Jon Stewart is the new Bill Maher.

You are a dumb troll.


I'll go with Minority Leader Jefferies. Someone whose opinion matters. He wants Biden to run for President.
No he doesn't. He's doing damage control. This is no different than Republicans who wish trump would just die, but are forced to support him.
So Hume is that poster?
That's what I was told when this board first started. I believe it. Same exact M.O..

All is well until the first sign of disagreement, then she jumps to ignore, or the hysterics you see in this thread.

I'm typically the last to recognize socks, but this pattern fits.
You made a personal attack. Why do you assholes think you can write insults and not get it back.
If someone insults me I don’t lose my mind

I rarely insult fellow left posters

I insult with abandon the right wing posters

Most are not real people

I used to be sweet as hell on the internets

I was constantly called filthy names

I was smart enough to realize it was a tactic to make me not discuss politics on the internets

Then I unleashed on them

I deployed the humor I hand in my quiver

I went to college by renting a big old house near a good community college

Most of my room renters were men

I grew up with 4 brothers who would make a game of insults

I was always a Tom girl

I spent way more time with guy friends

A woman can be good at ripping idiots a new one with all words

And as you can see here

I never have to fear THEIR dirty words

Short and sweet and no distractions.

I did worry he was NEVER going to get the clasp on the medal together, though.
His brain is the BEST brain in this moment

He will wield this new power the SCOTUS gave him like a true patriot who loves our Democracy as much as I do

He’s exactly the right man

Even if he had hearing aides and was riding a wheel chair

Remember the physical challenges FDR faced while he saved our Butts
Once more, since nobody paid attention the first dozen times I posted it.

Page four of Biden's physical examination from a few months ago:

"An extremely detailed neurologic exam was again reassuring in that there were no findings which would be consistent with any cerebellar or other central neurological disorder, such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's or ascending lateral sclerosis, nor are there any signs of cervical myopathy. This exam did again support a finding of peripheral neuropathy in both feet. No motor weakness was detected. He exhibits no tremor, either at rest or with activity. He demonstrates excellent fine motor dexterity."

Do you have a theory as to why he has Parkinsonian symptoms ? (And please don't deny that he doesn't have them - it's obvious) I'm not saying he has Parkinson's Disease but there IS a Parkinsonian spectrum.
I'll go with Minority Leader Jefferies. Someone whose opinion matters. He wants Biden to run for President.
And you are right

Jeffries is someone I hope to be able to vote in as president some day

He’s amazing!