Jan 6th "Thug" called the "Praying Grandma" convicted...

Another Christian bamboozled by an Antichrist pawn.

We live in crazy times, with crazy ppl. The article said the lady pled not guilty, and then said she planned to appeal. Sounds like she's going for the martyr thing. Strange how some ppl think that laws only apply to others but not to themselves. Guess she learned that from the #MalignantMessiah.
We live in crazy times, with crazy ppl. The article said the lady pled not guilty, and then said she planned to appeal. Sounds like she's going for the martyr thing. Strange how some ppl think that laws only apply to others but not to themselves. Guess she learned that from the #MalignantMessiah.


it just sounds like she listened to her lawyer.

she took a tour behind a velvet rope.
If all conservative Christians were purged, some decent, innocent people would come to an end that they don't really deserve.
That's not something to celebrate.

In the end, however, there's no doubt we emerge from the purge with a much better nation.

These are admittedly tough calls to make.
I tend to prioritize the final result, intuitively, but that's not the universal secular progressive position by any means.
If all conservative Christians were purged, some decent, innocent people would come to an end that they don't really deserve.
That's not something to celebrate.

In the end, however, there's no doubt we emerge from the purge with a much better nation.

These are admittedly tough calls to make.
I tend to prioritize the final result, intuitively, but that's not the universal secular progressive position by any means.

Hmm, well. I seem to remember a short guy with a funny little mustache, who had similar ideas. Only he thought his country would be better off w/o Jews.

This country would be better if the religionists kept their religious practices and teachings in their homes and churches where they belong.
If all conservative Christians were purged, some decent, innocent people would come to an end that they don't really deserve.
That's not something to celebrate.

In the end, however, there's no doubt we emerge from the purge with a much better nation.

These are admittedly tough calls to make.
I tend to prioritize the final result, intuitively, but that's not the universal secular progressive position by any means.

Your idea has as much merit as declaring that the sticks from North Bostonians should pulled from their asses then used to beat them to death. It's hard to trust someone who advocates harm to innocent Americans.
Hmm, well. I seem to remember a short guy with a funny little mustache, who had similar ideas. Only he thought his country would be better off w/o Jews.

This country would be better if the religionists kept their religious practices and teachings in their homes and churches where they belong.
Authoritarians like Niblick and the MAGAts are practicing divide and conquer. Anyone who advocates harm to innocent Americans is against the American Constitution.

Agreed the social definitions of both sharing and pushing should be clarified since the first is Free Speech and the second can cross the line into abuse. The same rules could be used for office dating.
Hmm, well. I seem to remember a short guy with a funny little mustache, who had similar ideas. Only he thought his country would be better off w/o Jews.

This country would be better if the religionists kept their religious practices and teachings in their homes and churches where they belong.

Sometimes something feels right in your heart,
but your head can't sort out the details to do it in a defensible way.

I'm not a hippie type liberal.
I don't love everybody.
I would guess that's pretty obvious.

Race, ethnicity, religion, and the like ARE NOT THE ONLY REASONS
to dislike an entire class of people.

That doesn't mean that I can contrive rational justifications
to do all the things that would make the world prettier to me.

The point that I am willing to make is that in a nation rife with bigotry and racism,
almost to the point where these are the attributes with which the world associates us,
claiming diversity is our strength is either disingenuous or incredibly stupid.

Diversity is our unchangeable reality.
Diversity is our challenge.
And realistically, diversity is our handicap.

It doesn't matter how much we may want that not to be true.

Reality---how our nation actually carries on--makes it clear that it's true.

At some point, instead of wasting time trying to change that,
we should start learning to live with it more wisely.

The optimists are the most dangerous saboteurs.
A DC jury just found 70-year-old grandmother Rebecca Lavrenz guilty for praying in the U.S. Capitol on January 6th for 10 minutes.She now faces $210,000 in fines and one year in jail! She had no business entering the capitol even to pray, she could have done that outside?!!


Lock her up! No one is above the law, not even Trump!
A DC jury just found 70-year-old grandmother Rebecca Lavrenz guilty for praying in the U.S. Capitol on January 6th for 10 minutes.She now faces $210,000 in fines and one year in jail! She had no business entering the capitol even to pray, she could have done that outside?!!


Lock her up! No one is above the law, not even Trump!

She's probably a bit dotty.
Sometimes something feels right in your heart,
but your head can't sort out the details to do it in a defensible way.

I'm not a hippie type liberal.
I don't love everybody.
I would guess that's pretty obvious.

Race, ethnicity, religion, and the like ARE NOT THE ONLY REASONS
to dislike an entire class of people.

That doesn't mean that I can contrive rational justifications
to do all the things that would make the world prettier to me.

The point that I am willing to make is that in a nation rife with bigotry and racism,
almost to the point where these are the attributes with which the world associates us,
claiming diversity is our strength is either disingenuous or incredibly stupid.

Diversity is our unchangeable reality.
Diversity is our challenge.
And realistically, diversity is our handicap.

It doesn't matter how much we may want that not to be true.

Reality---how our nation actually carries on--makes it clear that it's true.

At some point, instead of wasting time trying to change that,
we should start learning to live with it more wisely.

The optimists are the most dangerous saboteurs.

No doubt you already know that most, if not all, MAGATs would agree with you. If they could have *their* way, they'd rid the nation of moderates and liberals, RINOs, anyone openly LGBTQ and allies, uppity women and people of color, non-Xtians, old people (which would let them cut social security taxes), teachers (exc. in STEM subjects), the highly-educated, the "elites," journalists exc. for RWers, fact-checkers, immigrants legal or not.
Agreed. She belongs in a good home....with locked doors to keep her from wandering into the street. It looks like she might get it too.

I guess the old "I just happened to be at this insurrection and wandered into a secure government building to pray" defense isn't working these days. :laugh:
Sadly a lot of people don't see anything mentally wrong at all with that sort of bizarre thinking. In fact, many would praise her and think of her as a devout Xtian.

Only the Christian Nationalists....and those fooled by why she was there.

More Christians are speaking out against Christian Nationalism as being unChristian.

Why Christian Nationalism makes American Christians less Christlike
What if the greatest danger to the witness of Christianity in the United States wasn't an outside threat? What if the danger was closer to home and looked so familiar that it was able to evade detection?

Why Christian nationalism is unchristian
The Gospels ask us to look beyond the borders of our community, beyond the borders of our neighborhoods and beyond the borders of our nation. A Christian must see all people as brothers and sisters capable of hearing God's Spirit. We can learn to hear the Lord better by listening to and respecting one another. This is what ecumenical and interreligious dialogue is all about.