Liberals can’t be Christians

And God guided the Church in what to select

Do you really think He would leave it up to chance?

Guiding is one thing, but forcing is another, Tink. Guiding, as in offering a free and fair choice, goes with Free Will. Coercing does not.

If God is forcing people to behave, then not only does that mean no one has Free Will, but begs the question "what's the point?"
And what is "belief in homosexuality?"

Homosexuality exists. It doesn't require belief. God created homosexuals.

And I see quite a few conservatives calling God's creations "perversions."
You start more threads about religion than just about anyone, even if it only to indulge your hostility towards it.

She also avoids talking to anyone who is smarter and stronger than herself. Kick her ass too much and you'll be on her ignore list too. LOL
And God guided the Church in what to select

Do you really think He would leave it up to chance?

Humans, specifically the Church fathers, used their reason to decide which gospels and which writings should be considered canonical scripture, and which ones shouldn't.

Mark, Mathew, Luke, and John were chosen in part because they had a sort of logical internal consistency, and there was also something appealing about the number four which caused them to choose these and exclude other gospels
She also avoids talking to anyone who is smarter and stronger than herself. Kick her ass too much and you'll be on her ignore list too. LOL

Anger and message boards are never a good combination.

Case study: Perry aka Jank.

If memory serves me, there was a good chance at one time that the Gospel of Thomas was going to be considered canonical.
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Anger and message boards are never a good combination.

Case study: Perry aka Jank.

If memory serves me, there was a good chance at one time that the Gospel of Thomas was going to be considered canonical.

Agreed, but it's very common. Lots of old, scared and angry geezers on this forum. Mostly RWers, but a few LWers. Most are simply venting, but some appear capable of violence and willingness to harm Americans.
Funny how Democrats lie and say Christians want to push thing on the unbelievers yet is the atheist Democrats pushing their immorality on Christians . Like gay Marriage and Abortions and transgnder to the point of allowing men in women's bathrooms and males dominating female sports and of course training kids into being transgender against the will of the parents
Funny how Democrats lie and say Christians want to push thing on the unbelievers yet is the atheist Democrats pushing their immorality on Christians . Like gay Marriage and Abortions and transgnder to the point of allowing men in women's bathrooms and males dominating female sports and of course training kids into being transgender against the will of the parents
Faux Christian working himself up into a frenzy.

Nobody is forcing you to do anything you don't want, dumbass...except pay taxes. LOL
When you MAGAT suckers voted for #TRE45ON, you lost any right you ever had to speak of "immorality."


A good point about the immorality of voting for a lying, thieving, cheating, adulterous pedophile like Donald J. Trump. Since ptif is clearly a Christian Nationalist, not a Christian, then it fits that he votes for immorality.
Interdenominational panel warns of extreme danger of Christian nationalism
Christian nationalism represents a severe and present danger to American democracy, according to religious leaders affiliated with the group Christians Against Christian Nationalism.

People of faith must educate themselves about the movement, positively engage its adherents and pursue lives modeled closely on the Jesus of the New Testament, speakers said during a Jan. 27 webinar. And they must comprehend the immensity of the threat of Christian nationalism, added panelist Michael Bruce Curry, presiding bishop and primate of the Episcopal Church.

Christian nationalism — a belief that America is a “Christian nation” and that conflates loyalty to country with loyalty to God — “borders on blasphemy and idolatry,” he declared. “That kind of nationalism is dangerous to civic health, dangerous to Christianity and dangerous to humanity.”...

...Tyler opened the event with a warning about the dangers of Christian nationalism as a threat to religious freedom and to the separation of church and state as outlined in the U.S. Constitution. This belief system foments discrimination and violence and promotes legislation and governance shaped by blending of faith, nationalism and, in many cases, white supremacy, she asserted.

“Christians bear a special responsibility to understand and root out Christian nationalism,” Tyler said, adding later that “Christian nationalism threatens our faith and our democracy.”
The funny thing, they rejected scriptures that Gospel writers used and Jesus quoted.

Good point.
I was telling Tinkerbell that the choosing of which gospels and writings would be considered canonical and which ones wouldn't was a very human endeavor, an act of interpretation by Church fathers. There was nothing inherently magical for why those particular writings ended up in the New Testament
Good point.
I was telling Tinkerbell that the choosing of which gospels and writings would be considered canonical and which ones wouldn't was a very human endeavor, an act of interpretation by Church fathers. There was nothing inherently magical for why those particular writings ended up in the New Testament
Good point.
I was telling Tinkerbell that the choosing of which gospels and writings would be considered canonical and which ones wouldn't was a very human endeavor, an act of interpretation by Church fathers. There was nothing inherently magical for why those particular writings ended up in the New Testament

Some people seem to think the Holy Bible fell off the Cross to his awaiting apostles. Others realize three centuries went by before the Bible was canonized. More time than between us and the Declaration of Independence.
Faux Christian working himself up into a frenzy.

Nobody is forcing you to do anything you don't want, dumbass...except pay taxes. LOL

The takedown by the judge who overturned the ban on gender affirming care was epic., He rightfully pointed out that the law had the opposite effect of what the hateful bigots claimed. The number of people seeking that care is so small as to be irrelevant, as is the number of trans females participating in women’s sports. To hear these hateful transphobes tell it there are hundreds of thousands. That would be overstating by a factor of a thousand. This is the dumbest fucking wedge issue ever.
Some people seem to think the Holy Bible fell off the Cross to his awaiting apostles. Others realize three centuries went by before the Bible was canonized. More time than between us and the Declaration of Independence.

I'm sure before this thread was written, certain holy rollers had no idea there were other gospels written which were ultimately rejected as canonical.

One of the strongest counter arguments the Catholics had against Martin Luther, is that when he said only scripture counted and eccelsiatical authority was bogus, the fact is it was the Catholics bishops who decided which Christian writings were canonical and which ones weren't. The whole system was based on elite authorities making interpretations.
When you MAGAT suckers voted for #TRE45ON, you lost any right you ever had to speak of "immorality."


The weird thing is, the sleazier and more amoral Trump becomes, the more MAGAs worship him and fantasize about licking the ground he walks on