It sure looks like the overlords are bringing mandatory masking back

You can always tell how far to the right someone is by how many stickers they have. Online, you guys have tons of idiotic graphics. In real life, you're the sort who speeds through town in a diesel truck covered in Trump/MAGA/pseudo-patriotic bumper stickers.

Your images take up more space that your actual response, and due to the way my phone formats stuff here, I have to zoom in all the way to see the tiny print of your response. Frankly, I don't see why I should zoom in, seeing as you're an anti-science, religious, Trump-loving lunatic who can't even grasp the concept of scientific consensus.
Sybil is a psycho. His manifesto explains it all:
You don't know what scientific consensus is. You're attacking a strawman. Scientists don't ”vote” on anything.

If your doctor tells you that you have stomach cancer, you might seek a second opinion. Doctor #2 independently looks at your body and comes to the same diagnosis. The next eight doctors to examine you each independently reach the same diagnosis.

That's scientific consensus.
How is your attempted description of "scientific consensus" any different than 'consensus'?

The doctors don't gather and “vote” about your diagnosis.
Actually, that happens fairly regularly.

How can you not know what scientific consensus is? Did you drop out of the third grade?
Apparently you don't know what "scientific consensus" is either (nobody does; it is a meaningless buzzword), as you've instead described an instance of a 'consensus' (amongst a handful of doctors about a medical diagnosis). Nothing that you described involved science in any way.
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How is your attempted description of "scientific consensus" any different than 'consensus'?

Actually, that happens fairly regularly.

Apparently you don't know what "scientific consensus" is either, as you've instead described an instance of a 'consensus' (amongst a handful of doctors about a medical diagnosis). Nothing that you described involved science in any way.
Mantra 44 Pulling nonsensical conclusions out of your ass.

Mantra 1a.
Mantra 4a.
One of the "miscellaneous" documents on that site is Into the Night's mantra list.
Rightys are so crazy.
Ahhhhhh yup.... them damn rightys... what looners.... wanting a secure border (to deter illegal immigration, child trafficking, etc), freedom to make one's own healthcare decisions, freedom to defend oneself and one's family and property from harm, legitimately conducted elections, lower taxes, an economy fueled by feasible fuels instead of unreliable fuels, law and order instead of lawlessness and chaos, etc etc... What nutters them rightys are.... :laugh: :laugh:

The last thing Biden wants is another round of Covid.
Biden isn't in a healthy enough mental state to know what he wants. He simply (and usually failing at) tries to do whatever his handlers tell him to do.

The problems it causes are terrible.
Not really...

A sniffle... a cough... some fatigue... eerily similar to influenza in terms of symptoms...

The problems that another round of COVID mandates would cause would indeed be quite terrible though. Plenty of people lost their livelihoods the first (and hopefully only) time around...

He cannot please everyone, no matter what he does.
Not even Jesus Christ himself can please everyone. It's a goal that can't be accomplished, even if not doing an insanely destructive thing such as implementing another round of COVID lockdowns.

The best scenario for him, is that Covid faded away forever.
Democrats WANT fear mongering over COVID. They WANT chaos and destruction.

But it does not work that way.
Right. Democrats WANT fear mongering over COVID. They WANT chaos and destruction.

Hawkeye does not spend much time thinking things through. He just burps another stupid thread that makes no sense.
He does a lot more thinking than you've ever done.

Biden does not want covid.
His handlers keep telling him to call for COVID lockdowns though...

He does not want mask mandates.
Yes he does. Biden wants mask wearing to be mandated on a national level (just for the plebs, of course), but that darn pesky constitution stands in his way as there are a number of courts which still recognize its existence when issuing rulings.

He does not want vaccine lines again.
Yes he does. Biden wants COVID jabs to be mandated on a national level (just for the plebs, of course), but that darn pesky constitution stands in his way as there are a number of courts which still recognize its existence when issuing rulings.

Lots of rightys are praying for its return.
COVID can't "return" because COVID has never left since becoming a thing. It is leftists who want the COVID hysteria to return.

It will cause problems for the incumbent.
Yup. Dems might yet push him to the wayside for 2024... Stay tuned.
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[removed most of your mocking of America to make the post shorter]

You are totally fucking stupid. Wait, let me guess, you believe in Global Warming, right? I bet you think people have used satellites to measure the earth's average global temperature to within one degree Celsius, yes? I bet you think the ocean is somehow rising, that Greenland ice is somehow disappearing and that the ocean is acidifying, right?

But you're not totally gullible, right? Not you. Too funny.
America deserves every bit of your mocking of him and then some. Always an entertaining read whenever you "dial it up".
How is your attempted description of "scientific consensus" any different than 'consensus'?

Actually, that happens fairly regularly.

Apparently you don't know what "scientific consensus" is either (nobody does; it is a meaningless buzzword), as you've instead described an instance of a 'consensus' (amongst a handful of doctors about a medical diagnosis). Nothing that you described involved science in any way.

It must be tedious having a worldview that requires constant mental gymnastics to support.

You can always tell how far to the right someone is by how many stickers they have. Online, you guys have tons of idiotic graphics. In real life, you're the sort who speeds through town in a diesel truck covered in Trump/MAGA/pseudo-patriotic bumper stickers.

Your images take up more space that your actual response, and due to the way my phone formats stuff here, I have to zoom in all the way to see the tiny print of your response. Frankly, I don't see why I should zoom in, seeing as you're an anti-science, religious, Trump-loving lunatic who can't even grasp the concept of scientific consensus.

Does it take stickers to be conservative? I thought it just took a red hat with MAGA on it.
There is no such thing as 'scientific consensus', dope. Science has no voting bloc. Science has no politics.