Kamala Harris arrested and perp walked this Black Mother who DID NOTHING WRONG—and then lied about it!

So you two talk to each other about the brilliant insults you are going to throw my way? How sad.
No, Concarty, but I do enjoy his posts…they are succinct and salient.

Insults are not meant to be brilliant…just accurate.

Do you need a tissue, a safe room or a time out, Concarty?

This is all theater, not to be taken seriously.

Lighten up, Concarty.
Well, the esposa is up and I do believe I smell the delicious odor of fried pork tenderloin, biscuits and gray and grits. It’s my favorite late breakfast.

Yum, yum.

No, Concarty, but I do enjoy his posts…they are succinct and salient.

Insults are not meant to be brilliant…just accurate.

Do you need a tissue, a safe room or a time out, Concarty?

This is all theater, not to be taken seriously.

Lighten up, Concarty.

I don't feel the need to lie about a simple mistake Earl. So one of us is taking this seriously, and it isn't me.
I don't feel the need to lie about a simple mistake Earl. So one of us is taking this seriously, and it isn't me.
What was the lie, Concarty?

The breakfast was superb.

I just saw this on FOX…energy prices have risen by 31.8% under Harris/Biden.

Not good.
What was the lie, Concarty?

The breakfast was superb.

The lie is that you did not edit that post. And it's such a silly lie. I noticed it right away because the word had a red underline, meaning it was misspelled. I quoted your post, I didn't change anything in your post, because I think that's just the height of silliness. And yet you felt the need to not only edit your post but to lie about it, because you are so insecure that you think that mistake somehow makes you less credible. The exact opposite is true. Admitting a mistake makes you more credible. But right now, this is the world in which we live. You refuse to admit a mistake. PMP refuses to admit a mistake. Trump supporters are constantly posting objectively false things and doubling down. I have no idea what's behind this obvious character flaw, but it appears to be shared by one side of the ideological spectrum and not the other. I suspect that most of what you say about me is projection and insecurity, but I really don't care that much.

I also find it amusing that you think this whole Uber Eats thing is just a huge gotcha, so much so that you and Doofy Howser are still mentioning it in every post. Yes, I drove Uber Eats for three months after I retired. I call it a soft landing. My wife went with me, she was my runner. We had fun. You see it as some kind of bizarre insult, and I doubt very much you'll stop. I have no doubt that you are an educated man (I can't say the same about EL, I'm very confident he is lying about his profession). So why you engage in such childish behavior is beyond me. But, it is who you are, I'm not going to change it, and it certainly has no effect on my life. But if I was you, I'd look in the mirror and ask myself why I do this? Why I go from thread to thread to dislike every poster who I disagree with. Why I feel the need to play grammar nazi. Why I lied about something so trivial that it will be forgotten tomorrow. It's up to you, but that's what I'd do. Carry on.
The lie is that you did not edit that post. And it's such a silly lie. I noticed it right away because the word had a red underline, meaning it was misspelled. I quoted your post, I didn't change anything in your post, because I think that's just the height of silliness. And yet you felt the need to not only edit your post but to lie about it, because you are so insecure that you think that mistake somehow makes you less credible. The exact opposite is true. Admitting a mistake makes you more credible. But right now, this is the world in which we live. You refuse to admit a mistake. PMP refuses to admit a mistake. Trump supporters are constantly posting objectively false things and doubling down. I have no idea what's behind this obvious character flaw, but it appears to be shared by one side of the ideological spectrum and not the other. I suspect that most of what you say about me is projection and insecurity, but I really don't care that much.

I also find it amusing that you think this whole Uber Eats thing is just a huge gotcha, so much so that you and Doofy Howser are still mentioning it in every post. Yes, I drove Uber Eats for three months after I retired. I call it a soft landing. My wife went with me, she was my runner. We had fun. You see it as some kind of bizarre insult, and I doubt very much you'll stop. I have no doubt that you are an educated man (I can't say the same about EL, I'm very confident he is lying about his profession). So why you engage in such childish behavior is beyond me. But, it is who you are, I'm not going to change it, and it certainly has no effect on my life. But if I was you, I'd look in the mirror and ask myself why I do this? Why I go from thread to thread to dislike every poster who I disagree with. Why I feel the need to play grammar nazi. Why I lied about something so trivial that it will be forgotten tomorrow. It's up to you, but that's what I'd do. Carry on.
If it had no effect on your life, why did you write two (2) long paragraphs, Concarty?

Again, it’s theater…entertainment.

Don’t take it so seriously.

It’s 90 degrees here. Too hot for outdoor stuff.

Perhaps a book by a Russian author that my niece translated to English.

I once tried to learn Russian but it was impossible. Spanish is easy but Russian is impenetrable.
If it had no effect on your life, why did you write two (2) long paragraphs, Concarty?

Again, it’s theater…entertainment.

Don’t take it so seriously.

It’s 90 degrees here. Too hot for outdoor stuff.

Perhaps a book by a Russian author that my niece translated to English.

I once tried to learn Russian but it was impossible. Spanish is easy but Russian is impenetrable.

I notice you didn't deny lying. At least we're getting somewhere. I enjoyed writing those two paragraphs. Inciteful, cutting, directly to the point. Any other questions?
I notice you didn't deny lying. At least we're getting somewhere. I enjoyed writing those two paragraphs. Inciteful, cutting, directly to the point. Any other questions?
Well, I’m glad that I was able to entertain you and, perhaps, enlighten you.

What was the lie? Why should I deny a lie that I did not post, Concarty?

Are you drunk?
Well, I’m glad that I was able to entertain you and, perhaps, enlighten you.

What was the lie? Why should I deny a lie that I did not post, Concarty?

Are you drunk?

You already know Earl. And so do I. Are you trying to convince the viewing audience? They do not care.
Keep wishing. You can check her positive popularity rating at 538.com. Compare it with Trump's negative rating while you're at it.

As for Peoples, Harris had no involvement in her arrest other than supporting a truancy program that allowed parents to be charged if they had a child who missed more than 10 percent of school without a valid reason.
You already know Earl. And so do I. Are you trying to convince the viewing audience? They do not care.
I think that you and I are the only posters reading and writing on this thread, Concarty.

They do not care and I don’t either…really.

It was entertaining for me to expose you to some of the debate tactics that were used by me and against me at Vandy.

Given, a position…defend it.

I was once given…the “little people” are important…defend it. It was a huevos burster.
I think that you and I are the only posters reading and writing on this thread, Concarty.

They do not care and I don’t either…really.

It was entertaining for me to expose you to some of the debate tactics that were used by me and against me at Vandy.

Given, a position…defend it.

I was once given…the “little people” are important…defend it. It was a huevos burster.

Did they teach you to lie and change the subject? LOL, THIS one I'm not buying. You are an absolutely abysmally poor debater. You seem to lack even a sliver of critical thinking ability.

The fact is that you DO care. And you DO think the 'audience' is watching and judging. If they were, it would not go well for you. There are two possibilities here. Either you edited your post, or I quoted your post, added an l to the word excel, and then made a throwaway comment about it. If there were unbiased judges, I would win this one easily. And I would win ANY debate with you easily. And I was not on a college debate team. On that one, I call bullshit.
It is past 1:00 PM so yes.
It appears that he drinks on his break time.

Or perhaps he only works til 1:00 PM.

I admire his dedication to Uber Eats. It’s inspirational.

At my university, he would be called one of the little people. One of my professors said that he was going to work a construction job during the summer…to see how the little people cope. True story.
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Did they teach you to lie and change the subject? LOL, THIS one I'm not buying. You are an absolutely abysmally poor debater. You seem to lack even a sliver of critical thinking ability.

The fact is that you DO care. And you DO think the 'audience' is watching and judging. If they were, it would not go well for you. There are two possibilities here. Either you edited your post, or I quoted your post, added an l to the word excel, and then made a throwaway comment about it. If there were unbiased judges, I would win this one easily. And I would win ANY debate with you easily. And I was not on a college debate team. On that one, I call bullshit.
As the knife fighter said to the other knife fighter, you did not win, just shake your head.
As the knife fighter said to the other knife fighter, you did not win, just shake your head.

Funny, I believe EL said that just about a week ago. I still have no idea exactly what it means. Perhaps something to do with decapitation, but very bizarre. Either way, you are twins. Part of the borg. And both members of a cult.
It appears that he drinks on his break time.

Or perhaps he only works til 1:00 PM.

I admire his dedication to Uber Eats. It’s inspirational.

At my university, he would be called one of the little people. One of my professors said that he was going to work a construction job during the summer…to see how the little people cope. True story.

Awww, how cute. You two should probably get a hotel room.