Liberals can’t be Christians

Because this is a discussion board

Kinda the reason we are all here

You don't understand "discussion," my dear bitter fruit. You think that making a false blanket statement about a group of people is not judging them. You offer your OP up not as opinion, but as fact. This says much more about YOU than it does about Democrats or any of the other groups you've judged.

Apparently you believe that YOU are a Christian. Why aren't you at worship services?
Saying liberals lie has nothing to do with religion

I said it was judgemental of you to claim liberals are liars by nature

Don't judge and you won't be judged, don't condemn and you won't be condemned, forgive and you will be forgiven, give and you will receive. Remove the log from your own eye before attending to the splinter in your friend's.

Gospel of Luke
You don't understand "discussion," my dear bitter fruit. You think that making a false blanket statement about a group of people is not judging them. You offer your OP up not as opinion, but as fact. This says much more about YOU than it does about Democrats or any of the other groups you've judged.

Apparently you believe that YOU are a Christian. Why aren't you at worship services?

Liberalism has a definition and you either fit into that definition or you don’t

Part of that definition is a hate towards God so it is not a blanket statement

An analogy would be saying you can’t be a socialist and believe in capitalism because capitalism is contrary to socialism just like being a Christian is contrary to being a liberal
Their entire belief system is completely contradictory to the Bible.

Their belief in homosexuality, their desire to kill children in the womb, their proliferation of behavior that mirrors Sodom and Gomorrah to their outright hatred of any and all Christian values.

If a liberal claims they are a Christian they are lying about one or the other but then again that’s what they do.

A lot of your MAGA buddies think Pope Francis is a Liberal.

Gay people should be integrated into society instead of ostracized, Pope Francis told journalists after his weeklong trip to Brazil. Answering a question about reports of homosexuals in the clergy, the pope answered, "If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?"

A Forward Thinking Pope?

Pope Francis has just come out with a harsh condemnation of the immigration policies pushed by Donald Trump and other right-wing politicians around the world, specifically calling out the racist and xenophobic message that attacks potential refugees and immigrants.

Brainless twit Pope Francis - "Let's ban all weapons."

This is the sort of wooly-brained "thinking" all liberals engage in. Hell - you can kill someone with a toothbrush.

Pope Francis Denounces Big Business' 'Idolatry Of Money'

Pope Francis Denounces Big Business' 'Idolatry Of Money' In Sardinia Address Offering Hope To Unemployed, Poor
I said it was judgemental of you to claim liberals are liars by nature

Don't judge and you won't be judged, don't condemn and you won't be condemned, forgive and you will be forgiven, give and you will receive. Remove the log from your own eye before attending to the splinter in your friend's.

Gospel of Luke

Show me one that doesn’t and I will take back my statement
A lot of really stupid people, I guess. I don't really care. It is a fact that Trump received fewer votes.

Trump received more electoral votes

Hillary should have smoked him on electoral votes

Did you know electoral votes are handed out per the popular vote?

When a candidate gets enough popular votes they get an electoral vote and whoever gets the most wins the state

All of Hillaroes votes came from the three most populous states, not from the majority of America

So getting the most votes is a meaningless statistic
According to polling, the majority of Catholics, Orthodox Christians, and black Protestants lean towards the Democratic party, mainline Protestants are about evenly split, and even 28 percent of white evangelical Protestants align with the Democrats.
Good info.

Mormons, like Evangelicals, are heavily Republican, but they are a smaller group of Protestants compared to others.

As a percentage of population:
That's a good graph
If it is reasonably accurate, less than a third of American christians are white evangelical Protestants, but they seem to get all the press.

It's all about the money; The Evangelistas bought their way into the Republican Party and they use money to maintain control. This was easily seen by all the Republican candidates giving handjobs at last week's Faith & Freedom Coalition’s Road to Majority Policy Conference in DC.

I wish someone would publish data on how much money the respective religion's members are donating to politicians. I'm guessing it exceeds the amount given to the poor in the name of Jesus.
Republican 2024 hopefuls converge on DC under the shadow of Trump
The specter of the former president loomed large over the Faith & Freedom Coalition’s Road to Majority Policy Conference, a summit that marks the first time the biggest names in the GOP race are appearing on the same stage as the summer campaign season kicks into gear. Trump is slated to speak Saturday, which will mark his first in-person appearance at a large GOP gathering of presidential hopefuls since announcing his White House bid.

The topic of abortion was a through-line at the conference Friday, which coincided with the eve of the first anniversary of the US Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade. Abortion has been a politically fraught issue for Republicans, and some GOP 2024 candidates are struggling to balance appealing to the hard-line GOP base without alienating more moderate voters needed to win a general election.
WOKE is a completely different religion, and they have been very effective at infiltrating and remaking former Christian churches.