Louisiana Requires All Public Classrooms to Display Ten Commandments

I wouldn't... Do you not understand what the definition of bad would be in a classroom full of impressionable young people? Every school has a code of conduct... What is not acceptable ...ot bad... is listed there...
I want to know your opinion.
Thats simply the right wing media lying to you, its not like the blue states require religious doctrine to be posted on the walls.
A lie.

Six states have now passed LGBTQ+ inclusive curriculum legislation—each with a different definition of ‘inclusion’​

You think that teaching kids that there is but one god to worship...is not?
No o0ne is actually teaching anything, Frank.
Beside the point, but teaching kids right from wrong is a mission of parenthood and communal living. The mission of public school is and always has been teaching kids "their A, B, C's".
But teaching them they can change their sex isn't?
No o0ne is actually teaching anything, Frank.

But teaching them they can change their sex isn't?
Well the truth is that you can change your sex organs. Humans have been modifying these for a long time. Why is it any concern of yours? No, I don't think anyone under 18 should have surgery of this type so don't even try.
Anything that would start a fight...;) I had more important things to do in class than Have to stop and take time to break up a fight...
So you do not believe the 10 commandments could start a fight, say between a Christian and a Muslim student?
A widely-splintered Supreme Court, speaking through a variety of separate opinions, on Thursday agreed to allow governments at all levels to keep long-standing religious monuments on public property. More broadly, several of the Justices strongly implied that the day may soon come when the Constitution’s ban on government “establishment of religion” will be relaxed further.
constitution center.org