Liberals can’t be Christians

That’s a pretty big generalization
Please explain why you think it's a 'big generalization", Tink.

You're free to run from the question as you so often do, but I would like to have a civil discussion on the matter.

Here, I'll start: I'm in the 24% below because I believe people who force their religious views upon others are violating the First Amendment. OCT 2022
In their own words: How Americans describe ‘Christian nationalism’
A new Pew Research Center survey finds that more than half of all U.S. adults (54%) have not heard or read anything about Christian nationalism. An additional 16% of Americans have heard at least “a little” about Christian nationalism but say they have neither a favorable nor unfavorable view of it, or that they don’t know enough to take a position. And about one-quarter of all Americans (24%) express an unfavorable view of Christian nationalism, while 5% view it favorably.

The survey asked 2,540 respondents who have heard at least “a little” about Christian nationalism: “In your own words, what does the phrase ‘Christian nationalism’ mean to you?” Many describe “Christian nationalism” in terms of Christian dominance in society, while others associate the concept with racism, authoritarianism, bigotry and exclusion. A smaller portion of Americans describe it as the positive influence of faith and morals in society. The following selection of responses captures the range of different views expressed.

What is "unaffiliated"? Atheist? Agnostic? Goes to a Christian church that's non-denominational?

I think the way these polls are generally done are that unaffiliated includes agnostic, atheist, and people who feel vaguely religious or spiritual but do not actively participate in any church, temple, synagogue, or mosque, or organized religious community.
I think MAGAs have somehow acquired a false interpretation of what Luther, Calvin, and the founders of Protestantism taught. They mistakenly believe they can sin, curse, lie as much as they want, but as long as they claim to profess faith in Jesus they have been given grace and salvation

Agreed. They wear their Christianity as a mask and use it as a shield against disagreement while they push very unChristian ideas such as lying, advocating treating others as lesser humans and put profit over morals.
I think the way these polls are generally done are that unaffiliated includes agnostic, atheist, and people who feel vaguely religious or spiritual but do not actively participate in any church, temple, synagogue, or mosque.

Atheists looooove to use such figures to pump up their numbers, but the reality is that very few people believe "when you're dead, you're dead". Most believe there is more to existence than our physical being.
You mean, like your OP? Oops. :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:

Especially her hatred of others. Haters can't be Christians. LibHater literally claims to be a hater and regularly spreads lies and hatred against those who do not align with him politically. Tink does so to a lesser extent. In short, they put politics over being a good Christian.

Their entire belief system is completely contradictory to the Bible.

Their belief in homosexuality, their desire to kill children in the womb, their proliferation of behavior that mirrors Sodom and Gomorrah to their outright hatred of any and all Christian values.

If a liberal claims they are a Christian they are lying about one or the other but then again that’s what they do.

Not only are you right on the mark by saying its impossible for any liberal to be a Christian, but lets take it one step further by
doubling down on that fact by realizing that anyone calling themselves a liberal in today's America is also admitting that they
follow the anti Christian agenda/ideology of Marxism/Communism. There is nothing in the liberal playbook that comes close to
beleiving that any of them have a moral-pro GOD bone in their bodies, with their outright attacks on our school children and
with their combined adherence to killing any and all GOD's children from the womb.
I think the way these polls are generally done are that unaffiliated includes agnostic, atheist, and people who feel vaguely religious or spiritual but do not actively participate in any church, temple, synagogue, or mosque, or organized religious community.

That makes sense. The strawman-building OP is trying to insist that few or no liberals/Dems are really Christians because she doesn't agree with LW political positions. Yet she seems to forget -- or never knew to begin with -- that a large number of Black Americans are fervent Christians, often of the born-again variety. No doubt she is aware that the majority of Black Americans vote for (D) candidates by a huge margin.

She is confused as hell, but at least her trolling won her some attention.
I'm not so sure that's atheist as much as unaffiliated, non-practicing or simply agnostic.

I consider myself agnostic, which means while I think it's possible nothing is real but electrons, quarks, and energy, I also leave open the possibility of a higher truth and a universal organizing principle.

I don't see Trump or Nixon being that self reflective at all. They strike me as strict materialists for whom the only reality is money, power, material aquisition.
I consider myself agnostic, which means while I think it's possible nothing is real but electrons, quarks, and energy, I also leave open the possibility of a higher truth and a universal organizing principle.

I don't see Trump or Nixon being that self reflective at all. They strike me as strict materialists for whom the only reality is money, power, material aquisition.

Nixon was a Quaker. Did God tell you otherwise?
I consider myself agnostic, which means while I think it's possible nothing is real but electrons, quarks, and energy, I also leave open the possibility of a higher truth and a universal organizing principle.

I don't see Trump or Nixon being that self reflective at all. They strike me as strict materialists for whom the only reality is money, power, material aquisition.

I'm a believer, but not a Bible literalist.

Trump worships money. He is consumed by avarice. Nixon is/was more reflective, but he certainly became consumed by his own lust for power.

As the link below notes, Nixon was a broken man after resigning. He returned to become an elder statesman and worked with both Democratic and Republican Presidents to normalize relations with China. I can never see Trump giving a fuck about anything but himself and his wallet.
Nixon then began tentatively to reenter to public eye. He traveled to China in 1976. Much of the international community could not understand the fuss over Watergate, and the former President was warmly received by his Chinese hosts. He made his first public speech in 1978 in a small town in Kentucky before a friendly audience, and he mostly concentrated his first post-presidential appearances on small gatherings of supporters. In 1980, the Nixons moved to New York City, which allowed them to be back in the heart of activity, and then two years later they moved to the community of Saddle River, New Jersey. He and Pat spent considerable time with their children and grandchildren.

Meanwhile, Nixon began to reclaim a place on the national scene. He dispensed his advice to all who would listen, including talking to President Jimmy Carter about normalizing relations with China in 1978. Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush began to consult him although they did not publicize that fact. Republicans were still wary of the public's reaction to Nixon but they were interested in his opinions about foreign affairs. He remained an acknowledged expert on foreign policy, gave countless speeches around the world, and authored several well-regarded books...
That makes sense. The strawman-building OP is trying to insist that few or no liberals/Dems are really Christians because she doesn't agree with LW political positions. Yet she seems to forget -- or never knew to begin with -- that a large number of Black Americans are fervent Christians, often of the born-again variety. No doubt she is aware that the majority of Black Americans vote for (D) candidates by a huge margin.

She is confused as hell, but at least her trolling won her some attention.
great point

The most important thing probably is to cultivate and practice the ethical vision (as seen through 21st century eyes) articulated by the New Testament, Jesus, the Jewish prophets, or Confucius, The Buddha, and Krishna for those of Asian heritage. Irrespective of the religious content.

Anyone who has embraced that ethical vision, even if the religious content is stripped away, is on the right path.
Nixon was a Quaker. Did God tell you otherwise?

Nixon's family was Quaker.

There is no evidence that after he became an adult Nixon ever went to Friends Meetings or practiced the rituals and tenets of the Society of Friends in his personal life.

All available evidence indicates he abandoned the Quaker tradition of his parents
Nixon's family was Quaker.

There is no evidence that after he became an adult Nixon ever went to Friends Meetings or practiced the rituals and tenets of the Society of Friends in his personal life.

All available evidence indicates he abandoned the Quaker tradition of his parents

God told you that. Good.
So you know what Jesus loves? Jesus love homosexuals, I dont think he's so fond of homosexuality however. The difference is lost in you twits.

The fact you spread hate against others, Yak, means you are not walking the path of Jesus.
Please explain why you think it's a 'big generalization", Tink.

You're free to run from the question as you so often do, but I would like to have a civil discussion on the matter.

Here, I'll start: I'm in the 24% below because I believe people who force their religious views upon others are violating the First Amendment. OCT 2022
In their own words: How Americans describe ‘Christian nationalism’

When have we ever forced a view on you?
That makes sense. The strawman-building OP is trying to insist that few or no liberals/Dems are really Christians because she doesn't agree with LW political positions. Yet she seems to forget -- or never knew to begin with -- that a large number of Black Americans are fervent Christians, often of the born-again variety. No doubt she is aware that the majority of Black Americans vote for (D) candidates by a huge margin.

She is confused as hell, but at least her trolling won her some attention.

Voting has nothing to do with Christianity

Christians do many things everyday that have nothing to do with religion or their beliefs
Voting has nothing to do with Christianity

Christians do many things everyday that have nothing to do with religion or their beliefs

Is this your way of acknowledging that many Black Americans are deeply religious, practicing Christians, who also vote for Democrats/liberals because their beliefs align with their principles? Good. Perhaps there is hope for you.

BTW, if "voting has nothing to do with Christianity," why then do you assume that anyone who votes for ppl on the Left is not a Christian? You're talking out of both of your orifices again.

Here, have a meme. :laugh:
