Jan 6th "Thug" called the "Praying Grandma" convicted...


All at the price of raging racism and bigotry...constantly.

Among America's unique features is lack of nationalized healthcare,
a symptom resulting from the lack of solidarity due to diversity.

Nah, it doesn't exist because of greed. Look at Phantasmal's I.D. pic it speaks to why it doesn't exist and why we are infighting so much here in America. If you think about it, the more diverse people are for nationalized healthcare anyway.
Without diversity we wouldn't have tacos (Mexicans), kung pao chicken (Chinese), BBQ (African slaves), etc, etc, etc. Same thing with things from art to literature. We owe what makes America so unique to diversity.
Agreed. Diversity is good, especially in experiences, but results count when it comes to hiring.
No doubt her defense team cherry-picked a video or two. What about the videos the prosecution showed, Pmp?

BTW, where are all of these videos? Is this another lie coming from you or did you read about it in "Dark Lord magazine"?

feel free to link one, Dense Bitch......
Thus, our first priority should not be a pipedream that we should all love one and respect one another

but rather

discovering a mutually acceptable way for people who DON'T like one another at all
to peacefully and without excessive drama coexist
because we are always going to be diverse
or at least until interbreeding makes us all innocuous mongrels.

Agree. Any ideas on how to do that? We have passed laws forbidding discrimination in hiring, renting, buying, selling, educating, etc. We had to because based on human nature, the majority would and has stomped all over the minority.

Also, we have to be more honest as to what really constitutes racism.

Because I tend to not warm up to people
who dress and talk jive-ass

and have given names that sound
as if they were made up by an illiterate fifteen-year old mother,

that doesn't make me a racist.

That makes me a person who doesn't warm up to tacky fucking people.

If I were actually a racist, I wouldn't like Barak Obama either.

This makes for an interesting discussion. Many would say that yes, you are a racist. You only like Black ppl who look and act and talk "White." You're open in your dislike of ppl different than you. We all have prejudices like this. IMO it only becomes a problem when we harm or ostracize or marginalize ppl who make us feel uncomfortable. Example: You can refuse to buy a home or rent an apartment where ppl you dislike live. But if you refuse to let *them* buy a home or rent by you, you've discriminated.

Interesting and loaded topic.
Agreed Balkanization doesn't work. It'll end up being a competition for resources, water, farm and grazing land, Lebensraum and anything else in short supply when two or more expanding cultures conflict with each other.

Unity is better. We don't all have to agree with each other, but we need to agree to disagree peacefully and honestly. This is a main reason why I support States rights, differences in culture. OTOH, as the United States, all states need to abide by the same Constitution. Specifically limiting the Federal government from stripping Americans of their rights and, consequently, overseeing the States to ensure the same limitations. MAGAts seem to forget that second part.

IMO our national problem is that we have no common goals as a unified nation and/or no common foe. JFK's man-on-the-moon goal was a genius unifier at a time in our history when we were deeply fractured. To me the second most horrible thing about the pandemic, besides the death toll, was realizing the fact that we couldn't even agree that it was our common enemy, and join together to fight it and protect each other. If we can't even do that, we are doomed.
I suspect that Owl's "beautiful tapestry" is Nifty's dumpster fire.:laugh:

It wasn't that long ago that immigrants from your ancestors' part of the world were discriminated against, thought to be greasy lazy losers, and were scorned by the upper and middle crust. It's human nature that once assimilated and absorbed, the descendants of those once despised immigrants themselves often turn around and scorn others. I expect that as time goes on, Hispanic citizens will gravitate towards the conservative side and look down on newly-arrived Hispanic immigrants. It's already starting to happen.
IMO our national problem is that we have no common goals as a unified nation and/or no common foe. JFK's man-on-the-moon goal was a genius unifier at a time in our history when we were deeply fractured. To me the second most horrible thing about the pandemic, besides the death toll, was realizing the fact that we couldn't even agree that it was our common enemy, and join together to fight it and protect each other. If we can't even do that, we are doomed.
Agreed on all points. IMO, this is a phase. The common enemy during the Cold War was the communist expansion. Additionally, post-WWII, most of the modern world was heavily damaged while the US was relatively unscathed. That left US industry at the top of the heap. Times have changed. Even Japan, and later South Korea, caught up to us along with Europe and, now, China. We're no longer the #1 industrial power in the world. Worse, our nation has grown soft and lazy laying upon our laurels since the Cold War ended.

The entire MAGA movement is mostly built around "what used to be"; the US as the #1 economic and industrial power. We spread democracy and the idea of peace through trade. It worked. Everyone else caught up and now we have to compete against them in a global market. The MAGAts want to turn back the clock. That is impossible. Now our government is dysfunctional because they are fighting over those who want to move forward into a 21st century world and those who want to go back to making hubcaps and automatic washing machines.
This makes for an interesting discussion. Many would say that yes, you are a racist. You only like Black ppl who look and act and talk "White." You're open in your dislike of ppl different than you. We all have prejudices like this. IMO it only becomes a problem when we harm or ostracize or marginalize ppl who make us feel uncomfortable. Example: You can refuse to buy a home or rent an apartment where ppl you dislike live. But if you refuse to let *them* buy a home or rent by you, you've discriminated.

Agree. Any ideas on how to do that? We have passed laws forbidding discrimination in hiring, renting, buying, selling, educating, etc. We had to because based on human nature, the majority would and has stomped all over the minority.

This makes for an interesting discussion. Many would say that yes, you are a racist. You only like Black ppl who look and act and talk "White." You're open in your dislike of ppl different than you. We all have prejudices like this. IMO it only becomes a problem when we harm or ostracize or marginalize ppl who make us feel uncomfortable. Example: You can refuse to buy a home or rent an apartment where ppl you dislike live. But if you refuse to let *them* buy a home or rent by you, you've discriminated.

Interesting and loaded topic.

Bingo is a dog and TOW has you pegged correctly. :rofl2:
It wasn't that long ago that immigrants from your ancestors' part of the world were discriminated against, thought to be greasy lazy losers, and were scorned by the upper and middle crust. It's human nature that once assimilated and absorbed, the descendants of those once despised immigrants themselves often turn around and scorn others. I expect that as time goes on, Hispanic citizens will gravitate towards the conservative side and look down on newly-arrived Hispanic immigrants. It's already starting to happen.

While I may display elements of bigotry, I don't feel that they're racially motivated.
They're real faults, but of a different nature.

Even then, I've NEVER advocated for truncating anybody's rights.
What I may or may not like is one thing,
and how I may or may not behave toward people
is something entirely different.

Even for people that I may not intuitively like,
basic human respect is the default mode.
It doesn't have to be earned. It has to be forfeited.

That's in real life, of course.
Everybody knows my "appreciation" of the digital world.
One can say anything one wants to anonymous, made up internet characters.
I call it "venting."
Agreed on all points. IMO, this is a phase. The common enemy during the Cold War was the communist expansion. Additionally, post-WWII, most of the modern world was heavily damaged while the US was relatively unscathed. That left US industry at the top of the heap. Times have changed. Even Japan, and later South Korea, caught up to us along with Europe and, now, China. We're no longer the #1 industrial power in the world. Worse, our nation has grown soft and lazy laying upon our laurels since the Cold War ended.

The entire MAGA movement is mostly built around "what used to be"; the US as the #1 economic and industrial power. We spread democracy and the idea of peace through trade. It worked. Everyone else caught up and now we have to compete against them in a global market. The MAGAts want to turn back the clock. That is impossible. Now our government is dysfunctional because they are fighting over those who want to move forward into a 21st century world and those who want to go back to making hubcaps and automatic washing machines.

Excellent analysis. The MAGATs think that global trade is evil. Their globalist mango messiah feeds upon this and goads them on, while quietly making money from global markets himself. They seem too stupid or naive to understand this. We desperately need a leader who can bring back national focus and national unity, as much as is possible. I doubt we're going to find one.
Bingo is a dog and TOW has you pegged correctly. :rofl2:

But why is that funny?

By the way, Oom, you're the best at looking at things superficially.
Let's look at the sentence, "You only like black people who act white."

First of all, I don't like all white people...obviously.

Second of all, acting like the stereotypical "jive-ass nigger,"
to use an admittedly vulgar and crude but very common expression, at least in Boston,
is a characteristic of American ghetto blacks,
not people of African descent around the world.

If I hated people because they're black,
wouldn't I also hate black people who speak with English or French accents as well?

Racist means racist.
Especially stupid people aren't careful with words.
Excellent analysis. The MAGATs think that global trade is evil. Their globalist mango messiah feeds upon this and goads them on, while quietly making money from global markets himself. They seem too stupid or naive to understand this.

We desperately need a leader who can bring back national focus and national unity, as much as is possible. I doubt we're going to find one.
Yes, they are stupid or naive and most are a few bricks short of a load as proved daily on JPP or by people like MTG in Congress.

Agreed on the need, but I have faith We, the People, will work through this. It might take another 10 years, but we'll get there. Even if Trump is elected, it will only slow the inevitable. People will realize they can't turn back the clock and all the bullshit will only delay our children's future prosperity.
But why is that funny?....
Because you're such a bitter, dried up old sourpuss so used to being the center of attention that, now that you're a geezer, no one gives a shit....and that pisses you off. It's funny, neef. Get a grip.

As the great Stephen King wrote, "I guess it comes down to a simple choice, really. Get busy living or get busy dying." You should pull your head out of your ass and consider your options, Nibby.

I recommend the "get busy living" idea, but a half dozen Fentanyl pills and a laundry bag can make dying really easy. :thup:

PS. If you choose dying, have some courtesy please. Schedule a wellness check a day or two later and set the A/C to 60F so you don't stink up the place any more than you already have. I'd recommend a "cleanse" or enema before you do it so you don't shit yourself when your muscles relax. :thup:
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Even for people that I may not intuitively like,
basic human respect is the default mode.
It doesn't have to be earned. It has to be forfeited.

That's in real life, of course.
Everybody knows my "appreciation" of the digital world.
One can say anything one wants to anonymous, made up internet characters.
I call it "venting."

Yep, the Internet is a place where you can safely hide behind anonymity and express all the ugliest parts of your innate nature, the stuff you have to hide in real life if you don't want to be ostracized by normal people. (By "you" I mean ppl in general, not you in particular.) Like Dutch, I find it fascinating to see which ppl prefer to be as real in cyberspace as they are IRL, while others let their inner assholes out to romp. For myself, I prefer honesty and to be the same on the web as I am in real life for better or for worse. That's why it doesn't bother me when detractors call me a bitch, a cunt, stupid, whatever. Sometimes I am some of those things. *shrug*
Because you're such a bitter, dried up old sourpuss so used to being the center of attention that, now that you're a geezer, no one gives a shit....and that pisses you off. It's funny, neef. Get a grip.

As the great Stephen King wrote, "I guess it comes down to a simple choice, really. Get busy living or get busy dying." You should pull your head out of your ass and consider your options, Nibby.

I recommend the "get busy living" idea, but a half dozen Fentanyl pills and a laundry bag can make dying really easy. :thup:

I must be getting really old.
Why do I keep forgetting that you're a total asshole and take you off ignore?