Legion Rule 14, 1 week.... (April Fools)...

See, I don't care who authorizes it, so long as I get my ritalin fix!!

LOL. Ever try that stuff? One of my kids had ADHD. He kept complaining that his ritalin "makes my head feel funny." So one day after they were all safe at school I tried one. OMG. How anyone could take that shit for recreational reasons is beyond me. I literally could not focus, could not stay in one place, or keep a coherent thought going. When that wore off my head felt like it was being squeezed in a vise. Just horrible stuff. But when I asked him if he felt that way too, he said no. It worked exactly opposite on him. I always wondered if the "funny" feeling was finally being able to focus and concentrate, something we take for granted if we're not ADHD.
Fuck off, Bitchy-Witchy. It's a shame that you waste your writing skills hanging out here every day. Try something more productive.

Ask your stalker girlfriend, dear druggie. She knows all about my writing skills and what else I use them for. RB even mentioned it here, when we first arrived. #AnotherObsessedTrollFail

Ask your stalker girlfriend, dear druggie. She knows all about my writing skills and what else I use them for. RB even mentioned it here, when we first arrived. #AnotherObsessedTrollFail


More of your narcissism, always imagining that you are being stalked. You are the stalker, chicken shit.

Serious question. Do your classmates, real or imagined, ever comment or even look at you weirdly because of your cultural appropriation?
More of your narcissism, always imagining that you are being stalked. You are the stalker, chicken shit.

Serious question. Do your classmates, real or imagined, ever comment or even look at you weirdly because of your cultural appropriation?

Are you denying that, due to TOP's actions, a stalker did pursue TOW IRL? Or are you just lying and seeking to harm others again?
A Story for Every Occasion™.

How many involve you and a leash, Gimp?

What does flying in an airplane have to do with anything? Is that supposed to make you a man? A tough guy?

If you're looking for the definition of "looser," look no further than in a mirror.

Dutch Uncle is the biggest pussy on this forum. He is more pussy than all the females combined on this board.
What does flying in an airplane have to do with anything? Is that supposed to make you a man? A tough guy?

If you're looking for the definition of "looser," look no further than in a mirror.

It's an example of taking risks to live life. A basic rule of writing is to write what you know. You have a lot of experiences of your own to share, RB. Beliefs, talents, skills, history, etc. If you were trying to give an example of something, wouldn't it be smart to use what you know?

FWIW, I respect you for protecting your mother. No, I never insulted her, but I most certainly insulted you. Ha ha.

You're a good son, as all sons should be, especially when their father is absent. Human beings are 99.5%+ genetically identical, but that 0.5% covers a shitload of territory. LOL

The 0.5% is all nurture. It's the major influence on our lives. Every human being is strongly influenced by their family and their culture. We each have the free will to go in different directions, but tend to trust those around us.
So I did not fully understand it at the time but I caught on the the hoax when I noticed that HoosierDaddy was removed from the member list, but legion was not.

Good to know.
LOL. Ever try that stuff? One of my kids had ADHD. He kept complaining that his ritalin "makes my head feel funny." So one day after they were all safe at school I tried one. OMG. How anyone could take that shit for recreational reasons is beyond me. I literally could not focus, could not stay in one place, or keep a coherent thought going. When that wore off my head felt like it was being squeezed in a vise. Just horrible stuff. But when I asked him if he felt that way too, he said no. It worked exactly opposite on him. I always wondered if the "funny" feeling was finally being able to focus and concentrate, something we take for granted if we're not ADHD.

If tested, I would be more in the ADD camp. My mother-in-law could definitely use some ritalin, though. I remember being in grades 6-9, and lots of people blaming it for violence in schools (I was almost 13 when Columbine happened).
If tested, I would be more in the ADD camp. My mother-in-law could definitely use some ritalin, though. I remember being in grades 6-9, and lots of people blaming it for violence in schools (I was almost 13 when Columbine happened).

You're around the same age then as the youngest two of my kids. My youngest girl was 12 when Columbine happened. She was and still is an gentle and empathic person, very sensitive. But suddenly she started playing Duke Nuke'em (the only fighting game we had) all the time. When I asked her why, she said she was practicing for middle school. Sad/funny both.

Ritalin doesn't cause violence.
My youngest girl was 12 when Columbine happened. She was and still is an gentle and empathic person, very sensitive. But suddenly she started playing Duke Nuke'em (the only fighting game we had) all the time. When I asked her why, she said she was practicing for middle school.

A Story for Every Occasion™.
"Quote Originally Posted by ThatFowlWoman View Post
My youngest girl was 12 when Columbine happened. She was and still is an gentle and empathic person, very sensitive. But suddenly she started playing Duke Nuke'em (the only fighting game we had) all the time. When I asked her why, she said she was practicing for middle school."

pressing the space bar on a keyboard is not that effective as a defense training exercise.......