Judge orders stop to release of Trump documents


A federal appeals court on Thursday granted former President Donald Trump's request to pause the release of key White House records from his presidency to the House select committee investigating the January 6 attack on the US Capitol, as he appeals a lower court's decision that he can't claim executive privilege to keep them secret.
I hope these courts that are engaging in obstruction of justice on behalf of tRump and against the right for Justice to be served and for society to understand what their former lawlessly hacked in fake so-called president tRump was up to on a mission to destroy Democracy from within, the well being of society and the common decency of civilization. I hope if any of these so-called courts are found to have engaged in a seditious conspiracy to enable tRump's act of obstructing justice, treason and other atrocities at using that lawlessly hacked position of his to do, I hope these so-called judges are challenged when it comes to the reason why they have been obstructing justice on tRump's behalf because they are not kings either!

The National Archives, which holds the documents, says they include call logs, handwritten notes and a draft executive order on “election integrity.”


Jesus, dude. Take a chill pill. The courts are doing their job. Our entire system of government is based on protecting the individual American.

Like it or not, Pedo Don is an American. There's also all that specific Constitution stuff about our Federal government to slog through.

I have complete faith the Truth will be revealed in the end.
Agreed to an extent. Still, there's no excuse for violence until all other avenues have been exhausted. Impatience is not an excuse for killing one's fellow Americans.

in conversations we've had before on this subject............not everybody has the same line drawn, so i'll ask again.......should we all adhere to YOUR line?
in conversations we've had before on this subject............not everybody has the same line drawn, so i'll ask again.......should we all adhere to YOUR line?
Leading question. No one has to adhere to any lines except the current laws of their State.

My line is "don't attack Americans". Why do you think that's wrong? Why do you think it's okay to murder children for a political agenda?

Leading question. No one has to adhere to any lines except the current laws of their State.
current state laws prohibit violence against the government, or it's agents, that we all must seek remuneration through the government, even if the government is the offender...........right?

My line is "don't attack Americans". Why do you think that's wrong? Why do you think it's okay to murder children for a political agenda?

why do you insist on my position of 'collateral damage' means I promote the murder of children?

Also, in a circumstance where the government is in serious overreach or oppression, since they are still Americans, you advocate not killing them? in other words, you intend to just roll over and submit?
current state laws prohibit violence against the government, or it's agents, that we all must seek remuneration through the government, even if the government is the offender...........right?

why do you insist on my position of 'collateral damage' means I promote the murder of children?

Also, in a circumstance where the government is in serious overreach or oppression, since they are still Americans, you advocate not killing them? in other words, you intend to just roll over and submit?

We're a nation of laws with a Constitution, yes.

Because I asked you repeatedly December 2020 about this subject.

You keep bringing up Waco and Ruby Ridge as instances of government overreach, which obviously they were, yet you never discuss the aftermath. Why?
they were >99% blm/antifa.

how can you agree to an extent, you disreputable yuntz?

Arrest them. Charge them. Give them a fair trial. What's the problem, son?

No. Unlike you, I do not support terrorism and the overthrow of the United States government and our Constitution.
We're a nation of laws with a Constitution, yes.

Because I asked you repeatedly December 2020 about this subject.

You keep bringing up Waco and Ruby Ridge as instances of government overreach, which obviously they were, yet you never discuss the aftermath. Why?

selective amnesia much? I have discussed the aftermath, more specifically, the murrah bombing...........why do you keep forgetting or ignoring what i've said about it? why must you constantly misconstrue or intentionally misunderstand my position and feelings on the matter?
selective amnesia much? I have discussed the aftermath, more specifically, the murrah bombing...........why do you keep forgetting or ignoring what i've said about it? why must you constantly misconstrue or intentionally misunderstand my position and feelings on the matter?

see what a lying fucktard this stooge is?
selective amnesia much? I have discussed the aftermath, more specifically, the murrah bombing...........why do you keep forgetting or ignoring what i've said about it? why must you constantly misconstrue or intentionally misunderstand my position and feelings on the matter?

What am I misconstruing? You believe killing Americans in an effort to overthrow the US government is collateral damage. One of dozens of posts you and I have shared on the subject:

that process is broken and has been for decades

if you can't, or won't, differentiate between combatants and collateral.................then stand back and enjoy the freedom the rest of us will give you when we're done.
You believe the process is broken and you support violence against the US government regardless of collateral damage.

Who are you referencing in the bolded paragraph if not violent white supremacist terrorists like your hero Timothy McVeigh?

Why do you think I reported you and your friends to the FBI after 1/6? Because of your comments the previous December like the ones above.
he doesn't recognize a lot of things..........though i've given him dozens of chances to learn, he still wishes to remain willfullly ignorant. such is life

Care to explain this post?
when that government exempts itself from the same laws and restrictions that we have to abide by, or they get special treatment because of their positions, they are no longer 'we are the government'

That is an idea you need to divorce yourself from or you will not survive

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Who will kill me? Your white supremacist buddies who call me a "race traitor"? You called me a "traitor" too but you chickened out on explaining who I'm a traitor against.

like yourself................traitor. now, go ahead and dredge up all the posts you idiotically believe that I supported the 1/6 'insurrection' and make yourself look even stupider than you really are