Liberals can’t be Christians

Jesus also never mentioned abusing children so does that mean He approved of it in your view?

Jesus didn’t speak about a lot of things but. If it was spoken about in the OT and He didn’t change it then that would mean He agrees with it.
“See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.”
Jesus speaking in Matthew 18:10 NIV
I will take that challenge.

Give me one thing you think is contradictory and I will explain it to you.

Ball is in your court

Oh, so very tempting to tear you apart, but no thanks. You have your faith that makes you more or less (mostly less, from all appearances) happy. I have mine. Let that be sufficient unto the day.
Being gay isn't even listed in the Ten Commandments, so it can't be considered in the upper echelon of sins.

Trump commits adultery and lies, those are category 1A sins, so I would expect holy rollers to rush to condemn Trump well before they considered condeming gays

He does not honor the Sabbath, love God above all things, honor his parents, steals, covets. Yet he is akin to a god to them. Hmm.
Is it possible for someone who supported the unnecessary invasion of Iraq to be a Christian?

One of the Commandments says "Thou shalt not kill." Yet in other OT books, Israelites are commanded to slay enemies, even their women and children. Many, if not most, Republican Christians support America's many wars, the death penalty, and refuse to do anything about the proliferation of mass shootings in this country.

One of the Commandments says "Thou shalt not kill." Yet in other OT books, Israelites are commanded to slay enemies, even their women and children. Many, if not most, Republican Christians support America's many wars, the death penalty, and refuse to do anything about the proliferation of mass shootings in this country.


Proving that Christianity is whatever people say it is.
Oh, so very tempting to tear you apart, but no thanks. You have your faith that makes you more or less (mostly less, from all appearances) happy. I have mine. Let that be sufficient unto the day.

That’s what I thought you would say,

When given an open opportunity to challenge the Bible you folks always scurry away back into your holes.
That’s what I thought you would say,

When given an open opportunity to challenge the Bible you folks always scurry away back into your holes.

Whatever, Stinker. Here's how that breaks down:

Me: Provides two totally contradictory Biblical passages.
You: Tells me I'm interpreting them incorrectly but provides nothing more than opinion to back that up.

This isn't my first evangelical rodeo, dearie. :rofl2:

See, i.e.
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One of the Commandments says "Thou shalt not kill." Yet in other OT books, Israelites are commanded to slay enemies, even their women and children. Many, if not most, Republican Christians support America's many wars, the death penalty, and refuse to do anything about the proliferation of mass shootings in this country.


That is only the King James Version, the original commandment is thou shall not murder as all other Bibles have it.

Murder is far from killing which many times can be righteous in the eyes of God.

That is only the King James Version, the original commandment is thou shall not murder as all other Bibles have it.

Murder is far from killing which many times can be righteous in the eyes of God.


See? I KNEW you'd make up some nonsense about semantics. Thanks for playing, and have fun with your version of Jesus. :laugh:
