Liberals can’t be Christians

The Bible is written exactly how God wanted it to be written


Neither God nor Jesus handed anyone any books, any corpus of law, any scrolls of religious scripture.

Men wrote many things about Jesus and early Christianity in the first and second centuries. It was the Church and Ecclesiastical authorities who decided which books would be canonized, which would be treated as scripture and which wouldn't.

Most world Christian traditions consider it perfectly reasonable that it is in the Church's purview to interpret scripture. The creation of the New Testament canon itself was a form of church interpretation.

Even Luther the founder of the minority sect Protestantism didn't think average random morons should be allowed to come up with their own interpretations of scripture.

Neither God nor Jesus handed anyone any books, any corpus of law, any scrolls of religious scripture.

Men wrote many things about Jesus and early Christianity in the first and second centuries. It was the Church and Ecclesiastical authorities who decided which books would be canonized, which would be treated as scripture and which wouldn't.

Most world Christian traditions consider it perfectly reasonable that it is in the Church's preview to interpret scripture.

Even the founder of the minority sect Protestantism didn't think average random morons should be allowed to come up with their own interpretations of scripture.

So, Bible-no. Jesus-no. Catholic Church-yes.
Nice of you to confess that, LibHater, and agreed. Haters can't be Christians. You just contracted yourself by admitting you hate ideologies. You repeatedly say you hate Lefties, drag queens, Bud Light, etc.

The data proves you're a liar, LibHater.

Show me where I said that I hate lefties, drag queens etc.? Again, I hate with a passion the ideology of you anti American communists. Get that straight.
Show me where I said that I hate lefties, drag queens etc.?

Again, I hate with a passion the ideology of you anti American communists. Get that straight.
Pay me or bet me to do so. Your little Lib Hating dance is ridiculous and dishonest.

There you go again. First you "hate with a passion" then you lie about me. You're a fucking moron if you believe you are a Christian, LIbHATER.

IMO, you're a liar and a hater. If you do something violent or cause others to be harmed, I hope you are taken down with the full force of the law.
So, Bible-no. Jesus-no. Catholic Church-yes.

There is no legitimate and reasonable branch of Christianity that is going to allow Hawkeye10 or Tinkerpeach interpret the New Testament canon and tell the religious community what it means.

Even history's most famous Protestant, Martin Luther, didn't think morons should interpret the bible, although he thought they should read it in the context of church tradition and Church practice
There is no legitimate and reasonable branch of Christianity that is going to allow Hawkeye10 or Tinkerpeach interpret the New Testament canon and tell the religious community what it means.

Even history's most famous Protestant, Martin Luther, didn't think morons should interpret the bible, although he thought they should read it in the context of church tradition and Church practice

Yes, the Catholic church loves the uneducated 'masses'.
So those books that were voted out...... God told them he wanted to rewrite them, or what?

God apparently wanted them out there but not part of the Bible

God doesn’t really explain these things to me

Those secondary texts are just context, they have nothing to do with Gods main message which is salvation through Jesus Christ
So you think God is sitting up there in heaven and saying, “no don’t write that, it’s not what I said”.


God gave us free will. They can write what they want. It's up to each of us to find the truth for ourselves.

John 8:32
Their entire belief system is completely contradictory to the Bible.

Their belief in homosexuality, their desire to kill children in the womb, their proliferation of behavior that mirrors Sodom and Gomorrah to their outright hatred of any and all Christian values.

If a liberal claims they are a Christian they are lying about one or the other but then again that’s what they do.

I don't know who you are- BUT YOU CAN GO AND FUCK YOURSELF!
So God is going to give up control of His message?

Not likely
No. Why would God lose control of anything?

Are you denying God gave us Free Will, Tink?

Are you saying that God couldn't have just programmed the message into our brains or written it in the sky?