Liberals can’t be Christians

How do know what Nixon or Trump believed and how they related to God?

They never went to church as adults and in their private lives they never appeared to practice any kind of Christianity. If Nixon and Trump ever mentioned God and devout faith in their speeches, it undoubtedly seemed fake and contrived by speech writers
Which one was that? I didn't see a 17%.

You have to read the text for details: The most substantial cultural and political divides are between white Christians and Christians of color. More than four in ten Americans (44%) identify as white Christian, including white evangelical Protestants (14%), white mainline (non-evangelical) Protestants (16%), and white Catholics (12%), as well as small percentages who identify as Latter-day Saint (Mormon), Jehovah’s Witness, and Orthodox Christian[2]. Christians of color include Hispanic Catholics (8%), Black Protestants (7%), Hispanic Protestants (4%), other Protestants of color (4%), and other Catholics of color (2%)[3]. The rest of religiously affiliated Americans belong to non-Christian groups, including 1% who are Jewish, 1% Muslim, 1% Buddhist, 0.5% Hindu, and 1% who identify with other religions. Religiously unaffiliated Americans comprise those who do not claim any particular religious affiliation (17%) and those who identify as atheist (3%) or agnostic (3%).

17 + 3 + 3 = 23% in the pie chart under "Unaffiliated"
Provide a link to a reputable website to prove all your claims.

Wait a minute, you worship Trump who bangs porn stars and pays them off

Maybe Stormy was a Christian porn star? LOL

Trump lies, steals, commits adultery, badmouthed his own mother, worships money over God, doesn't keep the Sabbath. How many other of the Ten Commandments does he break on regular basis?
He was a notorious cheater on his wife and also straight up plagiarized many of his speeches which he got caught on

He never once even apologized

In fact the day he was shot he had another girl in his room he was banging that night

I don’t care what degree he had or what his job was, it’s your actions that make you a Christian and he certainly never acted like one

I bet you don't make the same self-righteous judgments about your #MaliciousMangoMessiah though, do you? After all, HE has proclaimed himself to be Christian. Yet fucks porn stars and grabs women's crotches, cheats, steals, lies, fornicates, worships mammon, does not attend church, bullies, etc. etc.

No, it's not actions, despite your claim. In fact, you are such a third-rate troll that you just posted this: "How do know what Nixon or Trump believed and how they related to God?" So obviously you don't believe in your bullshit about "it’s your actions that make you a Christian."

You've been owned again. And again. lol
I actually believe Republicans have a record of voting for atheists. Trump and Nixon appear to have been atheist in deed and practice in their private lives, and Reagan may have danced on the edge of atheism; at a bare minimum he was strictly irreligious personally

I'm not so sure that's atheist as much as unaffiliated, non-practicing or simply agnostic.
They never went to church as adults and in their private lives they never appeared to practice any kind of Christianity. If Nixon and Trump ever mentioned God and devout faith in their speeches, it undoubtedly seemed fake and contrived by speech writers

Good that you know what God does.
I actually believe Republicans have a record of voting for atheists. Trump and Nixon appear to have been atheist in deed and practice in their private lives, and Reagan may have danced on the edge of atheism; at a bare minimum he was strictly irreligious personally

Republicans, esp. MAGATs, just pay lip service to Jesus. Following His instructions and those of His father is just too damn hard.
Or anything other than white "Christian" American.

It appears so. IMO, it's pretty obvious that a "Christian Nationalist" is not following in the path of Jesus:

Republicans, esp. MAGATs, just pay lip service to Jesus. Following His instructions and those of His father is just too damn hard.

I think MAGAs have somehow acquired a false interpretation of what Luther, Calvin, and the founders of Protestantism taught. They mistakenly believe they can sin, curse, lie as much as they want, but as long as they claim to profess faith in Jesus they have been given grace and salvation
I think MAGAs have somehow acquired a false interpretation of what Luther, Calvin, and the founders of Protestantism taught. They mistakenly believe they can sin, curse, lie as much as they want, but as long as they claim to profess faith in Jesus they have been given grace and salvation

Good thing you know what God believes.
You have to read the text for details: The most substantial cultural and political divides are between white Christians and Christians of color. More than four in ten Americans (44%) identify as white Christian, including white evangelical Protestants (14%), white mainline (non-evangelical) Protestants (16%), and white Catholics (12%), as well as small percentages who identify as Latter-day Saint (Mormon), Jehovah’s Witness, and Orthodox Christian[2]. Christians of color include Hispanic Catholics (8%), Black Protestants (7%), Hispanic Protestants (4%), other Protestants of color (4%), and other Catholics of color (2%)[3]. The rest of religiously affiliated Americans belong to non-Christian groups, including 1% who are Jewish, 1% Muslim, 1% Buddhist, 0.5% Hindu, and 1% who identify with other religions. Religiously unaffiliated Americans comprise those who do not claim any particular religious affiliation (17%) and those who identify as atheist (3%) or agnostic (3%).

17 + 3 + 3 = 23% in the pie chart under "Unaffiliated"
