Legion Rule 14, 1 week.... (April Fools)...

She's a Reichtard. So the answer is always butter. lol

LOL. Funny, but of all of them, I think Lig is most likely to save herself from a toxic relationship. She's the sanest of them all and political affiliation has nothing to do with it, IMO.

^^^ pun intended ^^^ :)
LOL. Funny, but of all of them, I think Lig is most likely to save herself from a toxic relationship. She's the sanest of them all and political affiliation has nothing to do with it, IMO.

^^^ pun intended ^^^ :)

Why, she's the SANEST person on JPP -- just ask her!

LOL I have asked her but she always scurried away. TOP, has mental issues and appears to be a shut-in living a fantasy life online.

Notice how people post pictures of their flowers, pets, etc? TOP? Nada. Nothing. Zip. Why? Paranoia; fear that what she's done to others will happen to her.

All those things, plus it's hard to post pics of stuff you don't have. Too easy to run a pic through an image search and find out that it was "borrowed." You know, like she took my pics from my FB and shared them with her little clique of bullies. After someone sent me one of her, it was easy to see why she constantly denigrated others for their alleged appearance/weight/age/femininity.
All those things, plus it's hard to post pics of stuff you don't have. Too easy to run a pic through an image search and find out that it was "borrowed." You know, like she took my pics from my FB and shared them with her little clique of bullies. After someone sent me one of her, it was easy to see why she constantly denigrated others for their alleged appearance/weight/age/femininity.

All of which adds weight to the observation that TOP's elevators don't go to the top.
I hope I never go as crazy as some of you did when I get as old as you are. All this over an almost meaningless message board. Some people seek to control Land, money, business, REAL power and influence. While others seek to control obscure little 10 cent message boards :laugh:. Talk about impotent people,...WOW! This is pathetic.
I hope I never go as crazy as some of you did when I get as old as you are. All this over an almost meaningless message board. Some people seek to control Land, money, business, REAL power and influence. While others seek to control obscure little 10 cent message boards :laugh:. Talk about impotent people,...WOW! This is pathetic.

And here you are. :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:
And here you are. :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:

Exactly. Its like watching a slow motion train wreck. Sick, twisted,...but somewhat interesting. Every time I read one of these types of threads, which isnt that often,.. I understand how truly blessed I really am.