Louisiana Requires All Public Classrooms to Display Ten Commandments

From your own citation, Jethro.

“A powerful church was a risky prospect, and one that might threaten the success of the revolution.”

“… rendering the church still more toothless as a possible focal point for dissent or counter-revolution.”

Comprendè? Or will you stick to your own willful ignorance?
Although several of the states had established churches in their state for several years. They could not do that after the establishment clause was made applicable to the states (1940s)
Although several of the states had established churches in their state for several years. They could not do that after the establishment clause was made applicable to the states (1940s)
The Supreme Court has no authority to change the Constitution, Dim.
So it violates the First Amendment.
No it doesn't. Read the First Amendment again. I'll even help out those who are interested in learning the truth (which isn't you).

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Don't attempt to (falsely) hide behind the document that you HATE.
Federal law trumps state law!
This is a mindless chant on your part.

Federal law can only be implemented in pursuance of the Constitution, of which is OWNED by the STATES. IOW, the federal government only has power that the STATES, collectively, allow it to have.

Why are you supporting implementing a Russian mindset of government (aka "The Father/Mother") here in THIS nation? I thought that you HAAAAAATED Russia??? ....... or "Putin", as you call it........
It's unconstitutional
No, it isn't. Read the 1st Amendment.
They killed for political power. Period.
Marx believed religion was a social structure that benefited the elite and enslaved the masses. Taking their cue from Marx, Soviet state policy was a kind of scientific materialism that promoted atheism, and specifically sought to oppress and eradicate Christianity, Judaism, Islam within the former Russian empire.

Ever since the French revolution, State sanctioned atheism has been as oppressive to human conscience as has state theocracy.

If I was forced to choose, I would probably live in the former Soviet Union rather than the Islamic Republic of Iran, but that's only because the USSR had recognizably European features in culture, education, science, and society.

Pluralistic societies which do not promote either atheism or state religion are the gold standard to aspire to, IMO.
No it doesn't. The 1st amendment does not apply to the States.
Quit repeating constitutional interpretations that the Supreme Court abandoned 40 years ago. The 1st amendment establishment of religion was made applicable to the states in 1940. Those that believe all the conspiracy theories seem the most uninformed about the Constitution.
Marx believed religion was a social structure that benefited the elite and enslaved the masses. Taking their cue from Marx, Soviet state policy was a kind of scientific materialism that promoted atheism, and specifically sought to oppress and eradicate Christianity, Judaism, Islam within the former Russian empire.

Ever since the French revolution, State sanctioned atheism has been as oppressive to human conscience as has state theocracy.

If I was forced to choose, I would probably live in the former Soviet Union rather than the Islamic Republic of Iran, but that's only because the USSR had recognizably European features in culture, education, science, and society.

Pluralistic societies which do not promote either atheism or state religion are the gold standard to aspire to, IMO.
Marx did not want religion to be illegal.
But he was correct that religion often tells its followers that one need not be loyal to the state because your belief about god is a higher law.
Marx did not want religion to be illegal.
But he was correct that religion often tells its followers that one need not be loyal to the state because your belief about god is a higher law.
It is higher. Ill give you credit though at least you admit "the state" is your god.
When I graduated from High School, we had a baccalaureate service... no lawsuits...Did anyone else have one?