Liberals can’t be Christians

Their entire belief system is completely contradictory to the Bible.

Their belief in homosexuality, their desire to kill children in the womb, their proliferation of behavior that mirrors Sodom and Gomorrah to their outright hatred of any and all Christian values.

If a liberal claims they are a Christian they are lying about one or the other but then again that’s what they do.

Not only are you right on the mark by saying its impossible for any liberal to be a Christian, but lets take it one step further by
doubling down on that fact by realizing that anyone calling themselves a liberal in today's America is also admitting that they
follow the anti Christian agenda/ideology of Marxism/Communism. There is nothing in the liberal playbook that comes close to
beleiving that any of them have a moral-pro GOD bone in their bodies, with their outright attacks on our school children and
with their combined adherence to killing any and all GOD's children from the womb.
Not only are you right on the mark by saying its impossible for any liberal to be a Christian, but lets take it one step further by
doubling down on that fact by realizing that anyone calling themselves a liberal in today's America is also admitting that they
follow the anti Christian agenda/ideology of Marxism/Communism. There is nothing in the liberal playbook that comes close to
beleiving that any of them have a moral-pro GOD bone in their bodies, with their outright attacks on our school children and
with their combined adherence to killing any and all GOD's children from the womb.
Haters can't be Christians, Hater.
Not only are you right on the mark by saying its impossible for any liberal to be a Christian, but lets take it one step further by
doubling down on that fact by realizing that anyone calling themselves a liberal in today's America is also admitting that they
follow the anti Christian agenda/ideology of Marxism/Communism. There is nothing in the liberal playbook that comes close to
beleiving that any of them have a moral-pro GOD bone in their bodies, with their outright attacks on our school children and
with their combined adherence to killing any and all GOD's children from the womb.

What a bunch of stupid nonsense.
Trump received more electoral votes

Hillary should have smoked him on electoral votes

Did you know electoral votes are handed out per the popular vote?

When a candidate gets enough popular votes they get an electoral vote and whoever gets the most wins the state

All of Hillaroes votes came from the three most populous states, not from the majority of America

So getting the most votes is a meaningless statistic

OMFG you don't know a fucking thing, do you. Electoral votes are not based on population. The smaller the state, the fewer people are allocated for each electoral vote. Can you pick up a fucking civics book and learn something?
Their entire belief system is completely contradictory to the Bible.

Their belief in homosexuality, their desire to kill children in the womb, their proliferation of behavior that mirrors Sodom and Gomorrah to their outright hatred of any and all Christian values.

If a liberal claims they are a Christian they are lying about one or the other but then again that’s what they do.

That is 100% correct
OMFG you don't know a fucking thing, do you. Electoral votes are not based on population. The smaller the state, the fewer people are allocated for each electoral vote. Can you pick up a fucking civics book and learn something?

She might be confusing it with the House of Representatives.
Article II Executive Branch
Section 1 Function and Selection
Clause 1 President's Role

Clause 2 Electors
Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.

ArtII.S1.C2.1 Overview of Electors Appointment Clause
ArtII.S1.C2.2 Historical Background on Electors Appointments Clause
ArtII.S1.C2.3 State Discretion Over Selection of Electors
ArtII.S1.C2.4 Legal Status of Electors
ArtII.S1.C2.5 Discretion of Electors to Choose a President

The last one is good:
The Constitution does not prohibit electors from casting their ballots as they wish and occasionally electors have done so.1 In 1968, for example, a Republican elector in North Carolina chose to cast his vote for George Wallace, the independent candidate who had won the second greatest number of votes rather than for Richard M. Nixon, who had won a plurality in the state. Members of the House of Representatives and the Senate objected to counting that vote for Mr. Wallace, insisting that it should be counted for Mr. Nixon, but both bodies decided to count the vote as cast.2 More recently, the 2016 election saw a historic number of faithless electors, with seven electors recorded voting for someone other than their party’s nominee.3
To prevent so-called faithless electors from departing from the preferences expressed by voters, most states require electors to pledge to support their parties’ nominees.4 In Ray v. Blair, the Supreme Court rejected a constitutional challenge to a party rule requiring elector candidates to pledge that they would support the nominees elected in the primary in the general election.5 The Court first concluded that excluding electors who refuse to pledge their support for the party’s nominees was an exercise of the state’s right to appoint electors in such manner, subject to possible constitutional limitations, as it may choose.6
The Court also concluded that the pledge requirement did not violate the Twelfth Amendment, rejecting the argument that the Twelfth Amendment demands absolute freedom for the elector to vote his own choice, uninhibited by a pledge.7 Noting the long-standing practice supporting the expectation that electors will support party nominees, the Court said that even if such promises of candidates for the electoral college are legally unenforceable because violative of an assumed constitutional freedom of the elector under the Constitution, Article II, Section 1, to vote as he may choose in the electoral college, it would not follow that the requirement of a pledge in the primary is unconstitutional.8
Ray left open the question of whether states could enforce these pledge requirements through sanctions—a question later considered in Chiafalo v. Washington.9 In Chiafalo, the Court considered a Washington law that provided that electors who failed to comply with a pledge to vote for their party nominees would face a civil fine.10 Three electors who were fined after breaking their pledge in the 2016 presidential election challenged the law.11 The Supreme Court confirmed that a state’s power to appoint an elector includes the power to condition his appointment,12 and further clarified that as long as no other constitutional provision prohibits it, the state’s appointment power also enables the enforcement of a pledge through a law such as Washington’s.13 The Court emphasized that the barebones text of Article II and the Twelfth Amendment provide only for [a]ppointments and procedures and do not expressly prohibit[ ] States from taking away presidential electors’ voting discretion.14 Finally, the Court recognized that historical practice supported Washington’s law, as electors have only rarely exercised discretion in casting their ballots for President and tate election laws evolved to reinforce this practice.15

Welcome to the world of post-humanism, sir. A world which you sadly helped birth. And nothing secular will withstand it, as you can no doubt see.

I say this with genuine sorrow, not least because I know that you're a real scientist--with the faith in the logos of the cosmos that entails.

Yet here we are. And it wouldn't surprise me at all if the woke polytheistic neopaganists destroy science faster than they destroy Christianity
OMFG you don't know a fucking thing, do you. Electoral votes are not based on population. The smaller the state, the fewer people are allocated for each electoral vote. Can you pick up a fucking civics book and learn something?

Then tell us how a state allocates their electoral votes if not through their popular vote

Do they just randomly pick a candidate to give them to?

You are an idiot
Then tell us how a state allocates their electoral votes if not through their popular vote

Do they just randomly pick a candidate to give them to?

You are an idiot

Two points. States allocate their electoral votes any way they see fit. Some states split them. Second point, the smaller a state's population, the more each vote counts towards the electoral college.

Since only one of us knew that, I'd guess that the OTHER person is the idiot.
They are probably reacting to your attitude towards them

They may be, but when they cheat on their wife that's not because of me. When they road rage that's not because of me. When they support the "current thing" that's not because of me. When they spend 5 hours per year in church that's not because of me. I could go on. Do I have to? You get the point?
Liberalism has a definition and you either fit into that definition or you don’t

Part of that definition is a hate towards God so it is not a blanket statement

An analogy would be saying you can’t be a socialist and believe in capitalism because capitalism is contrary to socialism just like being a Christian is contrary to being a liberal

No, my dear. You do not get to make up your own definitions and then insist that everyone else agree with them.

Your analogy was pulled from your anus and is covered with shit. You are not very good at this, Stinker.
Their entire belief system is completely contradictory to the Bible.

Their belief in homosexuality, their desire to kill children in the womb, their proliferation of behavior that mirrors Sodom and Gomorrah to their outright hatred of any and all Christian values.

If a liberal claims they are a Christian they are lying about one or the other but then again that’s what they do.

I'm not sure there are any liberal Christians posting here... Most have abandoned the religion they embraced growing up....
Good info.

Mormons, like Evangelicals, are heavily Republican, but they are a smaller group of Protestants compared to others.

As a percentage of population:

What is "unaffiliated"? Atheist? Agnostic? Goes to a Christian church that's non-denominational?
I'm not sure there are any liberal Christians posting here... Most have abandoned the religion they embraced growing up....

Really? Remember that guy you used to tag after, calling him "Ox" and "Stone" and mocking him for his openly-discussed health issues? The guy your crybully buddy doesn't know but who she hates with a passion because you gave her all the "dirt" on him, that you made up? Jade Dragon ring a bell? He posted a response to the OP on the first page of this discussion.
I was right....Proclamations do not a devout Democrat liberal progressive Christian make... unless someone is in confession for lies and attacks every other day... because no one can be that naive...for that long...;)
Really? Remember that guy you used to tag after, calling him "Ox" and "Stone" and mocking him for his openly-discussed health issues? The guy your crybully buddy doesn't know but who she hates with a passion because you gave her all the "dirt" on him, that you made up? Jade Dragon ring a bell? He posted a response to the OP on the first page of this discussion.
Growing up you don’t get to pick your religion, you generally practice the religion of your parents. When children grow up many continue to practice the faith, others find their own way, new denominations or they leave the faith. There is only 1 still practicing Catholicism out of 8 of us children, 3 Evangelicals, sporadic church attendance, 1 Catholic attending church but unable to receive Communion because she’s divorced and remarried, 1 Episcopalian, 2 non practicing any religion and 1 Agnostic.
Growing up you don’t get to pick your religion, you generally practice the religion of your parents. When children grow up many continue to practice the faith, others find their own way, new denominations or they leave the faith. There is only 1 still practicing Catholicism out of 8 of us children, 3 Evangelicals, sporadic church attendance, 1 Catholic attending church but unable to receive Communion because she’s divorced and remarried, 1 Episcopalian, 2 non practicing any religion and 1 Agnostic.

Only one of my siblings returned to the Christian faith. That was my late brother, and he did not return till he was diagnosed with the cancer that took him. None of my kids profess to any religious beliefs, although they were raised as Catholic.
I was right....Proclamations do not a devout Democrat liberal progressive Christian make... unless someone is in confession for lies and attacks every other day... because no one can be that naive...for that long...;)

Waiter! Excuse me, but could I get some dressing for this word salad, and would you mind picking out the bitter parts for me? Thanks so much. :rofl2: