Jon Stewart is the new Bill Maher.

I already posted several times why I think he's having symptoms. Are you really reading my responses? I agree with what the doctors said: "Biden has peripheral neuropathy in his feet, degenerative osteoarthritis causing spondylosis, mildly decreased range of motion due to the arthritis, and post-foot fracture stiffening"

You have decided he has Parkinson's in spite of the doctors so you're looking up all the symptoms and trying to fit them to Biden. Are there any other reasons he could be talking slowly? Do you remember when Judge Michael Luttig spoke very slowly at the Jan. 6 hearing, and how people wondered if he had a problem? Then he explained himself here. How about maybe Biden speaks slowly to control his stutter?

He might pivot slowly because he broke his foot and developed arthritis in it, and also has peripheral neuropathy.

I guess NBC is running slower than CBS because CBS covered the Parkinson's doctor visits yesterday here. " The White House released a letter from President Biden's doctor Monday night after press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre faced repeated questions at a briefing earlier in the day about Mr. Biden's health and whether visits to the White House by a Parkinson's disease specialist involved the president."

Just curious, why are you so doubtful about the results of his exam, and what the doctors all said about his health?
Because the doctors have a incentive to cover for Biden.
You hate Biden so you want to believe that, notwithstanding all the docs who examined him and wrote a report only four months ago.
There is no through Neuro exam there is no Cognitive exam where is Dr. Cannard's report. Based on Biden's symptoms he may have Dementia with Lewy bodies. I have seen Neurologist Consults before and they submitted a detailed Neuro exams. I have not seen Dr. Cannard's exam report even though Dr. O'Connor said Cannard has examined Joe Biden 3 times.
Ironic those aging buffoons trashing Biden for being old.
I do wish you'd do a little homework before your fingers hit the keys: Maher is about 14 years younger than Biden, Stewart is about 20 years younger. Both have publicly demonstrated sharp, analytical minds and work schedule ethics. Neither has expressed a desire to run for political office, but their political commentary/activism hasn't lost a step in years (although you may disagree with them at times).

Uncle Joe is just mov'in kinda slow ... and should step down. It happens to the best of 'em....that's life.

Got that bunky?
I do wish you'd do a little homework before your fingers hit the keys: Maher is about 14 years younger than Biden, Stewart is about 20 years younger. Both have publicly demonstrated sharp, analytical minds and work schedule ethics. Neither has expressed a desire to run for political office, but their political commentary/activism hasn't lost a step in years (although you may disagree with them at times).

Uncle Joe is just mov'in kinda slow ... and should step down. It happens to the best of 'em....that's life.

Got that bunky?
fuck off asshole
He seemed ill at ease which isn’t like him. I wonder if he’s put off by the bizarreness of Trump.
Again...he should have expected a shit show instead of a debate. How could anyone believe that trump would actually show up to debate? His staff failed miserably.

Biden's facial expressions did indeed show that he was not comfortable in the setting.
They just caught the Russians meddling in our election AGAIN

guess where this silly season talk started?

It’s just a guess at this point

I wonder what side those fake accounts were on in this issue?
Unless I’m a Russian, that’s not where it started. I watched the debate and 30 minutes in it was obvious that Joe was confused and unable to keep a thought. I turned it off before the half way mark.
There is no through Neuro exam there is no Cognitive exam where is Dr. Cannard's report. Based on Biden's symptoms he may have Dementia with Lewy bodies. I have seen Neurologist Consults before and they submitted a detailed Neuro exams. I have not seen Dr. Cannard's exam report even though Dr. O'Connor said Cannard has examined Joe Biden 3 times.
This is really lame. Apparently you think all the docs are in a conspiracy to hide something even though the report states outright that he does not have Parkinson's. Reread pages 4 and 6.

Seriously EW, it's sad to see the lengths you go to to keep this conspiracy theory going. Have some self-respect, man. No matter how much you think otherwise, trump doesn't give a crap about you.
One and the same. Literally.
He would do the same thing if you dared disagree with him. I guess we have complete nut jobs too.

I don’t believe there is a more thoughtful and articulate liberal poster here than me. And yet I’ve been savaged for simply expressing concern. I will not be blindly loyal. That’s what Trump supporters do. Sad.
That's what I was told when this board first started. I believe it. Same exact M.O..

All is well until the first sign of disagreement, then she jumps to ignore, or the hysterics you see in this thread.

I'm typically the last to recognize socks, but this pattern fits.
I think he just confirmed it. Makes perfect sense.
Well duh. We can all see it.

Well duh. We can all hear it.

Well duh. We can all see it.

So you clicked my links. Nice.

Yet you still didn't answer my question: What do you think is causing Biden to have those symptoms?
Oh, BTW, I just watched NBC Nightly News. They say there's still no explanation from the WH as to why that Parkinson's specialist visited the WH 8 X's in 8 months. :unsure:
Let’s put that one to bed. There are many people treated in the White House medical facility. That doctor makes regular visits as a specialist in the facility. On several of those days BIDEN WAS NOT EVEN IN THE WHITE HOUSE. Poor reporting. Nothing to do with Biden.
Let’s put that one to bed. There are many people treated in the White House medical facility. That doctor makes regular visits as a specialist in the facility. On several of those days BIDEN WAS NOT EVEN IN THE WHITE HOUSE. Poor reporting. Nothing to do with Biden.
This is really lame. Apparently you think all the docs are in a conspiracy to hide something even though the report states outright that he does not have Parkinson's. Reread pages 4 and 6.

Seriously EW, it's sad to see the lengths you go to to keep this conspiracy theory going. Have some self-respect, man. No matter how much you think otherwise, trump doesn't give a crap about you.
Christie I'm starting to get concerned about your cognitive health. I said it may not be Parkinson's it may be another neurodegenerative disease. I stand by my assessment. O'Connor cannot be trusted to give us an objective evaluation. He vacations with the Bidens and is treated like a son by them. O'Connor is very obviously not being 100% candidate with the public about Biden's advancing cognitive issues. WHERE IS DR. CANNARD'S full neurological consultation report. It is suspiciously missing.
Unless I’m a Russian, that’s not where it started. I watched the debate and 30 minutes in it was obvious that Joe was confused and unable to keep a thought. I turned it off before the half way mark.
President Biden is doing a great job as President, one bad night doesn’t discount his abilities to run this country.
Christie I'm starting to get concerned about your cognitive health. I said it may not be Parkinson's it may be another neurodegenerative disease. I stand by my assessment. O'Connor cannot be trusted to give us an objective evaluation. He vacations with the Bidens and is treated like a son by them. O'Connor is very obviously not being 100% candidate with the public about Biden's advancing cognitive issues. WHERE IS DR. CANNARD'S full neurological consultation report. It is suspiciously missing.
You've been saying Parkinson's all along until yesterday. At least part of the doctor's report might have made you stop and think. And for the record, none of the doctors' individual reports are included. That's why it's called a summary.

For a doctor, you don't seem familiar with HIPAA. Also, presidents aren't required by law to undergo physical or cognitive exams.

"...Constitution lays out clear guidelines for holding the office of the presidency, and to require the release of tax returns would “open the floodgates” to compel the disclosure of “confidential medical records, psychiatric and therapist records, academic records, family law records, or other privileged information,” California federal Judge Morrison England wrote, citing a 1995 U.S. Supreme Court ruling."

Oh okay, conspiracy theory. The whole world is in a secret plot to cover for Biden. See current headlines for proof.
O'Connor even vacationed with the Bidens he enjoys the notoriety being the pResident's doctor gives him. He will lose personal recognition when Biden steps down. He is a very close friend with the Biden family. He even advised Beau about his cancer diagnosis. The FACT that there is no neurological consult included from Dr. Cannard included with the annual physical is EXTREMELY telling. Cannard saw Biden and would have sent O'Connor a full neurological exam consultation report but it is strangely missing.

Like I said before this may be something that mimics Parkinson's . Something like dementia with Lewy bodies.
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