you owed from back in 1998 (in CO it would actually be illegal to try to collect on a debt over 7 years old). (in 1998 Nevada took over the billing, etc. for the land in question.)

He owes money, not a life.

Put a lien on his property if the laws allow for you to attempt to collect money owed from that far back.
If you don't go through the right avenues, absolutely. I don't get to go to your house and take your stuff at gunpoint simply because I believe you owe me money, that is theft plain and simple, direct robbery. Especially so for something you owed from back in 1998 (in CO it would actually be illegal to try to collect on a debt over 7 years old). (in 1998 Nevada took over the billing, etc. for the land in question.)

He owes money, not a life.

Put a lien on his property if the laws allow for you to attempt to collect money owed from that far back.

Okay, that is a good point. But the property is on the Federal Government's land, and they are refusing to pay the fees. What is the Fed to do? They have a right to remove cattle off of their land. Right?
Anyone see any similarities between this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the feds have been over decades now increasing their power, their bureaucracy and their desire to control more and more....from the public schools to you name it....what we are up against is a all powerful federal government that now is beginning to flex its muscles more and more.

By the time the masses understand what is happening it will probably be too late to stop it as we can see in the current mess in the justic dept. An attorney general who is nothing more than a political stooge...who has grossly insulted congress as well as other egregious actions...aka trying to railroad G. Zimmerman for purely political reasons etc. and so on and so forth.

If Obama wanted to declare Martial Law tomorrow ...who would stop him? I think no one...obama is gradually beginning to understand just how much power he has and that really there is no one to stop him....aka his penchant for exercising his executive privilege aka making laws by circumventing congress...just by using his pen....he came right out and stated it.
Who was calling on the fed and cheering on the fed when the moved the Occupy movement off of Government property? And those people were not operating a business.

this boils down to...

Waaa, I want a subsidy from the Federal Government and they wont give it to me.
Okay, that is a good point. But the property is on the Federal Government's land, and they are refusing to pay the fees. What is the Fed to do? They have a right to remove cattle off of their land. Right?

No...the land is public land...meaning it belongs to all Americans....the Feds manage it but they do not own fact they should not even be managing it....the public lands should be managed by the states wherein the land exists.

He owes money, this isn't something that can't be dealt with simply with a LIEN on his property. This sending agents to steal at gunpoint is absolutely not the way to deal with somebody who owes money. We don't have debtors prison.

This is bout much more than any money Bundy might owe. It really is about who should control aka manage the public lands ....the States or a out of touch and heavy handed Federal Bureaucracy (BLM0who has no problem sending snipers to surround a man's ranch with rifles zeroed in on the man's family.
No...the land is public land...meaning it belongs to all Americans....the Feds manage it but they do not own fact they should not even be managing it....the public lands should be managed by the states wherein the land exists.

Well, I want the Feds who manage it to charge this guy. He's using my land to make a bigger profit on his cattle. If I want to go to Yellowstone, I have to pay a user fee, this guy wants to live off the government tit.
Heck NASA sits on Public Property... I want to build my tourist trap there rent free.
Okay, that is a good point. But the property is on the Federal Government's land, and they are refusing to pay the fees. What is the Fed to do? They have a right to remove cattle off of their land. Right?

Again, the Feds gave that collection authority to Nevada in 1998, they held it only for 5 years (1993 to 1998) and now Nevada has the authority to collect the fees. What the Feds are doing is not within their authority per the contract with Nevada. The gentleman agreed, long ago, to pay Nevada. The BLM just decided to take matters into their own hands and made a poor showing of it.
Heck NASA sits on Public Property... I want to build my tourist trap there rent free.

If there was a contract with your state to allow you to build a tourist trap there for a fee your state could allow that. If you owed them money the STATE could lien your property and seize liquid assets like any other collector as they would have to pay the Feds the contracted fee regardless per the contract. The debt is the state's to collect, not Federal Marshals with military snipers holding his family at gunpoint.

Sending in the troops to start pointing guns at your family is not within the realm of debt collections in a nation where we do not have debtors prison.
What it comes down in a sense is whether or not federal control is better than local control.

To simplify...say you own some land a thousand miles from Washington who had you rather manage it ...some bureaucrat in Washington or a local government with people knowledgable in regards to that particular piece of ground.

What you refuse to acknowledge is the "bureaucrat" in DC employs a number of LOCAL RESIDENTS stationed all across this country who are every bit as knowledgeable as any local regarding the area they have jurisdiction over.