Liberals can’t be Christians

See? I KNEW you'd make up some nonsense about semantics. Thanks for playing, and have fun with your version of Jesus. :laugh:

It’s not semantics it’s what the Bible says. God separates murder from killing. Certainly God has no problem killing to protect your family or nation but killing someone for some sort of personal gain He does.

That is your contradiction answered.

And this isn’t my first rodeo either so keep em coming and hopefully I can educate you some.
It’s not semantics it’s what the Bible says. God separates murder from killing. Certainly God has no problem killing to protect your family or nation but killing someone for some sort of personal gain He does.

That is your contradiction answered.

And this isn’t my first rodeo either so keep em coming and hopefully I can educate you some.

What part of I'm done with your silliness don't you get? There are literally hundreds of various versions of the Bible. You chose one that you think justifies killing despite the proscription against that.

You support the death penalty, war, state-sanctioned murder and are using semantics -- the meaning of "thou shalt not kill" -- to justify that, according to whichever Bible agrees with your bias.

As I originally said, I didn't feel much desire to beat you down. Be careful what you ask for, Stinker. Go forth, and troll no more.

It’s not semantics it’s what the Bible says. God separates murder from killing. Certainly God has no problem killing to protect your family or nation but killing someone for some sort of personal gain He does.

That is your contradiction answered.

And this isn’t my first rodeo either so keep em coming and hopefully I can educate you some.

So, you believe that a magical man in the sky decided to write down his thoughts, but was too lazy to sit down with a chisel and stone (which is apparently the best form of written communication your superman could come up with) and write down his wisdom. So he had some guys write some stuff, and some other guys bless the stuff the first set of guys wrote, and God went .... there... perfect. And then he suddenly realized that he had fucked up and needed to send down his son to die a violent and horrible death to correct his fuck up, and then wrote a part II so he didn't sound quite so petty and vengeful.

That's what you believe. And anyone who challenges that belief you simply dismiss by invoking the ultimate wisdom of the man in the sky who couldn't even come up with a pen and paper. And that all makes sense to you.

I believe in empirical evidence, logic, and the ability of science to understand the natural world once we have the capacity to measure it. In the meantime, being intelligent and curious, I look for answers beyond the simplistic 'the man in the sky did it', and you think that man in the sky is going to punish me with eternal hellfire for the crime of using the logic that the motherfucker GAVE to me.

Have at it, sparky.
What part of I'm done with your silliness don't you get? There are literally hundreds of various versions of the Bible. You chose one that you think justifies killing despite the proscription against that.

You support the death penalty, war, state-sanctioned murder and are using semantics -- the meaning of "thou shalt not kill" -- to justify that, according to whichever Bible agrees with your bias.

As I originally said, I didn't feel much desire to beat you down. Be careful what you ask for, Stinker. Go forth, and troll no more.


You could always look up the Hebrew term before it was translated but naw, you choose to make your own narrative even with the truth right before you
So, you believe that a magical man in the sky decided to write down his thoughts, but was too lazy to sit down with a chisel and stone (which is apparently the best form of written communication your superman could come up with) and write down his wisdom. So he had some guys write some stuff, and some other guys bless the stuff the first set of guys wrote, and God went .... there... perfect. And then he suddenly realized that he had fucked up and needed to send down his son to die a violent and horrible death to correct his fuck up, and then wrote a part II so he didn't sound quite so petty and vengeful.

That's what you believe. And anyone who challenges that belief you simply dismiss by invoking the ultimate wisdom of the man in the sky who couldn't even come up with a pen and paper. And that all makes sense to you.

I believe in empirical evidence, logic, and the ability of science to understand the natural world once we have the capacity to measure it. In the meantime, being intelligent and curious, I look for answers beyond the simplistic 'the man in the sky did it', and you think that man in the sky is going to punish me with eternal hellfire for the crime of using the logic that the motherfucker GAVE to me.

Have at it, sparky.

Believe what you wish, I have no desire to convert you and I don’t intrude on your beliefs as you do with Christians.

I also haven’t dismissed anybody, I willing to debate anyone on this topic but none of you lefties will step up to the plate.

Instead you hide in the shadows slinging insults.

A rather pathetic bunch you are.
Believe what you wish, I have no desire to convert you and I don’t intrude on your beliefs as you do with Christians.

I also haven’t dismissed anybody, I willing to debate anyone on this topic but none of you lefties will step up to the plate.

Instead you hide in the shadows slinging insults.

A rather pathetic bunch you are.

How do I intrude on your beliefs. Name ONE way.

There is no debating religion. You either believe completely unsubstantiated bullshit or you don't. It isn't a dimmer switch, it's an on/off switch. But you proselytizing assholes want the ten commandments in public classrooms, and Intelligent Design taught as a competing scientific theory, and an organized morning prayer in school. As long as you continue to pull that bullshit, I will continue to call you out on it. Don't like it? Tough shit. It's called the First Amendment. Read the fucking thing and learn something.
You could always look up the Hebrew term before it was translated but naw, you choose to make your own narrative even with the truth right before you


You can't read Hebrew any more than I can. The difference here is that you rely on someone else's interpretation. I don't. :rofl2:
The takedown by the judge who overturned the ban on gender affirming care was epic., He rightfully pointed out that the law had the opposite effect of what the hateful bigots claimed. The number of people seeking that care is so small as to be irrelevant, as is the number of trans females participating in women’s sports. To hear these hateful transphobes tell it there are hundreds of thousands. That would be overstating by a factor of a thousand. This is the dumbest fucking wedge issue ever.

Agreed about the transphobes and other haters versus the actual numbers. Agreed they overstate a problem. They are trying to whip up hatred to violently overturn our government....whether they are too stupid to realize it or not. Keyword "civil war". Any who use it are seeking violence.

Dissention is one thing, seeking to violently overthrow our government is another.
Believe what you wish, I have no desire to convert you and I don’t intrude on your beliefs as you do with Christians.

I also haven’t dismissed anybody, I willing to debate anyone on this topic but none of you lefties will step up to the plate.

Instead you hide in the shadows slinging insults.

A rather pathetic bunch you are.
Isn't that a little bit of the Pot calling the Kettle black, Tink?

Broad brushing others pathetic confirms you are hateful and biased, Tink.

How honest and truthful are you as a Christian, Tink?
You could always look up the Hebrew term before it was translated but naw, you choose to make your own narrative even with the truth right before you

If it were crystal clear that violence were permissible in a Christian context, there never would have been denominations of Christian pacifists like the Quakers, the Mennonites, the Amish, the Anabaptists.

Some Christians get draft deferments because they have a demonstrable conscientious objections to violence. They are usually the only ones that are excused from the draft.

The permissibility of violence in the genuine Christian life had ever been crystal clear.

Jesus seems to have taught nonviolence.

Saint Augustine said that the duty of a Christian citizen to the state was a commitment to fight in wars if they are morally justified.

Fire and brimstone Protestants seem to particularly love the violence of the Iraq invasion and assaulting police officers guarding the US Capitol..

You might not realize this, but God did not appoint you to speak for all Christians.
I'm sure before this thread was written, certain holy rollers had no idea there were other gospels written which were ultimately rejected as canonical.

One of the strongest counter arguments the Catholics had against Martin Luther, is that when he said only scripture counted and eccelsiatical authority was bogus, the fact is it was the Catholics bishops who decided which Christian writings were canonical and which ones weren't. The whole system was based on elite authorities making interpretations.

Agreed. Stupidity isn't a Christian problem, it's a humanity problem.

I can see how the Catholics would have a problem with Protestants. LOL
How do I intrude on your beliefs. Name ONE way.

There is no debating religion. You either believe completely unsubstantiated bullshit or you don't. It isn't a dimmer switch, it's an on/off switch. But you proselytizing assholes want the ten commandments in public classrooms, and Intelligent Design taught as a competing scientific theory, and an organized morning prayer in school. As long as you continue to pull that bullshit, I will continue to call you out on it. Don't like it? Tough shit. It's called the First Amendment. Read the fucking thing and learn something.

You interfere by coming into a religious thread to tell believers how wrong they are.

You are interjecting yourself into a conversation that none of us want you in
Hi, devout Christian that votes Democrat here.
Interesting. Tell me more.

Yep, I put up with all their crap because Republicans are the antithesis of Christianity. They seem to put wealth and prosperity above Christian values
... as opposed to Democrats and other leftists who put above all else: wealth, intolerance, misogyny, HATRED of homosexuals, HATRED of the gender-confused, graft, corruption, lying, and the killing of living humans who have committed no crime ... and the total defense of those who do ... and the persecution of those who oppose all of the aforementioned predilections.

they want to cut funding to help the needy
They seek to reduce/eliminate theft and immoral forced wealth redistribution. Jesus said "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's" but you revile those Christians who do not give you what rightfully belongs to them. On top of that, you virtue-signal to other corrupt, GREEDY leftists that because you are a total loser, and Christians don't hand over all of their wealth to you, that they are GREEDY bastards who won't help the needy.

I think you lose on this point.

all while propping up those with wealth.
Wait, that's the Democrat modus operandi. Clinton foundation anyone? Billionaires->DNC->Overtaxation->Offshore Crypto Accounts->Billionaires cycle anyone?

I think you lose on this point.

That's one thumb in the eye of Christ.
Yet you continue to vote Democrat.

They mistreat and blame so much on sojourners.
Could you provide a few links to threads on JPP where Christians mistreat and blame sojourners for ... for whatever sojourners are mistreated and blamed for? I'd like to scrutinize this mistreatment of sojourners. Also, I want to chastize gfm7175 for unfairly mistreating sojourners and for sticking his thumb in Jesus' eye if he is guilty of this.

Thanks in advance for the links.

So many of them scream the sanctity of life but ignore its sanctity when they feel it will be a burden or they actually have to sacrifice something to preserve its sanctity.
Those are leftists who actively advocate for the killing of living humans who have not committed any crime and who have not expressed any desire to die, simply for CONVENIENCE. You have to be a total piece of shit to actively advocate for the killing of living humans, yet leftists are all about that. I take it that you are one of those pieces of shit, yes?


I could go on and on but that makes for an unrealistic amount to read.
No, please continue. Please go on and on. Tell me more about yourself. I will read it all, I promise. I will also respond to it all.

Please continue.
You interfere by coming into a religious thread to tell believers how wrong they are.

You are interjecting yourself into a conversation that none of us want you in

You don't get to speak for me or anyone else but yourself. I'm glad Concart is here. He specializes in debunking bullshit.

This is a public forum, Stinkerbelle. Unless you thread-ban everyone who demolishes your crazy talk, everyone gets to post here and everywhere else (Exc. the APP part unless approved.)

It takes a special kind of stupid to log into a public political discussion, then whine that someone disagrees with you.
Forcing the bible to fit into preconceived rightwing political positions has been profitable for many televangelists and Republican politicians

Yep. Like many fundies, Stinkerbelle thinks that her interpretation of scripture is the only valid interpretation. And again like many fundies, she's far less interested in reading and following Jesus's words than she is in weaponizing her alleged Christian faith.