Judge orders stop to release of Trump documents

That is a BLM leader like a member of your city council is a Republican leader. Both are simply local people and have no say on the national agenda.

How often does a member of my city counsel get on the national agenda like this guy did? Hopefully you're right and he has no say.
Agreed to an extent. Still, there's no excuse for violence until all other avenues have been exhausted. Impatience is not an excuse for killing one's fellow Americans.

Much of that violence was perpetrated by right wing opportunists starting the riots, ad then blaming it on the left.
The release of the documents has not been stopped, merely delayed. they are coming out. Trump has used delaying tactics his whole life.
Much of that violence was perpetrated by right wing opportunists starting the riots, ad then blaming it on the left.

Nonetheless, with current tech, our nation's LEO's should be able to scan faces and track individuals who incite or commit violence than backtrack them to a place to be arrested.
Again I ask, what is there about the truth that scares the shit out of liars like you?

Why do you think you can just fabricate lie filled strawmen and argue about them? :palm:

Have your gawds supported the pandemic solutions, or are they still lying about it?

This is why we point at you and laugh. You're a fucking moron who makes up stupid bullshit like this and think it's an argument. :palm:

Did Russia interfere in the 2016 election, or not?

The FACTS are that Russia did not affect the outcome of the 2016 election. Dishonest hacks in the State Department, the Presidency and the Clinton campaign used a salacious piece of fiction fabricated by the Clinton campaign in a desperate attempt to overturn the election, spy on an opposing campaign and investigate a President.

Yet here you are pounding your tiny fists on the table insisting that the Russia HOAX was based on facts. You're an idiot. A willful idiot at that.

What was there in the Mueller Report that was false?

The Mueller report clearly concluded that there was ZERO collusion between Trump and the Russians. Where did I say it was false? Yet here you are pounding your tiny fists on the table bloviating strawmen. :palm:

It is really sad that you with your low IQ,

What is really sad is that you think your IQ is higher than room temperature. You have got to be one of the biggest morons I debate here. :palm:

..and with corresponding low moral values,

Really dipshit? What particular morals am I lacking shit-for-brains? Every time you post you are either lying, or fabricating asinine strawmen. :palm:

....have to resort to continuous lies to try and prove your point. And as each lie is exposed you come up with another one. But your sense of integrity, or honor, is so low that you lack the intellectual ability to understand that. And people have died, and continue to die because of your lies, and those of your gawd.

What specific lies are you referring to? Yours? The only one here lacking any integrity, intelligence or honesty is you dipshit. Lunatic.

Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person.

Thankfully you are the one that has to live with it, die with it, and will be judged by it.


Every time someone reads any posts by the left on this board....it becomes quite apparent there is a genuine mental health crisis in this country.

So true isn't it? It's frightening the level of stupidity and ignorance these ideologues wallow in. :palm:
Democrats have managed to Forrest Gump their way to a great underdog story. By next November the pandemic will be in the rear view mirror, inflation will be in check, a new Voting Rights Act will have been passed, and the incredibly popular components of the BBB and infrastructure bills will be having real impact on the American people. Oh, and Trump will have been indicted on at least one of his crimes, maybe more. The timing couldn't have been better. This is THE single most important thing that's happened during the investigation. These guys are going to do jail time. I suspect that will wake them up, much like it woke up at least some of the traitors who participated in the Capitol riot. Republicans have made a bad political calculation. Now we can watch the results unfold.

You keyboard warriors ready to start that civil war yet?


Saved for next year. :rofl2:
Sorry little bitch, in all of the years that I have been posting in here neither you, nor the other little bitch "TruthDetector", has ever told the truth about anything.

Says one of the biggest liars and strawmen pontificators of the forum. The irony is beyond your extremely retarded IQ level.

So name just ONE lie I have promoted. I'll understand when you continue to flail, deflect and obfuscate.

Your consistent lying is all either of you have, and the same is true of your gawds such as trump, McConnell, McCarthy, and the list goes on. In fact, even in this thread you have posted nothing to prove you are not a lying piece of shit. You never have, you never will, and you cannot.


fuck the jan 6 committee.

There is only ONE purpose for the January 6th committee; to attempt to prevent Trump from ever running for President again.

I watched the lying Shifty Adam Schiff lying on NBC today. Why don't journalists ask these lying dumb fucks what crime was committed to require an investigation of a President and his staff?
More proof you hate the United States of America.

More proof what a dishonest dumb fuck you are. Why are they investigating the January 6th protests? Do you even know?

What crimes were committed to require an investigation and indictments? Do you even know? I am quite certain that the morons in the Democratic Party of Lying Jackasses don't know.

This is a partisan fishing expedition that continues to drive a wedge between the citizens of this nation. The Democrats need to continue demagoguing Trump in a fear fueled desperation that defies common sense.

It's obvious that the haters of the USA are the morons on the left, the PHONY media and the Democratic Party of Lying Jackasses.