Liberals can’t be Christians

Hi, devout Christian that votes Democrat here. Yep, I put up with all their crap because Republicans are the antithesis of Christianity. They seem to put wealth and prosperity above Christian values, they want to cut funding to help the needy all while propping up those with wealth. That's one thumb in the eye of Christ. They mistreat and blame so much on sojourners. Another thumb in Christ's eye. So many of them scream the sanctity of life but ignore its sanctity when they feel it will be a burden or they actually have to sacrifice something to preserve its sanctity. Another thumb in Christ's eye. I could go on and on but that makes for an unrealistic amount to read. You get my point.

The most famous American Christian of the 20th century, Martin Luther King, Jr. was not only considered progressive in thought and deed, he was practically considered a communist in the 60s by the more reactionary whites.
Methinks it would help if any and all anti Christians, i.e. liberals posting in this thread, go back and re-read the OP to see if you as a lefty
can in good conscious refute some or any of those points that clearly prove that you are indeed anti Christians.
The most famous American Christian of the 20th century, Martin Luther King, Jr. was not only considered progressive in thought and deed, he was practically considered a communist in the 60s by the more reactionary whites.

And lest we forget, there's Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter, Joe Biden, the Obamas...
Methinks it would help if any and all anti Christians, i.e. liberals posting in this thread, go back and re-read the OP to see if you as a lefty
can in good conscious refute some or any of those points that clearly prove that you are indeed anti Christians.

What is "unaffiliated"? Atheist? Agnostic? Goes to a Christian church that's non-denominational?

Yes on atheist and agnostic. I think non-denomiational is "other".

From the link: "Religiously unaffiliated Americans comprise those who do not claim any particular religious affiliation (17%) and those who identify as atheist (3%) or agnostic (3%)."

I'd fit into a few different categories on the pie chart, but if I had to pick one, it'd be the 17%.
Methinks it would help if any and all anti Christians, i.e. liberals posting in this thread, go back and re-read the OP to see if you as a lefty
can in good conscious refute some or any of those points that clearly prove that you are indeed anti Christians.

Haters can't be Christians, Hater, but Lefties can be Christians as shown by Cypress in post #49:

Tink's dishonesty by refusing to answer questions about her statements indicates, like you, a level of dishonesty. It could simply be a mental disorder including sadism, stupidity or maliciousness. In your case, I'm considering a combination of all three.
Yes on atheist and agnostic. I think non-denomiational is "other".

From the link: "Religiously unaffiliated Americans comprise those who do not claim any particular religious affiliation (17%) and those who identify as atheist (3%) or agnostic (3%)."

I'd fit into a few different categories on the pie chart, but if I had to pick one, it'd be the 17%.

Which one was that? I didn't see a 17%.
I doubt he was a Christian

He was a Baptist minister who obtained a PhD in theology from Boston University seminary school. Which indicates he had a commitment in his life to a path towards God and divine truth that none of the MAGAs on this forum have ever demonstrated.
Haters can't be Christians, Hater, but Lefties can be Christians as shown by Cypress in post #49:

Tink's dishonesty by refusing to answer questions about her statements indicates, like you, a level of dishonesty. It could simply be a mental disorder including sadism, stupidity or maliciousness. In your case, I'm considering a combination of all three.

Most likely it's just pure trolling for attention/reaction. Stinker reminds me a lot of Toxic, only somewhat more coherent. But same preachy, judgy proclamations of opinion which they call "truth" but which are actually exhibitions of bigotry, bitterness, and hate.
He was a Baptist minister who obtained a PhD in theology from Boston University seminary school. Which indicates he had a commitment in his life to a path towards God and divine truth that none of the MAGAs on this forum have ever demonstrated.

He was a notorious cheater on his wife and also straight up plagiarized many of his speeches which he got caught on

He never once even apologized

In fact the day he was shot he had another girl in his room he was banging that night

I don’t care what degree he had or what his job was, it’s your actions that make you a Christian and he certainly never acted like one
And lest we forget, there's Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter, Joe Biden, the Obamas...

I actually believe Republicans have a record of voting for atheists. Trump and Nixon appear to have been atheist in deed and practice in their private lives, and Reagan may have danced on the edge of atheism; at a bare minimum he was strictly irreligious personally
I actually believe Republicans have a record of voting for atheists. Trump and Nixon appear to have been atheist in deed and practice in their private lives, and Reagan may have danced on the edge of atheism; at a bare minimum he was strictly irreligious personally

How do know what Nixon or Trump believed and how they related to God?
He was a notorious cheater on his wife and also straight up plagiarized many of his speeches which he got caught on

He never once even apologized

In fact the day he was shot he had another girl in his room he was banging that night

I don’t care what degree he had or what his job was, it’s your actions that make you a Christian and he certainly never acted like one

Provide a link to a reputable website to prove all your claims.

Wait a minute, you worship Trump who bangs porn stars and pays them off