Is Political Conservatism a Mild Form of Insanity?

you are aware that your country was founded by militia, with guns, who demanded that the 2nd Amendment be written to prevent exactly what you're advocating?

Are you stupid? Do you think you're the only one that can form and conduct a militia? The country has fallen into corrupt hands (conservatives and Republicans) who are determined to see Obama fall, and the country as well. The left won't let that happen. Catch a goddamn square. Bigger guns than yours can be found. Repeal the 2nd amendment.
Are you stupid? Do you think you're the only one that can form and conduct a militia? The country has fallen into corrupt hands (conservatives and Republicans) who are determined to see Obama fall, and the country as well. The left won't let that happen. Catch a goddamn square. Bigger guns than yours can be found. Repeal the 2nd amendment.
apparently you are stupid if you can't see that democrats AND republicans are corrupt. The left won't let that happen? hey bozo, you've been telling us on here for awhile now that you think I'm the enemy, so take it personally that I don't trust you to keep the country safe from tyranny. 300 million guns to 4 million military tells me that the military will lose.
apparently you are stupid if you can't see that democrats AND republicans are corrupt. The left won't let that happen? hey bozo, you've been telling us on here for awhile now that you think I'm the enemy, so take it personally that I don't trust you to keep the country safe from tyranny. 300 million guns to 4 million military tells me that the military will lose.

Wow, you really are a retard.
Really? You want to go there? It's not enough that no one believes or supports you save 2 members, at the other forum,
lol,'s an extremely liberal forum.....that's why I go there.....the last thing I would expect is that people would support me against you, even though you are a liar......
lol,'s an extremely liberal forum.....that's why I go there.....the last thing I would expect is that people would support me against you, even though you are a liar......

Listen, you may get some of the morons here to believe you...but your ass is grass over there. You violated the TOS, and reposted posts from this forum there, and identified my ID here, refusing to acknowledge that it was borderline criminal, and that you could be sued, for copyright infringement and slander. But whites, like you, never take responsibility for their shit...and seek to blame others, especially a minority for your errors and failings. Mighty funny, the majority of white liberals and a few moderates condemned your actions, as you continue to bitch, whine and moan. I bested you. I owned your ass, and the moderation banned your ass for a week. And you're not even man enough to take it like a man, own your shit, and move on. You're whiney, bitchy, little girl, as I have said, many times before. FU. Now, who's bad?
apparently you are stupid if you can't see that democrats AND republicans are corrupt. The left won't let that happen? hey bozo, you've been telling us on here for awhile now that you think I'm the enemy, so take it personally that I don't trust you to keep the country safe from tyranny. 300 million guns to 4 million military tells me that the military will lose.

Plus, most of us aren't in the mood to turn our weapons on the public. There would certainly be some, but nowhere near as many.
im sorry for you being so stupid. Tell us what part of my post you think i'm wrong about.

You have nothing the millitary has.
They have drones, satellites, secure comunications, the patriot act, camaras on every lamp post, bill #S-1867, unity, spys, tanks, The CIA, NSA, FBI, DEA, BATF, and your DNA.
The U.N., elimination of posse comitatus, air force, support of the majority of sheep seeking security, far more agents and soldiers than you are aware of, GPS in your cars and phones, internet in your homes, etc. Homeland Security has armed every small town police force and sherrifs office with assault weapons and armor. They have stuff you never thought of or heard of. Seen a SWAT team lately? How many rounds of armor piercing bullets do you have hidden away? If one of them stumbles, they each unload fourteen shots on your ass, then let you bleed to death before they call an ambulance.

If you even talk about resisting you can be held as an enemy combatent with trial, or access to a lawyer or family.

If you could do anything at all, you would have responded when the drone killed the american citizen without a trial.

If you had any power even now, you would stop bill S-1867 dead in it's tracks and start reversing the Patriot ACT.

Kill bill #1867 and I will report to you the next day for orders. I don't see it. You and your friends are too busy defending the Koch bros, the very type of bastards winning this thing.

When the police shot a kid in the back of the head, through his back windshield as he was driving away, it was called "self defence", the cop faced no charges or dicipline, and 19 out of 20 letters to the editor supported the cop.

The GOP's campaign of fear has been successful and the people are more than willing to trade liberty for security.
Bush fucked us all, no one even asked for vasoline.
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You have nothing the millitary has.
They have drones, satellites, secure comunications, the patriot act, camaras on every lamp post, bill #S-1867, unity, spys, tanks, The CIA, NSA, FBI, DEA, BATF, and your DNA.
The U.N., elimination of posse comitatus, air force, support of the majority of sheep seeking security, far more agents and soldiers than you are aware of, GPS in your cars and phones, internet in your homes, etc. Homeland Security has armed every small town police force and sherrifs office with assault weapons and armor. They have stuff you never thought of or heard of. Seen a SWAT team lately? How many rounds of armor piercing bullets do you have hidden away? If one of them stumbles, they each unload fourteen shots on your ass, then let you bleed to death before they call an ambulance.

If you even talk about resisting you can be held as an enemy combatent with trial, or access to a lawyer or family.

If you could do anything at all, you would have responded when the drone killed the american citizen without a trial.

If you had any power even now, you would stop bill S-1867 dead in it's tracks and start reversing the Patriot ACT.

Kill bill #1867 and I will report to you the next day for orders. I don't see it. You and your friends are too busy defending the Koch bros, the very type of bastards winning this thing.

When the police shot a kid in the back of the head, through his back windshield as he was driving away, it was called "self defence", the cop faced no charges or dicipline, and 19 out of 20 letters to the editor supported the cop.

The GOP's campaign of fear has been successful and the people are more than willing to trade liberty for security.
Bush fucked us all, no one even asked for vasoline.
so you're not willing to do something unless someone else goes first?
Can you refute a single thing I said?
Why were you O.K. with the drone murder?
Why did you let Bush revoke posse comitatus?

maybe you dont pay alot of attention to how some people post, but I was not ok with the drone kill. In fact, I was pretty clear that it should be considered murder but would never even be considered a crime because of the corruption in gov by both sides. Also, I didn't 'let' Bush revoke posse comitatus, a bipartison majority of congress did. You rant and rave about the retarded anti-government protests by the Libertarians and TEA party individuals, while at the same time you spew a litany of gov oppression and monopoly of force powersheld by the gov, yet bitch and moan that nobody has stepped up to confront the gov. Then you idiots mock and snitch about anyone who even considers the confrontation. Who the fuck are you to do such things?
maybe you dont pay alot of attention to how some people post, but I was not ok with the drone kill. In fact, I was pretty clear that it should be considered murder but would never even be considered a crime because of the corruption in gov by both sides. Also, I didn't 'let' Bush revoke posse comitatus, a bipartison majority of congress did. You rant and rave about the retarded anti-government protests by the Libertarians and TEA party individuals, while at the same time you spew a litany of gov oppression and monopoly of force powersheld by the gov, yet bitch and moan that nobody has stepped up to confront the gov. Then you idiots mock and snitch about anyone who even considers the confrontation. Who the fuck are you to do such things?

WHF are you talking about? I have never ranted about libertarian protests or any act by TP "individuals".
You've got me all wrong Mister.
other than asking my representatives to impeach obama, what would you like me to do?

Admit you are impotent and don't bother posting shit like this;

300 million guns to 4 million military tells me that the military will lose

Stop shilling for a bought out movement and start shilling for a real one.
Admit you are impotent and don't bother posting shit like this;

300 million guns to 4 million military tells me that the military will lose

Stop shilling for a bought out movement and start shilling for a real one.

yeah, like your movement is the real one. tell us, genius, what do you think you'll accomplish without guns?
yeah, like your movement is the real one. tell us, genius, what do you think you'll accomplish without guns?

It's being acomplished already. Complacent idiots everywhere are looking up from their tv sets and asking what the protest is all about.
I had a thread about it that I posted in by myself for three weeks, but the word is out now.
The oligarchy trying to become fascist is evident to any who look now.
Voters will become informed.