Is Political Conservatism a Mild Form of Insanity?

Excuse me, but you're not in a position to tell me. You have zero credibility and no authority. Move on.
i am in just as much position and authority as you are to tell me the same, so if you don't like hearing my truth about you, you're free to move along.
Right. Except the truth would be in "the pudding". The level of gun insanity and affinity is directly proportional to penis size. Meaning, more than likely, you're a "short short man".

i'm sure you can provide some scientific proof to back up your absurd assertion?
i'm sure you can provide some scientific proof to back up your absurd assertion?

LOL. You could always simply "whip it out". I could rest my case.
And hadn't you heard. Until you and your conservatard buddies start demanding that folks like Damn Yankee, must back up their claims with links and evidence, don't ever ask me for any proof for my claims. What's good for the goose, is most certainly good for the gander. Be goddamn-y consistent.
LOL. You could always simply "whip it out". I could rest my case.
And hadn't you heard. Until you and your conservatard buddies start demanding that folks like Damn Yankee, must back up their claims with links and evidence, don't ever ask me for any proof for my claims. What's good for the goose, is most certainly good for the gander. Be goddamn-y consistent.
so you can't provide scientific proof? thought so. consistency is only as good as the facts used to make the claims. I guess thats why we consider you and DY in the same class of poster.
He, like you, can't admit the dark depths of his intentions. Why would he want to "change" something as fundamental as an enumerated right if he didn't hate it? :D

Uhhhhhh...because he DISAGREES with it?

This is just another example of DY playing the willfully obtuse douchebag.
Really? That is news to me. Any links? I will never pick up a gun....period. You don't understand.

I believe that I do understand. I believe that I had much the same position on personal ownership before I had an "incident" where the cops were minutes away when seconds counted.

And a link to the constitution? A "what if" question? What do you want a link to? The Second Amendment?

You're almost incoherent. If you think I don't understand, then explain.
Manesh tellula hillilah hiseah (sic) . Translated : Why should today be different from any other day? I learned in back in the 70's from a Jewish girlfriend.

I so love proving you wrong. Still pandering for my attention, I see.
Actually, you proved yourself wrong, biatch. :D
Tremendous irony here as well as hypocrisy. You obviously didn't realize that this was a quote from Poet:


Let's post the entire exchange:

Originally Posted by DamnYankee

You just admitted that you hated the 2nd Amendment, and that is my evidence in support of one of my allegations. Now it is your turn to cite and evidence for any one of your allegations, queer.

Posted by Poet:
I don't necessarily hate the 2nd amendment...I don't think it's necessary. This is not the Wild Wild West, and folks don't need to be packing firearms. And originally, you stated, "liberals", which is plural. I'm one person. Where is the evidence to support your allegation that, across the board, more liberals than I "hate" the 2nd amendment????? Don't try to play "fast and loose" with me, Ms. Thing. And because it's'll never see me cite any evidence as far as you're concerned. I do, routinely, as a matter of fact, anyway. And your daddy was a queer, and your mama was a lesbian.

That was in direct response to your proclamation that you'll never post any evidence, because you don't feel you have to. I never met an honest conservative. You're keeping "true to form". You can't or won't take responsibility for your own shit.
surprising then you want to do away with them.....

Really? You want to go there? It's not enough that no one believes or supports you save 2 members, at the other forum, your frustration comes out here, in the form of sexual innuendo, and "shade". Personally, I have big dick and no need to compensate by owning and fantasizing any deficiencies with a gun. I want to do away with guns because they are the vehicles for killing people and perpetuating violence. Funny, they are banned in most of Europe, which has low incidence of gun related crimes. But then, Europeans are less dysfunctional than quite a few Americans.
Really? You want to go there? It's not enough that no one believes or supports you save 2 members, at the other forum, your frustration comes out here, in the form of sexual innuendo, and "shade". Personally, I have big dick and no need to compensate by owning and fantasizing any deficiencies with a gun. I want to do away with guns because they are the vehicles for killing people and perpetuating violence. Funny, they are banned in most of Europe, which has low incidence of gun related crimes. But then, Europeans are less dysfunctional than quite a few Americans.
feel free tomove there, enjoy the higher crime rate.
Let's post the entire exchange:

Originally Posted by DamnYankee

You just admitted that you hated the 2nd Amendment, and that is my evidence in support of one of my allegations. Now it is your turn to cite and evidence for any one of your allegations, queer.

Posted by Poet:
I don't necessarily hate the 2nd amendment...I don't think it's necessary. This is not the Wild Wild West, and folks don't need to be packing firearms. And originally, you stated, "liberals", which is plural. I'm one person. Where is the evidence to support your allegation that, across the board, more liberals than I "hate" the 2nd amendment????? Don't try to play "fast and loose" with me, Ms. Thing. And because it's'll never see me cite any evidence as far as you're concerned. I do, routinely, as a matter of fact, anyway. And your daddy was a queer, and your mama was a lesbian.

That was in direct response to your proclamation that you'll never post any evidence, because you don't feel you have to. I never met an honest conservative. You're keeping "true to form". You can't or won't take responsibility for your own shit.

You musty be insane to think that your response isn't a complete lie as well as incredible hypocrisy. Here's a summary of the complete exchange:

1. In your OP you make allegations about conservatives.
2. In post 15 I turn that around and make allegations against liberals, including the fact that they hate the 2nd Amendment.
3. In post 21 you ask me for proof, and then tell me that you'd like to change the 2nd Amendment.
4. In spite of the fact that you made the first allegation, in post 22, 24 and 27 I point out to you that you just provided proof of one of my assertions, that you hate the 2nd Amendment. In fact you've gone on and on in this thread stating that people shouldn't own guns, using sexual references to berate gun owners. Why would you do this unless you hate the 2nd Amendment? I then ax you to provide evidence of your OP allegation.
5. In post 29 you refuse to provide evidence of any of your allegations, and then state: "'ll never see me cite any evidence as far as you're concerned."
6. Now you claim that this is in response to me proclaiming that I didn't have to post evidence, when in fact it was the other way around.

The only person who fell for your shit was Zippy. :D
You musty be insane to think that your response isn't a complete lie as well as incredible hypocrisy. Here's a summary of the complete exchange:

1. In your OP you make allegations about conservatives.
2. In post 15 I turn that around and make allegations against liberals, including the fact that they hate the 2nd Amendment.
3. In post 21 you ask me for proof, and then tell me that you'd like to change the 2nd Amendment.
4. In spite of the fact that you made the first allegation, in post 22, 24 and 27 I point out to you that you just provided proof of one of my assertions, that you hate the 2nd Amendment. In fact you've gone on and on in this thread stating that people shouldn't own guns, using sexual references to berate gun owners. Why would you do this unless you hate the 2nd Amendment? I then ax you to provide evidence of your OP allegation.
5. In post 29 you refuse to provide evidence of any of your allegations, and then state: "'ll never see me cite any evidence as far as you're concerned."
6. Now you claim that this is in response to me proclaiming that I didn't have to post evidence, when in fact it was the other way around.

The only person who fell for your shit was Zippy. :D

FU. If only you had a shred of integrity, morality, or decency, someone might pay attention. As it stands, you don't. Dismissed.
What? And leave America, my home, for the likes of you to destroy further? Not on your life. I'm taking back my country, from you heathens.

you are aware that your country was founded by militia, with guns, who demanded that the 2nd Amendment be written to prevent exactly what you're advocating?