Jon Stewart is the new Bill Maher.

Sick of this. Dems already agreed to stop bashing Biden. Stop helping Trump.
Ball is in Biden's court. Nobody bashed Biden until he wandered to the lectern absolutely lost.

It's all up to him to prove that he can do a lot better.

Last chance.
They will do that until Biden has another public senior moment. He's about to address NATO. If Biden can't get through a prepared set of remarks, we'll see the tide turn.

Bernie is correct. Biden needs to do a number of unscripted town halls to prove his cognitive ability.

If he doesn't, he shouldn't be running. He should step down to a barrage of pomp and circumstance, and ride off into the sunset as a hero.

This is a horrible look right now.

It doesn't matter that he's perfectly capable of running the nation. He just looks terrible.
I saw the debate. It was not that bad for Biden. I suspect the people bashing Biden never liked him.
I saw the debate. It was not that bad for Biden. I suspect the people bashing Biden never liked him.
We watched a different debate. Granted, I came in late, and only had the stomach for a few minutes. I had to turn it off. Biden was lost. I blame terrible prep.

I might have seen him claim that he 'beat Medicare', and that was it for me.
We watched a different debate. Granted, I came in late, and only had the stomach for a few minutes. I had to turn it off. Biden was lost. I blame terrible prep.

I might have seen him claim that he 'beat Medicare', and that was it for me.
Were you a Biden supporter before?
Biden's handlers should be hanged. They allowed him to attend a debate that was never going to be an actual debate. The confused old man tried to answer questions about policy, while trump turned it into a reality show.

Instead of arming Biden with responses to one liners (lies), I'm not really sure what they did.

Biden was knocked off of his message by a barrage of outrageous lies that he simply was not prepared for. The look of amazement on his face made him appear mentally lacking.

For instance...the day after trump lost in '20, he immediately registered as a candidate for the presidency. This, to be able to continue to fundraise (to pay his legal bills), and to attempt to avoid prosecution.

He claimed that he didn't want to be running, but Biden ruined the nation so badly he has no choice.

Instead of muttering word salad, why didn't Biden simply ask why trump was registered as a candidate months before Biden took office?

It was never going to be a debate. Biden's prep was atrocious.
True, but Biden had the first chance to speak and flubbed it. He never recovered. He certainly didn’t think of that good answer to Trump’s “reluctant” candidacy.
True, but Biden had the first chance to speak and flubbed it. He never recovered. He certainly didn’t think of that good answer to Trump’s “reluctant” candidacy.
I think he should have left the facts/figures home, and generally addressed the last 4 years of accomplishments. Better to come with one liners to address the lies. I think the facts rattled around in his head, and fought to exit his mouth. Some of the lies were so ridiculous, it rattled him.
You cannot convince me that anyone believed trump would even attempt to answer the questions.
What baffles me is, why doesn't Biden get checked for Parkinson's or just a neurological exam ?
If various people were indicating to me that I should get checked for a condition they noticed, I'd do it for my own good.
Example: My wife insisted I get my hearing checked. For months I said there's nothing wrong w/ my hearing, it's just her Sachsen accent which sounds somewhat mumbling.
Finally I got checked and sure enough I had high frequency hearing loss and now wear hearing aids where there is background noise like at a restaurant, e.g., and it's helped tremendously.
It's obvious he has the symptoms of Parkinson's and has had them for a while. I personally know someone quite well who is in the depths of it and the similarities to what I see in Biden are remarkable. I see and hear almost exactly the same thing. He's an old friend (in both ways) and it's now almost impossible to have any kind of meaningful conversation with him, although he tries.
Even if he doesn't have Parkinson's it's also obvious that something is going on with him.
I think we've all known elderly folks that are sharp as a tack, even in their 90's. Biden is NOT one of them.
His stubborn denialism is another factor to consider.:fogey:
And his family is NOT helping the situation, at all.
Once more, since nobody paid attention the first dozen times I posted it.

Page four of Biden's physical examination from a few months ago:

"An extremely detailed neurologic exam was again reassuring in that there were no findings which would be consistent with any cerebellar or other central neurological disorder, such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's or ascending lateral sclerosis, nor are there any signs of cervical myopathy. This exam did again support a finding of peripheral neuropathy in both feet. No motor weakness was detected. He exhibits no tremor, either at rest or with activity. He demonstrates excellent fine motor dexterity."

Were you a Biden supporter before?
Of course. Still am. But there is a lot at stake here, and unless Biden tempers the delusional rhetoric it will be trump winning the election. Truthfully, he's fine as long as there is structure to any event. And a lot of the seeming age related issues are indeed due to his speech impediment. But would have preferred to see him stutter through intelligent comments, instead of claiming that he beat Medicare.

The so called debate was a farce, but it was the make or break moment for him, and his team failed miserably.
Never panicked, evince. I've kept an open mind. I did recognize a problem some others did not, and said the problem needed to be solved or at least addressed. And gotten a bunch of crap in reply.
They just caught the Russians meddling in our election AGAIN

guess where this silly season talk started?

It’s just a guess at this point

I wonder what side those fake accounts were on in this issue?
They will do that until Biden has another public senior moment. He's about to address NATO. If Biden can't get through a prepared set of remarks, we'll see the tide turn.

Bernie is correct. Biden needs to do a number of unscripted town halls to prove his cognitive ability.

If he doesn't, he shouldn't be running. He should step down to a barrage of pomp and circumstance, and ride off into the sunset as a hero.

This is a horrible look right now.

It doesn't matter that he's perfectly capable of running the nation. He just looks terrible.
He did Great!
You seem the one in hysterics. What those like me thought of the debate has never been the issue. It’s the impression made overall, and it is not only the debate but other so called signs of decline that before had been passed over. But it’s beginning look like Biden’s nomination is going to survive this.
The debate did absolutely nothing to impress the kids who might just stay home. We might know that Biden can still lead the nation. He's been doing it so long, he could literally do it in his sleep.

But in elections, it's about inspiring people to bother to vote.

Biden had better step up his game
The debate did absolutely nothing to impress the kids who might just stay home. We might know that Biden can still lead the nation. He's been doing it so long, he could literally do it in his sleep.

But in elections, it's about inspiring people to bother to vote.

Biden had better step up his game
Nothing is wrong with Biden. What is wrong is constantly bashing him. Only helps Trump.
Most pollsters are engaged by media organizations. I recognize their limitations but do not dismiss them. This poll was undertaken on behalf of Politico. I have no reason to believe there is an inherent bias in the poll. We do not know how people would vote today with the information available to them. So I look to polling to see trends, and the trends post debate are not good for the President.

We cannot afford to ignore reality at this point in time, and I think 'the primary process is complete' is not a good enough reason to do so. We face an existential threat to Democracy, and we desperately need to not only defeat Trump, but defeat all of his enablers so that we can undo the damage. Even if Biden wins, if two or three percent of voters stay home it will be a major blow to that effort. The Biden campaign is focused on three states. We need to focus on all 50. There are critical races, and we need enthusiasm.

I'm not prone to fits of hysteria or knee jerk reactions. This problem is real. Dismissing it, or telling someone who points it out to 'fuck off' doesn't help matters. The administrations handling of the debate aftermath has been, and frankly continues to be extremely poor. That's a shame. They need to do better. And we need a resolution to this. They seem to be trying to put it off.
Sadly, politics is rarely about anything BUT garnering enthusiasm. Harris was VP for one reason, and we know what that is.

Buttigieg would have been a much better pick, but he would not have 'inspired' non white voters.

If he's VP right now, I think the nation is happy to take a chance on Biden not completing an entire second term.

Harris is simply not liked. Despite the fact that she's extremely competent.
Yeah, you’ve shown such skill discussing issues. You know crap about national politics if you think the pros don’t take polling seriously.
They do, but polls are often way off.

Collins in Maine was supposed to lose by 10 points.

She won handily.

IF I bother to pay attention to a poll, I find the sampling and I can see exactly what result was desired.