Jan 6th "Thug" called the "Praying Grandma" convicted...

Two kinds of faith.

The religious kind, where there is belief without proof, mostly in a deity.

Then, there’s the kind that merely means complete trust in something or someone.

The former doesn’t work for me. The latter does.

so you think your worship of Biden makes you better?......
convicted on 4 charges of entering and remaining in a restricted building, disorderly and disruptive conduct inside a restricted building, disorderly conduct in the Capitol and parading or picketing in the Capitol

the videos show she was the opposite of disorderly......I suppose for some the thought she was praying might have been disruptive.......
Praying for Trump to be successful in overthrowing America's democracy is not a Christian prayer, and not one a Christian God would accept or respond to.

So we should just stop describing what she was doing as just pious 'prayer'

prove she wasn't praying that no one would get injured......perhaps she's the one to thank that only one police officer was hospitalized and he was held overnight for observation and released the next day........
lol....a DC jury?......you realize that almost half of DC who graduated from the public school system, are functionally illiterate, right?.......
Clearly lied about being a lawyer since lawyers know they have a say in jurors.

You're just an evil, bitter old fuckwit, Pmp. Try taking a handful of fentanyl to ease your pain and send you back to your Dark Lord.
the videos show she was the opposite of disorderly......I suppose for some the thought she was praying might have been disruptive.......
No doubt her defense team cherry-picked a video or two. What about the videos the prosecution showed, Pmp?

BTW, where are all of these videos? Is this another lie coming from you or did you read about it in "Dark Lord magazine"?
No doubt you already know that most, if not all, MAGATs would agree with you. If they could have *their* way, they'd rid the nation of moderates and liberals, RINOs, anyone openly LGBTQ and allies, uppity women and people of color, non-Xtians, old people (which would let them cut social security taxes), teachers (exc. in STEM subjects), the highly-educated, the "elites," journalists exc. for RWers, fact-checkers, immigrants legal or not.

Even you, Owl, are completely missing my point.

Except for trumpanzees themselves, I'm not advocating getting rid of anybody, even if doing so would make life better for those who remain.
There is no moral justification for doing that.

I'm simply calling anybody who claims that our diversity is a strength either stupid or a liar.
The handicap of diversity is the handicap that we, as a diverse nation, must learn how to manage.
We don't have a choice. Diversity is and will remain our reality.

Having the balls to recognize reality is not the same as praising it, endorsing it, or celebrating it.
I expect that mistake from our less nuanced contributors but not from you.

I happen to like televisions shows from east Asia as you know.
Every fucking character, including the extras in the background, is Asian.
There are all kinds of human issues being dealt with in the plots,
but you know what isn't one of them? Racism.

Here we are, with racism and bigotry being second only to daily gunplay as our national identity,
and hippie pollyannas are calling our diversity a strength.

I won't be quiet and appear stupid enough to believe that nonsense.

Perhaps I may have some personal attributes that remind you of trumpanzees.
I'm by nature a prick and so are many of them.

I share no political ideology with them whatsoever, however, and six years of my posting here
should have more than revealed that.
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So the same folks who think that burning other folks' properties is "mostly peaceful protest" that nobody should face any consequences for alternatively say that when a lady breaks nothing, does no damage and leaves she should face the full penalty of law because she made the fatal mistake of disagreeing with leftists...

I'm glad her attorneys are appealing, I wonder how it will turn out. I also wonder if Jarod would object if this "Thug" got a pardon? (Which was my original question, ay?)

Do you think she will be sentenced to jail? Only 2 of all the 1/6 Defendants in jail were convicted of Assault on a Law Enforcement Officer. Does not sound like she assaulted a police officer?

Do you believe praying should absolve her of her crime?
Do you believe her age should absolve her of her crime?
The old broad wasn't either accused or convicted of insurrection.
She was convicted of misdemeanors which she actually perpetrated.

I don't believe that there's any reason to incarcerate her,
nor any reason to acquit or absolve her, either.

A modest fine and a misdemeanor criminal record are sufficient consequences for her actions.
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Even you, Owl, are completely missing my point.

Except for trumpanzees themselves, I'm not advocating getting rid of anybody, even if doing so would make life better for those who remain.
There is no moral justification for doing that.

I'm simply calling anybody who claims that our diversity is a strength either stupid or a liar.
The handicap of diversity is the handicap that we, as a diverse nation, must learn how to manage.
We don't have a choice. Diversity is and will remain our reality.

Having the balls to recognize reality is not the same as praising it, endorsing it, or celebrating it.
I expect that mistake from our less nuanced contributors but not from you.

I happen to like televisions shows from east Asia as you know.
Every fucking character, including the extras in the background, is Asian.
There are all kinds of human issues being dealt with in the plots,
but you know what isn't one of them? Racism.

Here we are, with racism and bigotry being second only to daily gunplay as our national identity,
and hippie pollyannas are calling our diversity a strength.

I won't be quiet and appear stupid enough to believe that nonsense.

Perhaps I may have some personal attributes that remind you of trumpanzees.
I'm by nature a prick and so are many of them.

I share no political ideology with them whatsoever, however, and six years of my posting here
should have more than revealed that.

I'm pretty sure that I got your point; I simply do not agree with it. Xenophobia, homophobia, Islamophobia, and all the other anti-human phobias we have are part of H. sapiens sapiens' genetic make-up, apparently. In the 1800s it was thought that the Irish would "ruin" the country. The indigenous people were "filthy savages," and so were the Chinese laborers imported to build the country. Yet in time all of these disparate humans became assimilated and added to the beautiful tapestry of American culture.

The stupid and bigoted "anti-WOKE" nonsense promoted by some is a backlash from people who hope to prevent assimilation, point out differences and keep them as tools to keep the (R) base fearful, and to pretend that they are somehow "superior" to others. They're not.

No doubt a homogeneous culture would be more stable. It would also be stagnant, boring, and eventually dead.

We used to have a poster here you would have liked. Her handle was "Stone by Stone" and although she was a liberal, she advocated for a separation in America of the races/cultures. She thought that it would create peace and less racism and conflict. Like you she was very intelligent and her arguments were well-reasoned, but in the end unworkable.
I'm pretty sure that I got your point; I simply do not agree with it. Xenophobia, homophobia, Islamophobia, and all the other anti-human phobias we have are part of H. sapiens sapiens' genetic make-up, apparently. In the 1800s it was thought that the Irish would "ruin" the country. The indigenous people were "filthy savages," and so were the Chinese laborers imported to build the country. Yet in time all of these disparate humans became assimilated and added to the beautiful tapestry of American culture.

The stupid and bigoted "anti-WOKE" nonsense promoted by some is a backlash from people who hope to prevent assimilation, point out differences and keep them as tools to keep the (R) base fearful, and to pretend that they are somehow "superior" to others. They're not.

No doubt a homogeneous culture would be more stable. It would also be stagnant, boring, and eventually dead.

We used to have a poster here you would have liked. Her handle was "Stone by Stone" and although she was a liberal, she advocated for a separation in America of the races/cultures. She thought that it would create peace and less racism and conflict. Like you she was very intelligent and her arguments were well-reasoned, but in the end unworkable.

You don't agree with my opinion that homogeneity is often the foundation of domestic tranquility
and that racism and bigotry are the inevitable result of not having it.

That's simply the world that I've actually seen with my own eyes.
Maybe you've been looking at different things.

I'll repeat myself.
I never claimed that this is what we should want.

Even if you want to push back
saying that it seems to be what I want,

I'm coming right out and saying that wanting harmony between diverse elements of society is a benign wish.

Wishing that we could all live in harmony together is a very pretty thought
that will likely never manifest itself into reality without major mutation of human DNA.

Thus, our first priority should not be a pipedream that we should all love one and respect one another

but rather

discovering a mutually acceptable way for people who DON'T like one another at all
to peacefully and without excessive drama coexist
because we are always going to be diverse
or at least until interbreeding makes us all innocuous mongrels.

Also, we have to be more honest as to what really constitutes racism.

Because I tend to not warm up to people
who dress and talk jive-ass

and have given names that sound
as if they were made up by an illiterate fifteen-year old mother,

that doesn't make me a racist.

That makes me a person who doesn't warm up to tacky fucking people.

If I were actually a racist, I wouldn't like Barak Obama either.
I'm pretty sure that I got your point; I simply do not agree with it. Xenophobia, homophobia, Islamophobia, and all the other anti-human phobias we have are part of H. sapiens sapiens' genetic make-up, apparently. In the 1800s it was thought that the Irish would "ruin" the country. The indigenous people were "filthy savages," and so were the Chinese laborers imported to build the country. Yet in time all of these disparate humans became assimilated and added to the beautiful tapestry of American culture.

The stupid and bigoted "anti-WOKE" nonsense promoted by some is a backlash from people who hope to prevent assimilation, point out differences and keep them as tools to keep the (R) base fearful, and to pretend that they are somehow "superior" to others. They're not.

No doubt a homogeneous culture would be more stable. It would also be stagnant, boring, and eventually dead.

We used to have a poster here you would have liked. Her handle was "Stone by Stone" and although she was a liberal, she advocated for a separation in America of the races/cultures. She thought that it would create peace and less racism and conflict. Like you she was very intelligent and her arguments were well-reasoned, but in the end unworkable.
Agreed Balkanization doesn't work. It'll end up being a competition for resources, water, farm and grazing land, Lebensraum and anything else in short supply when two or more expanding cultures conflict with each other.

Unity is better. We don't all have to agree with each other, but we need to agree to disagree peacefully and honestly. This is a main reason why I support States rights, differences in culture. OTOH, as the United States, all states need to abide by the same Constitution. Specifically limiting the Federal government from stripping Americans of their rights and, consequently, overseeing the States to ensure the same limitations. MAGAts seem to forget that second part.
I suspect that Owl's "beautiful tapestry" is Nifty's dumpster fire.:laugh:

Without diversity we wouldn't have tacos (Mexicans), kung pao chicken (Chinese), BBQ (African slaves), etc, etc, etc. Same thing with things from art to literature. We owe what makes America so unique to diversity.
Without diversity we wouldn't have tacos (Mexicans), kung pao chicken (Chinese), BBQ (African slaves), etc, etc, etc. Same thing with things from art to literature. We owe what makes America so unique to diversity.


All at the price of raging racism and bigotry...constantly.

Among America's unique features is lack of nationalized healthcare,
a symptom resulting from the lack of solidarity due to diversity.