Liberals can’t be Christians

When have we ever forced a view on you?

Prayer in schools. Criminalizing abortion. Bans on books you don't like. Homophobic laws and opposition to SSM and interracial marriage. Intelligent design in the biology classroom. "In God We Trust" on money. The Ten Commandments in court houses. No women pastors/priests in Baptist or Catholic churches. Can't buy liquor on Sundays, or at all (in some places).

Fortunately our secular Constitution and secular laws have quashed a lot of this Xtian Sharia stuff.
Nixon's family was Quaker.

There is no evidence that after he became an adult Nixon ever went to Friends Meetings or practiced the rituals and tenets of the Society of Friends in his personal life.

All available evidence indicates he abandoned the Quaker tradition of his parents

'If we accept Nixon’s membership in East Whittier Friends Church as sufficient, Richard Nixon was a Quaker. However, in all his adult years, Nixon never attended East Whittier or any other Quaker meeting. He never “showed up” at Quaker events; and—according to Mary McKinney—the bare minimum for being a Quaker is to show up and to be as authentic as possible. Unfortunately, Nixon was an inveterate liar who only mentioned Quakerism when it served his political purposes. In fact, he came to rely on Billy Graham and evangelical Protestantism to present himself as a Christian trying to follow in Jesus’ footsteps."
'If we accept Nixon’s membership in East Whittier Friends Church as sufficient, Richard Nixon was a Quaker. However, in all his adult years, Nixon never attended East Whittier or any other Quaker meeting. He never “showed up” at Quaker events; and—according to Mary McKinney—the bare minimum for being a Quaker is to show up and to be as authentic as possible. Unfortunately, Nixon was an inveterate liar who only mentioned Quakerism when it served his political purposes. In fact, he came to rely on Billy Graham and evangelical Protestantism to present himself as a Christian trying to follow in Jesus’ footsteps."

You could take any US President and question whether they are Christian.

Jesus taught to turn the other cheek. No US President would believe such a thing.
You could take any US President and question whether they are Christian.

Jesus taught to turn the other cheek. No US President would believe such a thing.

Saint Augustine also wrote that a Christian also has a duty to the state as a citizen, so strict and unequivocal pacifism isn't really an option.
Their entire belief system is completely contradictory to the Bible.

Their belief in homosexuality, their desire to kill children in the womb, their proliferation of behavior that mirrors Sodom and Gomorrah to their outright hatred of any and all Christian values.

If a liberal claims they are a Christian they are lying about one or the other but then again that’s what they do.

Eat shit,Satan cocksucker breath
Saint Augustine also wrote that a Christian also has a duty to the state as a citizen, so strict and unequivocal pacifism isn't really an option.

Obviously some Christians like Amish and such absolutely believe in pacifism and avoid anything to do with the state and the secular world as much as possible.
Prayer in schools. Criminalizing abortion. Bans on books you don't like. Homophobic laws and opposition to SSM and interracial marriage. Intelligent design in the biology classroom. "In God We Trust" on money. The Ten Commandments in court houses. No women pastors/priests in Baptist or Catholic churches. Can't buy liquor on Sundays, or at all (in some places).

Fortunately our secular Constitution and secular laws have quashed a lot of this Xtian Sharia stuff.

Prayer in schools sounds like a great thing to the Right Wing! At least till the first Muslim showed up with a pray rug and wanted to face Mecca during Geometry
Who cares what Augustine said. Do you even care about the teaching of Jesus?
Saint Augustine is the second most important human in the Christian tradition after Paul

Jesus didn't hand anyone any books, or written canon of law.

It was the Church and the church fathers who compiled which writings would comprise the New Testament, and declared them scripture. Therefore, many consider that it is the Church's purview to interpret what the New Testament means.

I always felt that the turn the other cheek principle mentioned in the Sermon on the Mount was an admonishment against seeking vengeance...

Revenge is a sin.

No serious person in the mainstream Christian tradition thinks it means you can't practice self defense or fight a morally just war
Jesus didn't hand anyone any books, or written canon of law.

It was the Church and the church fathers who compiled which writings would comprise the New Testament, and declared them scripture. Therefore, many consider that it is the Church's purview to interpret what the New Testament means.

I always felt that the turn the other cheek principle mentioned in the Sermon on the Mount was an admonishment to not seek vengeance. Revenge is a sin.

No serious person in the mainstream Christian tradition thinks it means you can't practice self defense or a morally just war

So, you do know that Jesus said turn the other cheek.
Saint Augustine is the second most important human in the Christian tradition after Paul

Jesus didn't hand anyone any books, or written canon of law.

It was the Church and the church fathers who compiled which writings would comprise the New Testament, and declared them scripture. Therefore, many consider that it is the Church's purview to interpret what the New Testament means.

I always felt that the turn the other cheek principle mentioned in the Sermon on the Mount was an admonishment against seeking vengeance...

Revenge is a sin.

No serious person in the mainstream Christian tradition thinks it means you can't practice self defense or fight a morally just war

The Bible is written exactly how God wanted it to be written
Haters can't be Christians, Hater, but Lefties can be Christians as shown by Cypress in post #49:

Tink's dishonesty by refusing to answer questions about her statements indicates, like you, a level of dishonesty. It could simply be a mental disorder including sadism, stupidity or maliciousness. In your case, I'm considering a combination of all three.

First off, anyone that does hate another person doesn't deserve to be or doesn't register as a Christian in my book. But Christians do and can hate certain ideologies (such as I do), like that coming from the Marxist/Communist anti American-anti Christian Democrats.

And as far as democrats having more of their kind being Christian then that of we Republicans, I will leave you with this link that not only disputes that obvious nonsensical link from post #49, but goes into detail as to why democrats are less likely, if at all be aligned with the Christian religion. Many interesting graphs in that link that further my and the OP's great opening post that certainly gives more reason why dems cannot be Christians. Oh, you may claim to be a Christian, but your thoughts, words and actions say otherwise.
First off, anyone that does hate another person doesn't deserve to be or doesn't register as a Christian in my book. But Christians do and can hate certain ideologies (such as I do), like that coming from the Marxist/Communist anti American-anti Christian Democrats.

And as far as democrats having more of their kind being Christian then that of we Republicans, I will leave you with this link that not only disputes that obvious nonsensical link from post #49, but goes into detail as to why democrats are less likely, if at all be aligned with the Christian religion. Many interesting graphs in that link that further my and the OP's great opening post that certainly gives more reason why dems cannot be Christians. Oh, you may claim to be a Christian, but your thoughts, words and actions say otherwise.
Nice of you to confess that, LibHater, and agreed. Haters can't be Christians. You just contracted yourself by admitting you hate ideologies. You repeatedly say you hate Lefties, drag queens, Bud Light, etc.

The data proves you're a liar, LibHater.