"Kill Him"

Was it on this site that one or two left wing nuts said they have gotten visits from the FBI about threats against the President?

It could have been on another site...
They may have said it, but the FBI isn't the ones who visit.
Yes. A bad economy is always bad for the party of the current WH occupant, and it does not appear to have any chance of turning around before the election. Couple that with the "suspension" of the campaign to pass a law that he couldn't garner the votes for and he has built himself an insurmountable wall.

Politics is 10% of it....Simply...its the Dims turn in the WH....

Its rare to have one party in the WH for more than 8 years...not unheard of ...but rare....
Watermark the hypocrite .....Pretty quick on coming up with that "Guilt_by_association" bullshit....while at the same time didn't seem to have problem with condemning the entire McCain/Palin campaign because ONE GUY shouted 'kill him' at an R event....

He probably sees no conflict here at all....Obama associates with a self-confessed domestic terrorist that bombed and killed in the US....thats not the kind of friends a Senator should have...

NO ONE called BHO a terrorist...and thats the fact of the matter....

but holy shit...don't let one guy shout "kill him" at an R political rally....
Is Obama a terrorist ?

bush is a terrorist.
mushroom clouds in 45min, etc.
Responsible for bomings that killed tens of thousands of innocent civilians. And that is by bush's estimate.
I think that probably one of the biggest differences between modern liberals and conservatives is that liberals have a huge deal of respect for human dignity, while it's perfectly acceptable for a conservative to walk around proposing stonings in a serious manner and our society accepts that.

I'll compliment you Watermark you do some good trolling. This one really made say 'wow, did he just say that?'
Shoot, I certainly was at a debate where a D said that somebody should "just shoot" the incumbent R County Commissioner who is vacating the office after two and a half terms because of term limits. I think that there are nutjobs everywhere and all the Democratic rallies you have been at are no exception.

That being said, saying that a domestic terrorist should be "killed" isn't responsible and she should have said something like, "Now, that is not something that I would support, just don't vote for his friend." And if she said it all "mavericky" a tense situation would likely be averted.

Shoot, I've been at 3 Republican ones where they talked about murdering the Democratic opposition.

anyway, getting down to stuff that we can prove happened, rather than pulling the usual Damo equivalency bullshit out of our asses - I note that you are determined to present this as the man calling for the murder of Ayers.

when in fact, no one knows whether he was talking about Ayers or Obama.

No one, but Damo that is.

Shoot, I've been at 3 Republican ones where they talked about murdering the Democratic opposition.

anyway, getting down to stuff that we can prove happened, rather than pulling the usual Damo equivalency bullshit out of our asses - I note that you are determined to present this as the man calling for the murder of Ayers.

when in fact, no one knows whether he was talking about Ayers or Obama.

No one, but Damo that is.

Sad is pretending that nutjobs who make such threats don't exist among Democrats implying that in a post on the interwebs then thinking you made something good happen and nodding along with other bobbleheads.

I recognize that there are occasional nuts among a crowd, even those of my own party. Pretending that all Democrats are flowers and honey is total pretense that currently seems to be solely spreading like an airborne form of Alzheimer's only among Democrats at this time.
Sad is pretending that nutjobs who make such threats don't exist among Democrats implying that in a post on the interwebs then thinking you made something good happen and nodding along with other bobbleheads.

I recognize that there are occasional nuts among a crowd, even those of my own party. Pretending that all Democrats are flowers and honey is total pretense that currently seems to be solely spreading like an airborne form of Alzheimer's only among Democrats at this time.

No one is “pretending” any such thing. That’s not even under discussion. You put it up as some pretend person’s argument so that you could knock it down. Thus accomplishing the double-reverse flip of a strawman and a distraction from the very alarming, and disgusting, main point of the thread.
I hope they give you a raise?
No one is “pretending” any such thing. That’s not even under discussion. You put it up as some pretend person’s argument so that you could knock it down. Thus accomplishing the double-reverse flip of a strawman and a distraction from the very alarming, and disgusting, main point of the thread.
I hope they give you a raise?
Rubbish, I quoted and answered a post that implied just such a thing. You are now being deliberately obtuse, and obviously so. It wasn't me that brought up the idea to the conversation. I'll also note that since you are not being "mavericky" you raise the level of tenseness...

Yeah from a republican point of view Damo does deserve a raise.
he does a great job of carrying the party water while making a passable presentation of being reasonable.
More awesomeness from the Bible Spice tour:

In Clearwater, arriving reporters were greeted with shouts and taunts by the crowd of about 3,000. Palin then went on to blame Katie Couric’s questions for her “less-than-successful interview with kinda mainstream media.” At that, Palin supporters turned on reporters in the press area, waving thunder sticks and shouting abuse. Others hurled obscenities at a camera crew. One Palin supporter shouted a racial epithet at an African American sound man for a network and told him, “Sit down, boy.”

I'd like to say it is unbelievable, but it isn't.

The republican "troops" who they drag out for these events are truely thoughtless people.

Anyone who could really think the party in power can bring change is a mindless clone.

Pappy McDaniel's (the incumbant) slow son says to him at a rally that is turning on him as the crowd booos "Pappy we need to get us some of this reform".
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It seems stunning, but I’m not stunned. I recognized her as soon as I saw her. We’ve been warned about her since the Founders, and on.

And as for the ugliness in certain crowds, once you’ve done a peace demonstration at Jones Beach, during their Memorial Day air show, you know that it only takes a “leader” to nudge them before they’ll kill. Rip you limb from limb, cheer when federal troops open fire on you, scream for your head as you’re dragged off to a camp.
The mindless wingnut cases are all that will show up at Palin/McCain rallies at this point. Well their keepers show up as well.